Friday, May 28, 2021


 Well, we will see how things work out teaching/learning online with the boys, but today we got hooked up with Zoom. So now they will only come over one day a week and work online with me two days a week. The summer heat should not be a problem this way. And they can access their copy of Grammar To Go while talking with me at the same time. How neat, huh!

The boys brought their weed eaters this morning and had to let it go because of the rain, but maybe soon the front yard will get a little help if it dries out at all. This weather has just been totally weird. But not that we can gripe. Yes, Quanah got some nasty hail stones thrown at them early this morning, but all we got here was high winds. Don't think it affected anything on this place.

Asked Maggie Sewell and her husband David to come get some eggs and sent home some Bluebonnet and poppy seeds--and a few Buffalo Clover seeds. Here's hoping they all grow. Maggie had given me an Aloe Vera plant that is doing well. Had a really big one out in the green house/chicken coop that froze solid. sigh It was too big to bring inside, so probably should have broken off a big chunk and tried to root it. Oh well. Shoulda, coulda, and all that.

Thompson caught another dove a bit ago but did not kill it. Placed it on top of the trash bin and now it is sitting on the fence. We shall see if it is still there in the morning. Meanwhile he chased the ducks out of the yard again when he went whizzing around the carport to chase a rabbit. Don't think he even noticed the silly ducks, but they weren't taking any chances. Smart ducks.

Would appreciate prayers for my friend Connie. Kinda think she has tonsillitis or some such, but she went to the Urgent Care because of her headache, blurred vision, and all around malaise. Dr. Blackwell is out of town and wanted her to see someone today rather than wait until she got back. Headaches can be scary--especially with blurred vision.

Cooked a skirt steak this morning. SO tender! Maybe skirt steak is a bit expensive in a way, but if every tiny bite is that excellent, it is worth the money. In a couple of days the liver will be the next in the line to be cooked. Yes, Jennifer is making her puke face. She would not even let liver in her house! Her husband feels that way about cabbage. To each his own, right?

Know that my water bill is down in the post box, but don't really care about it right now. Maybe tomorrow. It just feels like so very few things really need to be done, so why bother? Dust mopped, changed the sheets, did the laundry, and vacuumed the rug under my office chair--about enough messing around for one day, wouldn't you say? Of course, going out to let the chickens out at 6 and then putting them up after 8:30 and collecting the eggs are always necessary items on the to-do list. Then there is that silly broody hen. Beginning to wonder if she is even going to live. She hardly eats at all. Took her off of her nest and put her down beside the water bowls. She got a couple of good drinks before the dogs came over to check her out. She was ready to fight! Only a broody hen will do that. But after the dogs were convinced to leave her alone, she had some grass, so maybe she will get calmed down and start going in with the rest of the hens tonight. If not, she will be put in there whether or not she likes it! Silly chicken.

Wish it were possible to put up a big sign at the end of the street next to the highway that tells folks that they can't access the lake from this little lane. They come down here hauling a big boat behind them and then think they are going to turn it around. Such fun. Don't know who the guy is who owns the land at the end near the highway, but he has never spoken to me, so won't be talking to him. At least he had his grass cut down short! Now if the woman who owns the other corner would cut her grass, it might look as if someone around this area cares about things. What does any of this have to do with people turning around on our road? Just wish the guy with the open lot would let me put a sign up down there. Ah well. Folks would not bother to read it anyway.

Reading a book today about a woman who owned a shop that was dedicated to recycling, upcycling, and reusing stuff. She was Italian and quite a cook, but the neatest thing mentioned was the fact that she put cooked sweet potatoes in her brownies! Who would have thought about something like that! Guess that would be one way to be sure that they would be moist.

Really don't know much tonight. It may not rain tomorrow, but rain is in the forecast after that. Strange world. The only news that might be a bit interesting--if you have had covid and then later got the inoculation, you may not need to get a booster at all for years. Not sure about those of us who just got the one jab of the J&J vaccine. Not planning on getting anything else if at all possible to avoid it. Too many people have had reactions to the other vaccines. And the J&J is supposed to be 63% effective against the new variants in Europe. Sometimes it pays to be patient.

Here is hoping that our world is calm this weekend. Let us be grateful for all the blessings given to us. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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