Friday, May 14, 2021


 One of daddy's co-workers used to pronounce the word humidity as HUOO mah Diddity. That is just how it feels today at 50% humidity. And the days looking forward seem to have the same chances at 40 to 50% chance of rain. Yep, we may all get a little bit moldy around the edges if this stuff keeps up. But, let me remind you, it still beats 115 degrees in the shade and dry, dry, dry! 

Thompson had a bad case of the barks this morning. Thought that maybe it was a snake or something, but it turned out to be a nest of little cottontails. Think they have gone to glory as he came back inside with his nose covered in dirt. Poor little babies. They were just too close to the fence--close enough for him to hear them and see the mother rabbit run off after covering them up.

It is my intention to do some mowing in the east lots after the temperature goes down just a bit. If it is cut now, maybe the grass will not get so terribly high before it can be cut again. We will see how that works out.

The mockingbird nest now has two eggs in it. She is not sitting on it, so my guess is that she will lay at least one more egg. Truly hoping she stays with it and is kept safe.

My broody Maran has had enough of me, whether or not she got over being broody. She was terribly thirsty when she got out this morning because she had knocked over her water bowl in the night. But she did not go back to the nest, so there's that. This will be grand if she doesn't just fall over dead out there today or tomorrow!

Finally finished reading The Scarlet Letter all the way through this afternoon. So much of the book was familiar, but some parts had totally slipped my mind. Hoping that the boys will take the time to finish reading it or listening to it on Audible before next week. It is difficult to discuss what has not been shared.

Went out to check to see if there was enough fuel for the mower and was thinking about the cost of gasoline and other forms of fuel. Five million dollars was paid in ransom for a password! Can't imagine that President Trump would not have had the CIA or some agency tracking these idiots down and burning their backsides. But such is not the character of the companies and the current administration that think everyone should just pay the going price--including the ransom--for their gasoline. Can remember that the gas stations did not make their money on gasoline sales years ago. Instead it was some mechanic work or flat tires or such as that that produced their income. And the government just kept taxing the crud out of crude, fuels dispensed at the pump, and motor oil changes. Connie told me the other day that the light came on in her new truck that said it needed an oil change. She said that was a hundred dollar bill right there! But that is still not as bad as buying new tires for a truck. Lance said it was like a thousand for tires for his truck. Sheesh! And so very much of that is tax!

My friend Donna said that the doctors have to decide from day to day whether or not to take her granddaughter's baby. Some of the problems with having preeclampsia is that it can damage the kidneys, the liver, and even hearing. Jennifer's best friend had this condition, and the stupid doctors let the baby die rather than go ahead and take it. Anyway, if you will, please continue to pray for Lynssey Himes and her baby.

Finished off a jar of grapefruit sections bought a couple of weeks ago. Love that stuff. It probably is not the best thing for a person, but it beats ice cream and cookies--so there!

The boys said that they went to the Grand Buffet the other day. It sounds good. Michelle Malay used to meet me at Hunan's, but am not sure it has its dining room open right now. May still be just drive up, pick up orders.

Did you see that Texas has passed a law that says folks can take home liquor from restaurants? Not sure if that means it has to be in a closed container or not. Think the law still says no open container liquor in Texas. Would absolutely not be worth the fine--and losing one's license--if caught with an open bottle or whatever kind of container it might be. They wanted to do this during the pandemic because folks did not want to go the liquor store. Shaking my head here. Yes, someone over at Pioneer Restaurant could probably make the best kind of Red Draw--that is a beer and tomato juice drink--but anyone can do that at home just as easily. Oh well. Not my problem.

Have tried not to read about what is happening in Israel right now. While it is not surprising, it is horrifying. Simply cannot imagine having something like that happening here. Rioting in the streets complemented with bombardment! Crazy.

Sneezed off and on all day yesterday. Have had bad allergies most of this week. About the time my nose feels as if it is unstuffed, another sneeze comes along to make my entire head feel as if it might be a water balloon! Don't want to be around anyone lest they think the old woman is sick with something. KNOW that this is just allergies, but it might not look like it to others.

Think my son-in-law is totally frustrated with trying to get all the yard work done around their place. Have no idea how difficult it is to do the maintenance on a sprinkler system, but those three big dogs cannot possibly be any help since they like to "catch" the pop-up spigots or whatever they are called. Think just letting it go unwatered might work. Of course, that might just be a fire hazard. sigh

Just visited with my neighbor on the west. Donny is a character. Couldn't ask for better neighbors than Patty and Donny. Everyone should have good neighbors like them. Donny understands all about pain, and Patty understands not being able to do things that she wants to do around the house. She is on oxygen 24/7. Kinda hard to live that way.

It is still humid and hot outside. Not sure the mower is even going to leave the workshop today. Or the weed eater leave the house. sigh Lazy ol' woman.

Don't know a bunch of anything this evening. Know that only God can solve the stupidity in this world. Meanwhile, we just have to ask for His comfort, His peace, and for a heart that leans toward Him. May you all rest well this night and awake in a cheerful mood. You are loved.

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