Monday, May 31, 2021

Row, Row, Row . . .

 If you want to know what the weather is like while sleep has you completely in its arms, just get yourself a nervous dog whose reaction to thunder is to come jump on you and your bed just before five a.m. Yes, that is definitely when the rain started this morning. Not going to gripe about either the dog or the rain. Love my critters and the rain feels good compared to sizzling temps. Have wondered, however, if the mockingbird has been able to find plenty of bugs for her two little hatchlings. Even the spider webs have not been reattached to the yard swing. Not much sense in a spider messing with webs when the flies and squeeters aren't buzzing around.

My allergies are ignoring the weather. Eyes itching like crazy, so something is either in this house or in the hen house. Did pick up ol' broody and put her in a cage by herself in the big coop this morning. She will stay there this time until she quits acting silly. Before she got out at least once a day until it was time to put them up. Not this time! Never have had a hen be this persistent. Maybe it is the breed of chicken, but can't find anything on the internet that tells me that Marans are more prone to be broody or more likely to remain that way. Oh well.

Just went outside to chase off a wabbit. The dogs were having absolute fits about it. If one had been able to get outside, either the wabbit would be dead or the dog would have been in Archer County by now. Sharon Dickerson said that their little brown bunny had come back to their backyard. Glad it is in THEIR yard and not in mine. Hate picking up what is left to throw in the trash bin. sigh

The headlines today, as of a few minutes ago, included the little blurb about some space junk crashing into the International Space Station. It did not add anything more than that, so maybe it is not a big deal. Not that there is a whole lot that could be done about it. Or not. The other headline that was a little strange one that said that Texas has multiple "zombie trees." They may look alive, but they are dead where it counts. That means that they could come down just about anytime--as in the next good wind storm. Guess we will be feeling that freeze from February for a long, long time! Hate to lose good trees. Around here, it is just my purple sage and the pomegranate tree that died back to the bases. Thought the crepe myrtle was a goner, but it has come back.

Gathered up most of the dying poppy plants that were dry enough to collect for seeds and sent them home with Donny Anderson for one of his friends. Explained that it was not necessary to "plant" the seeds--just drop them where you want the plant to come up. If the wind and rain don't move the seeds, something will come up. It is just a bit like that clover seed planted around here. Trying to "plant" it did not work. But at least some of it came up in various places. Maybe it will make seeds this summer and spread out a bit. A body can live in hope anyway.

My bangs are getting too long and bother me by getting below my eyebrows. Discovered that the masks that Connie made will work as a hair band. Giggling. See, knew this pandemic would be good for something.

Years--many years--ago we had a mirror in the living room on the wall across from the door. For some reason, every so often yours truly looks for that silly mirror. Creature of habit much? Was going to check out the "hairband" effect.

Ok, here's a question for you: have you ever considered how important it is to surround yourself with those who are faithful? A guy who was paralyzed was lowered through a roof to the feet of Jesus because his friends had faith. The paralytic received forgiveness and healing. Now most of us will never need to be lowered through anyone's roof, but sometimes we are brought before God through others' prayers. Thinking back about my parents, it is amazing that they were willing to get up each Sunday morning and take themselves to church. And they were involved with teaching Sunday school and with what the Baptists call GAs--girls' auxiliary. Dad worked with the boys and helped rebuild the old church into a nice hall. Mom worked with the girls and helped in whatever way help was needed. But more important than all that, they taught us the Bible and how to pray. And more than once their prayers were what brought us home safely. My children may not know it--well, Grayson knows--but they are in my prayers every day. It was not my job to teach the grands either how to pray or much of anything about the Bible, but it seems that they know just a bit about my beliefs anyway. So, who has brought you to the rooftop lately?

My friend Donna Reeves' granddaughter Lynnsey Himes has made it this long without having to have her baby taken, so the baby is about five pounds at this point. But it would be better if the baby gets to go full term. Please pray that this little momma and baby will stay healthy and can have a safe delivery. 

Have a couple of books started and thought about looking up something on the Firestick today, but just have not been in the mood for much of anything like that. Sat here and did some word searches just to do something different. If the notion ever hit me to clean house, something would probably fall off my body! Can't do without the glasses or the teeth, so maybe everything is safe for the time being--plus, that notion is not as likely to strike as space junk is to hit the ISS--International Space Station!

