Thursday, May 27, 2021

Strange Thoughts.

 Checked my FB to see if anything needed to be addressed. It seems that FB thinks a post was made under my name about the 4th of July maybe being canceled. Nope, have not posted anything at all like that. Go figure where they came up with that one. If they decide to ban me or kick me into FB jail for a bit, you can bet my posts will only be on blogger. Not overly fond of FB right now.

The living room floor is a tee-total hairy mess. Not sure how much hair is left on these two dogs, but willing to bet that enough hair is on the floor to cover Jennifer's little Chihuahua. Wrong color and no curl, but that is beside the point.

Since my weed eater cratered yesterday--the gasoline one, not the battery operated one, have asked the boys to bring their weed eaters tomorrow. It may be useless if the rain comes like it is supposed to do tonight. The weather is expected to be "severe." That means hail and high winds for the most part. As long as the roof doesn't blow off . . . But more rain is supposed to come after lunch tomorrow as well. Oh well. Have thought about going out and mowing again, but simply do not have the energy today. Some days are just like that, and this is one of them.

Got some more beef--including liver--delivered today. Bill Brown Beef needs to get a good credit card machine or something, and their online purchases will blow the roof off if everyone is as happy with the beef as this ol' gal. Anyway, gave Shelby a carton of eggs for a "happy surprise." Hope she enjoys them as much as folks enjoy the beef.

Looking forward to reading some essays tomorrow. The boys' writing seems to be improving. Just need to do a whole bunch more to get their work up to snuff. And have to teach them about using ONLY ink and never pencil. Wow! If a person thinks their vision is a little blurry or something, just try reading something written in pencil!

Had to chuckle just a bit. Yours truly knows zilch about chemistry, but according to the boys there is something called MineCraft that can download a chemistry app. They would be able to learn their elements and maybe how they can be used together. Sounds reasonable to me! So guess who suggested that they ask their parents for that particular app. But then, we also talked about working some online this summer using Zoom. Will have to talk to my grands about downloading or whatever needs to be done. Wanted to ask Rachel about it today, but she was busy watching a "Friends Reunion" with her mom. It is more important that they share time together than that she teach Ma how to use Zoom. So, will ask another grand. Or send the girl a message and let her talk to me about it later.

Then the boys were talking about something--a game--that includes creatures that are called Slime. These creatures go poo, and the poo is called plort. Tim thought that would be a good term for me to learn to use. ahem.....

Made some cole slaw today out of a head of cabbage and a bunch of carrots. Used my blender and chopped it up fine and drained it in the sink. Have always enjoyed slaw made that way--not nearly half as difficult to chew and very tasty. Lewis thought it was ok, but he still got cole slaw at Pioneer and bragged on theirs. NOT that he refused to eat mine, but still.

Have to fill up the feed bins tonight. Have tried to get the girls to clean up all the powdered feed, but they just ignore it and ask for scratch. The scratch will make them hotter this summer, so will have to reduce the amount gradually so that they will eat the meal. Birds are just as stubborn as dogs about their food. Well, or like small children--temper tantrums don't happen around here, but the dogs have this look they give me. Oh well.

The cherry trees are loaded with red cherries today. Yes, they are sour cherries, but if a person were interested in making a pie, they would be perfect for that. Also got ONE plum off the plum tree. It was purple on the outside and green on the inside. Mighty tasty. Hope next year that this tree is loaded. But the most important trees are the apricots. Have not seen even ONE on there! Kinda sad. Maybe next year. Hope nothing is as bad as the freeze we had this year. sigh

Sharon Dickerson said that her sister-in-law has had one more surgery today to try to stop the internal bleeding. Not sure if they are doing stints or what, but Sharron has been NPO or on clear liquids for days now and thinks that she is really hungry when she is not hurting so badly that she can even think. Please pray that Sharron recovers from this mess soon. Then Sharon's niece is having all kinds of problems with the stoma from her surgery and the chemo for the cancer. Honestly, wish God would just give us all a great big hug and heal us of all the mental and physical ills. Some day. When His timing works out for the world and all its little corners.

We are so blessed despite all the garbage that floats around us and causes conflicts. Was just considering this morning that each day the birds sing me awake. The grass and trees bless my eyes with a comforting softness. The skies above may cloud up, but the blue is always there. The moon was humongous this morning and promised to come up again tonight. Yep, blessings beyond what anyone could ever hope for are ours. Let us be grateful.

Rest well, my friends, and show others that you care for them, too. You are loved.

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