Thursday, May 20, 2021

Remembering Our Dogs.

 When the postman came this morning to bring an awkwardly shaped box, he stood back from the front door when the dogs approached the window next to the door. He said something about the dogs not liking anyone on their porch. Yep, told him that they mean business, too. He nodded his head and agreed that it would certainly seem so. Recently wired a sign on the front gate that says Warning: Security Dog. Thompson probably can't jump over the fence, but it really would not do for anyone to put a hand over the fence into the back yard, either. These dogs are the most aggressively "friendly" dogs that have ever lived on this place. They know who is a friend immediately. HOW they know is beyond me. Maybe it is something about my approach to others that gives it away. Not sure.

We have had two Chows over the years. Nando was the sweetest critter around and would not bite a biscuit unless he had permission. Baloo, however, was very territorial and concerned with anything or person that came inside the yard. And yes, he would bite. Two men came in the back yard one night, and one ended up in the hospital with bites to his leg. Never did have anyone try to come in that way again. He was one of Lewis' favorite dogs next to HarleyB. 

Years ago one of Hanan's friends in Arizona or someplace found a dog coming down the street dragging a chain. It was hungry and had sores all over it, but Jason fed it and took it to Hanan in Santa Monica. The dog would not leave Hanan's side if it had a choice at all. Hanan tried to leave Cody with a friend over a weekend, and the dog dug under the guy's fence and went back to where Hanan lived. The dog dug BACK under Hanan's fence to get into his own back yard. Not gonna leave him anywhere strange! When we brought Hanan and Cody back to Texas, Cody had to stay with us. By that time we had a puppy called Thompson. Cody had no idea how to treat a puppy, but Thompson soon taught Cody how to play. Hanan said it had not even dawned on him that Cody had never known how to play. But tug of war and chase soon had both dogs in great shape. Thompson used to love to go get a stick and bring it back. He did not care if it was the SAME stick that was thrown or not, so when he brought Hanan an apricot tree trunk, we just sat there and laughed out loud! 

Sylvia was a compassionate rescue. We were the fifth family for her. She was so very hyper that she did not know how to act or even be still long enough for someone to teach her something. About all she has ever been able to learn is "sit" and "come." Sometimes it seems like she could tear up an anvil, but she is also a sweetheart who loves me and listens to my tone of voice. Could not have asked for a more perceptive dog for the past three years.

Many dogs have lived on this ol' hill over the years, and all of them have been well loved. Thompson and Sylvia "own" the living room couch and a corner of my bed. And no rabbit is safe inside the yard fence--not to mention ducks, black birds, and stupid doves that get caught inside the hen coops! Not much gets past these two dogs, so there is the guard aspect as well. Anyone hearing their growls and barks cannot mistake their intentions. 

Looking forward to tomorrow evening. Jennifer is supposed to be here and spend the night. That hardly ever happens. Will have to convince Sylvia to sleep in her crate, but she will if told more than once. And Jenn gets to sleep on the new bed frame that she and Gary bought for me! She is shorter legged than the old woman, so she may need the stool just to get in bed!

Thompson just came over and indicated a scratching situation. Sylvia can hardly stand for him to get that much attention, so she always manages to push herself between us. He still got his scratches.

Had a series of text messages that started with Jenn showing me a picture of a xylophone for chickens. That got misdirected to calling my hens miscreants by Lance and a quacker remark from Reece. Now they are on a kick about emu eggs and how to cook them--the eggs, not the emus. Never a dull moment around here. Also received a tee shirt in the mail today that said someone around here was the "world's okayest mom." Not everyone has kids like this, but mine are special--just ask BillyeRuth if her kids aren't the "specialist kids" in the world. We just have to love our kids and our dogs and our hens! Not necessarily in any order, but for sure every day!

Will ask your prayers again for Sharon Dickerson's niece, for my friend Connie and her sister Rebekah, and for those who mourn like Mariellen Rose. This has been a really rough year for some folks. And then we can pray for peace. May God bless this ol' world and those in it.

Rest well, my friends, and know that YOU are loved. 

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