Today's bird makes me think of Monty Python--the Laysan Albatrosses. Ooodles of birds and what they left behind!

You all find some joy to share in this ol' world. May you be aware that God has blessed us. You are loved.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

More--and Heavy--Sneezes!

 Dear Hearts, let me explain to you why folks sneeze. It requires a nose and maybe a throat. And itchy eyes. Then have everyone in the freaking neighborhood--yourself included in that mess--cut their grass within hours of one another. Be sure to do the weed whacking that can stir up bits of molded grass and leaves plus a good, strong helping of dirt. Go inside. Take a hot shower and wash thoroughly. Apply clean clothes for the second time today. Do laundry to wash those clothes so the grass and dust get washed out of the pipes onto the yard to make the grass grow again. Go back outside while the neighbor to the south is cutting the grass in his field. Stand next to the dwarf cherry trees and nibble on the little cherries. All this while talking to oldest child. He had to trim up his Australian Sheep dog and take their Russian tortoise out for some exercise. Boris walks all the way around the base of the fence attempting to find even a tiny crack. Sneaky critter. That was just exactly the attitude of the Hamburg hens taken to Paducah. BR may still be cussing me!

Have two tiny mockingbird babies in the nest. Here's hoping that they get to be grown ups someday. Right now they are all mouth. No noise, just open beaked. Momma has not attacked me so far. But then, the babies are tiny and not trying to sit on the edge of the nest. Wait a couple of weeks for the dive bombing to start.

Lance saw the sunflower circle that includes corn and squash in it. Have considered taking the fence down now, but wondering if the squash has a chance at all with the hens. They would probably eat it blooms and all! Anyway, the sunflowers are taller than me! The blooms look as if they are going to be fairly good sized, too. Lance wanted to know if it had been planted with chicken poo. LOL  But of course! Every hole in the yard either gets full of hens or full of poo! Was trying to show Lance the grapes on the vine on the deck and stepped in a hole. Didn't fall, but it made me feel pretty dumb. Usually watch where my feet are going.

Moved things around in the living room again. Have the couch with its back to the room and enough room between it and the wall for my papa san chair. And my desk now faces the bookcase. The TV is over by the door--out of the way or with plenty of room to turn and watch it.

Got a message from one of the boys today. He had lost his billfold and was hoping it might be here. Stripped the couch and felt around, but no such critter appeared. Decided right then and there that the couch covers needed to be cleaned. They smelled just a bit like my favorite four-footed loves. 

Other than going up to Stripes for gasoline for the mower today and then stopping by the post box, my day has been almost normal--yes, cutting grass is normal around here. Work, but still normal. Connie called me back this afternoon because she wanted me to know that everything was ok. Rebekah called her this morning--R is not a morning person--and it surprised Connie. She worries about R. At least Connie has one member of her family left.

Lance told me that his favorite aunt--only one he knows--called him on his birthday the other day. She does not call many folks, it seems. Guess she feels that he is pretty special. Tending to agree with that estimation about both of the kids. What can a mother do except love 'em with all her heart?

When Lance called and yours truly wanted to show him the yard on the call, guess which silly ol' woman looked around herself for her phone while talking to him? Losing my fuzzy bunny mind! Am reminded of Mom looking for her glasses when they were on her nose. She couldn't see very well, dadgumit, and just knew her glasses would help! Yep, seem to be getting there. sigh

Know hardly anything except that this is allergy season--with more rain on the way to help that grass grow! Hope that each of you has plenty of appreciation for God's green earth. 

Rest well and don't overdo it out there! You are loved.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Good Neighbor.

 Donny Anderson mowed his place yesterday until it really looked nice and neat. Then he saw me out trying to use the battery operated weed eater on my place and came up and finished everything for me. Someday he will receive his reward, but meanwhile he said it made him happy to help someone else. Sweet guy!

