Sunday, May 2, 2021

Broody Critters!

 So the two hens that were locked up had stopped squawking and were just scratching around inside the pen. Let them out and they ran to the big water bowl--and yes, they had water all the time they were locked up. One hen jumped another smaller hen, but she did not immediately go to the nest. Now ONE hen is on the nest again. It is easy to tell it is one of the broody ones because she puffs up twice as large as she really is and pecks as if she wants to murder me! If she is still there when it is time to put them up tonight, BACK in the lockup she goes! Teach that little critter to act like a witch!

The dogs are very restless this evening for some reason--well, mostly Sylvia is restless. Thompson is ok lying on the floor where it is cooler. Have two of the windows up part way so the air can circulate. It is 85 degrees already. Should not gripe, but probably will. Weather is just one of those things that can't be insulted, ya know. Especially in Texas. Saw a cowboy artist rendering of a cowboy sitting on his horse saying, "Lord, it's me. I am the one that has been asking for rain every day. Just wanted to say thank you." That is pretty much how most of us feel right now. But think Kay Hutson Brough would appreciate a little less of it right now. They had 5 inches in Midlothian earlier, and now more rain is backing up to her back porch! Never a dull moment.

JoAnn came over today and said that she would probably take the fence down soon since it is falling down anyway. Then she plans to have one of those big dumpster things brought in so the place can be cleaned up. This is twice she has had to do this. Feel for her. Walked on the side of the road on that side and stepped on a nail. It only got the outside of my shoe, but would not want that in my tire! That place is a teetotal mess.

Thought the dog hair might need to be stirred today, but the energy to do the stirring has not shown up yet. So my desk--and my keyboard--are covered in a light coating of dust. sigh Just looking over the living room floor makes me cringe. My mother would have been aghast to see my floors--well, when she was my age, she might have been ignoring floors long enough to not judge mine. Think my dad ended up mopping more often than Mom did. It made her hurt pretty badly. It was all she could do to prevent clutter in her estimation. In fact, when Daddy had an oxygen concentrator for his breathing, Mom kept wrapping up the lines and putting the stupid machine in the back bedroom out of the way. Never mind that Dad was hallucinating for lack of oxygen. But then, Mom had already gotten to the point that she did not know if it was morning or night. sigh We really needed to have put them in a home much sooner than we did. It was just so very hard to do. And then Mom kept prodding Daddy to "escape" to back home. He tried to placate her, but she would make him go out the front door of the nursing home anyway. He set off the alarm, but it didn't matter. He only had enough air to get a little past the front porch. Poor ol' man.

My friend Donna Reeves told me that her granddaughter who is expecting a baby has had to go back into the hospital to keep up with any possible damage to her own organs as well as to the health of the baby. Please pray for Lynnsey Himes and her family and this little babe who is trying to make it into this ol' world. 

Lewis' cousin's wife Sharron is going back to Dallas for repair of an aneurysm and removal of a kidney sometime this week. Please pray for a good outcome on that situation as well. 

Yours truly has been taking a medication for about a month now and just got a refill. FINALLY read the sheaf of papers that came with the bottle. Seems it should be taken in the morning so it does not interfere with one's sleep. You can probably guess when it was being taken by the old woman in this house. rolling eyes here! Oh, and it can cause headaches. Lovely, just lovely. 

Sitting here thinking about the boys who will be here for class in the morning. We only spend two hours together, but their assignments include reading part of this book. Wondering if it  happened and whether or not we should read some while they are here. The first part of that book just makes a person want to strangle the writer. Verbose to the max! At least the actual  chapters are short and to the point after that.

Walked the front yard this morning and kept trying to think of the names of two or three of the flowers. Then saw something on FB that informed me that one of the things that might have been a weed is actually an edible flower. Go figure! Will stop pulling them up now. Someday maybe the names of these flowers will stick in my brain, but for the time being, their beauty is all that matters. Golds, bright yellows, blues, pinks, and purple! Ah, love the colors God has given us to enjoy.

Wearing shorts this afternoon. Going to have to break down and find some more for this summer. Won't wear them to Walmart and horrify anyone, but around here the hens won't care what comes out to feed them. So there's that.

Enjoy the rest of the spring weather wherever you are. If it is cold to cool, remember that summer heat is on its way!

Rest well and be happy! You are loved. 

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