So my allergies are so bad that it is hard to see. Not sure if it is the weeds or something in the air. Whatever it is, it would be nice if it cleared up quickly. It may be a decent day tomorrow, so it would be a good time to cut the grass. Not sure if the ol' gal has that much energy--certainly not this evening. Have to go get gasoline first anyway. Used the other container to mix the weed eater stuff. Oh well. Donny said not to use it in my mower, so will have to remember to ask him--again--if he wants to use the mix in my shed.

Michelle came by this morning and visited for a short little while. Sent just a few eggs home with her. She said she and Landon had been practicing making omelets. Sounded good, so that was supper around here with two eggs.

Took a short "have to" nap a while ago. A "have to" nap is one that is going to happen no matter what your thoughts are about the situation. Put my head on the pillow, flipped a blanket up, fell asleep--immediately. Now if it would only work that way at night and last all night. Fat chance.

Saw a picture of a staircase that my friend Carla Beard has in her house now. It is beautiful--and safe, to boot! She has had all kinds of things done to her old house until it is almost completely remodeled. In her kitchen floor, they discovered a well when the flooring was taken up. How's that for a surprise! Anyway, she seems happy with the new staircase, so am happy for her.

Did not go out to check to see if any flowers were left down by the carport. It seemed best to me to just let Donny do things his way. He did leave a few poppies and a little rose bush that came up volunteer. Not sure that yours truly will get out to water anything this evening either. Just moving around is a bit much right now. Some days are just like that. Yet my body is in good shape compared to so many folks that are younger than the ol' woman! Met a woman at the nursing home down town WF one year while doing volunteer work there. She was in a wheelchair and could not walk or do much of anything. She was 54 years old! Simply can't imagine! And yet, many women 85 or much older get around and never complain--at least not in my hearing. Both of my great-grandmothers were 91 when they checked out. And one of them was still sharp. My grandmother Pollard still had her marbles at 85, but she had all kinds of problems with her heart--plus geriatric diabetes. In today's world, she would have been at risk for this Covid mess. Well, maybe we are mostly all at risk one way or the other. [Each time Covid is mentioned, FB puts a tag on my post because of it--no matter what is said. Go figure.]

Today's bird is a Cape Griffon (vulture). It lays ONE egg per year. Yep, it is considered endangered. Pretty much stands to reason. Maybe it is because of the area where it lives--South Africa. But it lives and breeds in the cliffs rather than in trees, so it is protected at least from some predators. It is also considered one of the most intelligent birds. Guess intelligence might include not trying to raise too many offspring where food is limited. More people should consider that situation.

Some of my online friends take wonderful pictures. Suspect it is not just that the areas are photogenic, but each of them seems to have some expertise at getting just the right shot. One guy near Gentry, Arkansas, takes bird pictures and other nature shots. Diann Dennis of NE Arkansas has some of the most beautiful pictures of flowers and rivers and springs of water. My chicken pictures are nothing by comparison, but still love my critters--especially these silly dogs. 

Remember coming home from the hospital some 51 years ago. The squash planted out at the end of the house was ready to eat! This year, two tiny squash are just sitting in a pot not doing any growing. Maybe more sunshine is needed? Oh well. Squash is one of my favorite veggies--that and cabbage and Brussel sprouts. But the year that squash was ready happened to be the year our first child was born. Yep, think about him every day--along with the rest of the crew members. Hope the entire Hee Haw gang are having a good weekend.

Think Connie was feeling somewhat better this morning. Thank you for your prayers for her. Also need to tell you that Jane Scott who is taking chemo for her cancer is beginning to heal up! And this is something like her third go round with chemo. We never know what the body can do when it tries to help us--and we never know how much we are loved until others pray for us. So much of life depends on attitude. 

Don't know enough to share any good laughs today. Just plan to put the broody hen back in the coop tonight and hope that she has a better attitude tomorrow. Silly hen. 

Remember on this weekend what it truly means to be free. So many gave their lives so that we could be free. We have so much for which to be grateful. This nation is blessed by God.

Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

Friday, May 28, 2021


 Well, we will see how things work out teaching/learning online with the boys, but today we got hooked up with Zoom. So now they will only come over one day a week and work online with me two days a week. The summer heat should not be a problem this way. And they can access their copy of Grammar To Go while talking with me at the same time. How neat, huh!

The boys brought their weed eaters this morning and had to let it go because of the rain, but maybe soon the front yard will get a little help if it dries out at all. This weather has just been totally weird. But not that we can gripe. Yes, Quanah got some nasty hail stones thrown at them early this morning, but all we got here was high winds. Don't think it affected anything on this place.

Asked Maggie Sewell and her husband David to come get some eggs and sent home some Bluebonnet and poppy seeds--and a few Buffalo Clover seeds. Here's hoping they all grow. Maggie had given me an Aloe Vera plant that is doing well. Had a really big one out in the green house/chicken coop that froze solid. sigh It was too big to bring inside, so probably should have broken off a big chunk and tried to root it. Oh well. Shoulda, coulda, and all that.

Thompson caught another dove a bit ago but did not kill it. Placed it on top of the trash bin and now it is sitting on the fence. We shall see if it is still there in the morning. Meanwhile he chased the ducks out of the yard again when he went whizzing around the carport to chase a rabbit. Don't think he even noticed the silly ducks, but they weren't taking any chances. Smart ducks.

Would appreciate prayers for my friend Connie. Kinda think she has tonsillitis or some such, but she went to the Urgent Care because of her headache, blurred vision, and all around malaise. Dr. Blackwell is out of town and wanted her to see someone today rather than wait until she got back. Headaches can be scary--especially with blurred vision.

Cooked a skirt steak this morning. SO tender! Maybe skirt steak is a bit expensive in a way, but if every tiny bite is that excellent, it is worth the money. In a couple of days the liver will be the next in the line to be cooked. Yes, Jennifer is making her puke face. She would not even let liver in her house! Her husband feels that way about cabbage. To each his own, right?

Know that my water bill is down in the post box, but don't really care about it right now. Maybe tomorrow. It just feels like so very few things really need to be done, so why bother? Dust mopped, changed the sheets, did the laundry, and vacuumed the rug under my office chair--about enough messing around for one day, wouldn't you say? Of course, going out to let the chickens out at 6 and then putting them up after 8:30 and collecting the eggs are always necessary items on the to-do list. Then there is that silly broody hen. Beginning to wonder if she is even going to live. She hardly eats at all. Took her off of her nest and put her down beside the water bowls. She got a couple of good drinks before the dogs came over to check her out. She was ready to fight! Only a broody hen will do that. But after the dogs were convinced to leave her alone, she had some grass, so maybe she will get calmed down and start going in with the rest of the hens tonight. If not, she will be put in there whether or not she likes it! Silly chicken.

Wish it were possible to put up a big sign at the end of the street next to the highway that tells folks that they can't access the lake from this little lane. They come down here hauling a big boat behind them and then think they are going to turn it around. Such fun. Don't know who the guy is who owns the land at the end near the highway, but he has never spoken to me, so won't be talking to him. At least he had his grass cut down short! Now if the woman who owns the other corner would cut her grass, it might look as if someone around this area cares about things. What does any of this have to do with people turning around on our road? Just wish the guy with the open lot would let me put a sign up down there. Ah well. Folks would not bother to read it anyway.

Reading a book today about a woman who owned a shop that was dedicated to recycling, upcycling, and reusing stuff. She was Italian and quite a cook, but the neatest thing mentioned was the fact that she put cooked sweet potatoes in her brownies! Who would have thought about something like that! Guess that would be one way to be sure that they would be moist.

Really don't know much tonight. It may not rain tomorrow, but rain is in the forecast after that. Strange world. The only news that might be a bit interesting--if you have had covid and then later got the inoculation, you may not need to get a booster at all for years. Not sure about those of us who just got the one jab of the J&J vaccine. Not planning on getting anything else if at all possible to avoid it. Too many people have had reactions to the other vaccines. And the J&J is supposed to be 63% effective against the new variants in Europe. Sometimes it pays to be patient.

Here is hoping that our world is calm this weekend. Let us be grateful for all the blessings given to us. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Strange Thoughts.

 Checked my FB to see if anything needed to be addressed. It seems that FB thinks a post was made under my name about the 4th of July maybe being canceled. Nope, have not posted anything at all like that. Go figure where they came up with that one. If they decide to ban me or kick me into FB jail for a bit, you can bet my posts will only be on blogger. Not overly fond of FB right now.

The living room floor is a tee-total hairy mess. Not sure how much hair is left on these two dogs, but willing to bet that enough hair is on the floor to cover Jennifer's little Chihuahua. Wrong color and no curl, but that is beside the point.

Since my weed eater cratered yesterday--the gasoline one, not the battery operated one, have asked the boys to bring their weed eaters tomorrow. It may be useless if the rain comes like it is supposed to do tonight. The weather is expected to be "severe." That means hail and high winds for the most part. As long as the roof doesn't blow off . . . But more rain is supposed to come after lunch tomorrow as well. Oh well. Have thought about going out and mowing again, but simply do not have the energy today. Some days are just like that, and this is one of them.

Got some more beef--including liver--delivered today. Bill Brown Beef needs to get a good credit card machine or something, and their online purchases will blow the roof off if everyone is as happy with the beef as this ol' gal. Anyway, gave Shelby a carton of eggs for a "happy surprise." Hope she enjoys them as much as folks enjoy the beef.

Looking forward to reading some essays tomorrow. The boys' writing seems to be improving. Just need to do a whole bunch more to get their work up to snuff. And have to teach them about using ONLY ink and never pencil. Wow! If a person thinks their vision is a little blurry or something, just try reading something written in pencil!

Had to chuckle just a bit. Yours truly knows zilch about chemistry, but according to the boys there is something called MineCraft that can download a chemistry app. They would be able to learn their elements and maybe how they can be used together. Sounds reasonable to me! So guess who suggested that they ask their parents for that particular app. But then, we also talked about working some online this summer using Zoom. Will have to talk to my grands about downloading or whatever needs to be done. Wanted to ask Rachel about it today, but she was busy watching a "Friends Reunion" with her mom. It is more important that they share time together than that she teach Ma how to use Zoom. So, will ask another grand. Or send the girl a message and let her talk to me about it later.

Then the boys were talking about something--a game--that includes creatures that are called Slime. These creatures go poo, and the poo is called plort. Tim thought that would be a good term for me to learn to use. ahem.....

Made some cole slaw today out of a head of cabbage and a bunch of carrots. Used my blender and chopped it up fine and drained it in the sink. Have always enjoyed slaw made that way--not nearly half as difficult to chew and very tasty. Lewis thought it was ok, but he still got cole slaw at Pioneer and bragged on theirs. NOT that he refused to eat mine, but still.

Have to fill up the feed bins tonight. Have tried to get the girls to clean up all the powdered feed, but they just ignore it and ask for scratch. The scratch will make them hotter this summer, so will have to reduce the amount gradually so that they will eat the meal. Birds are just as stubborn as dogs about their food. Well, or like small children--temper tantrums don't happen around here, but the dogs have this look they give me. Oh well.

The cherry trees are loaded with red cherries today. Yes, they are sour cherries, but if a person were interested in making a pie, they would be perfect for that. Also got ONE plum off the plum tree. It was purple on the outside and green on the inside. Mighty tasty. Hope next year that this tree is loaded. But the most important trees are the apricots. Have not seen even ONE on there! Kinda sad. Maybe next year. Hope nothing is as bad as the freeze we had this year. sigh

Sharon Dickerson said that her sister-in-law has had one more surgery today to try to stop the internal bleeding. Not sure if they are doing stints or what, but Sharron has been NPO or on clear liquids for days now and thinks that she is really hungry when she is not hurting so badly that she can even think. Please pray that Sharron recovers from this mess soon. Then Sharon's niece is having all kinds of problems with the stoma from her surgery and the chemo for the cancer. Honestly, wish God would just give us all a great big hug and heal us of all the mental and physical ills. Some day. When His timing works out for the world and all its little corners.

We are so blessed despite all the garbage that floats around us and causes conflicts. Was just considering this morning that each day the birds sing me awake. The grass and trees bless my eyes with a comforting softness. The skies above may cloud up, but the blue is always there. The moon was humongous this morning and promised to come up again tonight. Yep, blessings beyond what anyone could ever hope for are ours. Let us be grateful.

Rest well, my friends, and show others that you care for them, too. You are loved.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Breathe Deeply!

 Take a deep breath now because summer is on its way! HOWEVER! The rest of this week may actually be decently comfortable. It is supposed to get up to 91 tomorrow, but for the rest of the week we won't see 80 until next Thursday. Works for me! And yes, it is supposed to rain, rain, and rain. But we have lived this long without floating totally away, so maybe a bit more rain won't make us all turn to rust.

Today my yard is being hit with a weed eater. SO very happy to have Landon Malay out there whacking away at the weeds and overgrowth. He knows a flower when he sees it, so maybe we will still have a few flowers in the front bed by the time he finishes. Not going to worry about it either way. As it is, Shelby just came by to get some Bluebonnet and poppy seeds. It is so neat to know that she is the granddaughter of Gilda (Bird). Still remember seeing Gilda's little daughter in her crib shortly after the babe's birth. TINY little thing! But maybe all little ones are that size at birth. Perspective!

Have the AC on in here in the living room. And still have sweat running down my back! Oh well. Have a feeling that Landon is going to regret not using sunscreen! That sunshine is intense!

So the broody hen is just out there sitting on the nest. Not going to make her change her mind. It is too hot to make her live in that little coop right now. Did some research about broody hens and Marans and found out that the checkered looking Marans are called Cuckoo Marans and the ones with some copper color on their necks are Copper Marans. Mine don't have a lot of copper, but the black ones are definitely not Cuckoos.

Dr. Blackwell's nurse is supposed to be by to pick up some eggs. So glad she is coming by rather than my having to drop them off today. [She texted to say she would not be here--ill.] Spent the morning being pretty busy by going to Wally World to get the strange oil for the weed eater, water by the case, and a few other things. Danged expensive to go to that place! Then went to get gasoline for the weed eater and then to the feed store to pick up dog food and scratch. The boys were sweet enough to bring in the dog food and empty the scratch up into the bin. Also went down and got the mail early this morning and picked up two packages. Now have one of those UV lamps to kill viruses and stuff. And put a new air thing in the living room to kill stuff and make the air feel better after it is filtered. Not sure if this will work or not, but trying like everything to stay healthy. Jennifer said that Lance would not let me come to his house to see them because THEY had been exposed to Covid--not that they were worried about getting it from me. Even so, hate to not see my kids. But will not go around anyone if the sneezes are coming from me, either!

So the weed eater had to have a new little rubber bulb thing--just happened to know where one was as two were in a package the last time we had to buy one. How's that for some green apples! Then it got flooded and had to sit a bit. And then some. Oh well. The rest gave us time to visit. It's always good to be able to see life from a different perspective.

Still reading on Nineteen Eighty-four. May or may not finish it tonight. It takes some doing right now to stay interested in some things. And then there is the size of the print. The one super duper great thing about my Kindle is being able to adjust the size of the print and the light behind the screen. It works, dear hearts! The eyes may be old, but the Kindle makes it MUCH easier to read.

The dogs have had a really good day--three boys and one guy to pet and mess with them and give them scratches! Can't beat that if one is a dog, huh. Now if the hens were just that happy, the world would all be set in the right orbit.

Really don't know much of anything tonight. The AC feels good after the heat. Know morning will feel good even if it rains during the night. Home always feels good, especially when the birds are singing and the dogs are making that woo woo sound of contentment. Yep, life is good. As long as a person is not in pain, it is much easier to be happy with life. Feeling half way decent definitely makes a difference.

Here is praying that all of you are feeling good and finding happiness in your lives. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Yes, sunshine and rain mixed up as it has been will make all the plums split open, but ate one anyway! Found one that is pink on one side and yellow on the side nearest the tree, so for sure the sun is doing its best to get them ripe. Umm. Still ate a few of the red cherries that were ripe enough to eat. The redder they are, the sweeter they are. Someday those cherry trees are going to be downright awesome!

Have mostly goofed off today. Read a little bit of Nineteen Eighty-four, but will try to get it done tonight maybe. Took half the book to actually get interesting! 

Son-in-law had a birthday today. He is 48--maybe. Closer each year to the big 50. It makes me wonder why we set dates on our lives. Enjoyment of life is what matters--not how many years we have been around. 

Called Connie back this afternoon to ask about her sister's visit to the dentist. Along with being disappointed about the dentist, Connie had a run in with a male chauvinist pig who lives in the apartment complex. He was all over her shouting about how she was handling everything wrong. AS IF it were any of his business what she did or how she did it. So, she will avoid the dipstick and pretend she can't see or hear him since he is deaf and obnoxious to boot. She thanked me before we got off the phone for listening and was reminded emphatically that she has been there to listen to me for months now. It's not like my kids would not listen to me, but it is so comforting to know that Connie listens and has a level head about most things we talk about. She used to remind me that Jerry is not one of my children and is old enough to take care of himself. Connie has been dealing with so much stress since her mom died and since taking care of her sister has been so involved. Maybe some "she's old enough to care for herself" advice is needed. 

According to the forecast on my phone, it is supposed to get up to 90 tomorrow and not rain. Then Thursday and Friday have more chances of rain. Unbelievable weather for Texas in May!! Want to get my weed eater out and try to cut some stuff, but we will see how that goes after the boys leave tomorrow. The mornings are always wet until at least noon. And then the need for gasoline and 2-cycle oil crossed my mind. sigh That is for the other weed eater. Haven't done anything about that yet either. But then, it was raining right along this morning. Oh well.

For some reason the hens were on a binge of squawking and talking today. Went out and rearranged the nest boxes so that they would actually have something to gripe about. Think it is the same freakin' hen that is sitting on the nest--still. Guess it is back to jail for her tonight. Will have to put clean water and some feed in that little coop again. Dadgumit! Jenn pointed out there we have never had black hens before, but it does seem to me that they should not get broody at this age. Hmm. Wonder if the internet could give me any information about that. Guess it does not matter overly much since it is already a fact of life around here!

Noticed that the birds for tomorrow are the King Vultures. Oh goody. They are pretty if one does not look too closely, but you can bet they stink just like any vulture! Of course, they have a very important job in this world. They can eat anything and not be affected by rabies or other diseases. And they clean things beyond all the messes made by decomposed stuff. Bleah. Yep, a very necessary bird.

Thompson is looking at me and telling me that he is hot. And, thank you, not really interested in a snack. Oh well. Life goes on. They helped me with a bowl of bok choy this morning. You just never know what a dog will find tasty, do you?

Need to get out there tomorrow and harvest the Bluebonnet seeds. Left out any longer and they will start to sprout in the shell! This weather has not been good for drying them out. Think Maggie Sewell and some others asked for seeds, but can't remember exactly who asked. Let me know.

Read some stuff online today about the voting irregularities that counted only SOME of the Republican votes. One state went back and discovered that the machines cast Republican votes for the Democrat candidate if there was a slight fold in the ballot. She (the Democrat) wanted a recount because she lost by such a small margin--and then she found out how big a margin her opponent had against hers. Surprise, surprise, surprise! And we just keep finding more strange situations with voting machines. Somehow it makes me wonder how a nation like India can manage to get their entire population to vote by sticking their thumb in a pot of purple ink! And they don't allow criminals or foreign invaders to vote in their elections!

Guess while the sun is shining is a good time to read this book. Will hope that all of you will be happy with life in general and with our many blessings in specific.

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Monday, May 24, 2021

A Busy Day--Busy Phone!

 Grandchild Landon called this afternoon to wish me a happy birthday and had to tell him that my phone has been busier today than it normally would be in an entire month! And my phone FINALLY decided to make some sounds after being rebooted a few times. Who knows why it just sits there and hums part of the time. Am sure that Daniel Hernandez would say it is the dingaling behind the ding part. He used to tease me when my computer just needed to be rebooted. Oh well. 

It has been an interesting day. Enjoyed the boys and our discussion of The Scarlet Letter and how to form a good topic sentence that encompasses three ideas for an essay. Hoping the boys can do it with a little help and encouragement. Then they left some cabbage and lettuce for my hens. It is hard to believe how fast those hens can eat at least half a head of lettuce. Takes a little longer for the cabbage, but they will get it done. They also left a head of bok choy for me, so a tutorial on the internet showed how to cook or chop it up at any size. Sounds like cabbage will be on the menu for tomorrow.

Made chili this morning. Yes, indigestion is on the menu for tonight. That's ok. It was worth it. That will probably be breakfast, too. May scramble some eggs to go with it. Not sure. 

THINK the broody hen has given up. We will see if that same black hen is on the nest after it is time to put them up for the night. Did not let her out until after lunch time, so she was hungry and thirsty and did not make a bee line for the nests. Hoping she has had an attitude change by now.

According to the weather report on my phone, Thursday and Friday may actually be non rainy days. Kinda would like to see if some weeds might be dry enough to weed eat then, but who knows. Every morning is always wet with dew until after lunch. Oh well. Will NOT gripe. We know what is coming soon! Landon reminded me that a breeze and some cooler temps will sound very good soon. Yep. Last summer is was totally miserable with 115 to 120 degree days. Ran the AC almost night and day. sigh And they say we will have to reduce electricity use this summer because of what happened in February. Whatever. One room at a time might not be too much, but if they start having rolling brown outs or some such, it will be rather hard. Now if the grass does not get too high or too dry, maybe the entire south side of Lake Wichita won't burn. Yes, trying to be positive, but have seen this a few times already.

Tomorrow is trash day. Have the bin rather stuffed at the moment with grape vines, rose vines, and shtuff that happens around here like feed bags and regular trash. It is amazing to me what one old woman can end up throwing out each week. 

Can hear a hen out there complaining or bragging--whichever it is. May go see if it is that black hen and if there is an egg under her. Nope. sigh She may have to spend another day in "jail."

Not sure how she can see things so quickly, but Jennifer found more than a few plums on the purple plum tree by the deck. Of course, right now they are green as a gourd, but she still saw them and pointed them out. So far two have been visible to me. But the cherries are definitely visible! They are sour cherries, but that does not stop me from munching on them. Maybe one of these years there will be enough for a pie or something. Maybe just put some sugar on them and let them sit overnight and eat them on vanilla ice cream. Umm.

Jennifer plucked the yellow leaves off the gardenia tree that Connie donated to the cause around here. Then she pointed out the two buds that should be blossoms sometime soon. Kinda thought the thing was going to die, but Jenn worked it over and put it in a bigger pot than what it was in, crammed in some more potting soil, watered it, and stood it up in a corner so it would not get beaten to death by the wind. She is a regular plant rescuer!

Got a sweet card from Sue Dickerson in the mail. Will tell her right here that it was much appreciated. Some of us still send cards and messages in letters. They are as appealing and cute as some of the things online, but they take extra effort to mail. THAT makes them special, too. My brother called this morning to tell me that he spilled coffee all over my birthday card, so it was a phone call or nothing. That was fine by me. At least it is easy to say thank you on the phone. Hoping that no one is missed by the thanks online. Not easy to catch all of them.

Not quite half finished with Nineteen Eighty-four. So far it is just as depressing as it started out. But my friend John R sent me a clip that was supposed to have been made in 1956 about the "future" of our world. It may have just been dubbed over the films of those things back then, but it forecast a worldwide epidemic for 2020 because of international travel that would bring a virus back from Asia to the entire world. If this thing was actually made in 1956, it makes me wonder about time travel. How could anyone so totally get the "history" right from back then? But then, look at George Orwell's 1984! 

Been reading about the UAP--unidentified aerial phenomena--that Congress wants to discuss. One of the pilots who witnessed one as a part of her work back in 2007 had been asked by her superior and fellow pilot to watch him while he attempted to engage. Wondering how that pilot felt when the thing just zoomed away into nothingness. If future travel--traveling into the future and into the past--were a possibility, it would explain so many strange things that have been found in various places. In Scotland they have found glass that has been melted from the stones--unexplained. And the blue faces that were in that film with whatshisname--those are from history and from some folks that have never been seen again. Oh well. In good time God will let us know how HE has changed our world and why. All things, all creatures have been the point of creation. Only God can have the eternal capability to create things whether or not we understand them. In fact, one of the boys mentioned today that we know only a very tiny fraction about the oceans! And then there is dirt! Our world is made of a marvelous substance that sustains life. And here we are trying to colonize outer space! Oh well.

Looking out my front window gives me the view of bright red poppies dancing in the breeze out there. It makes me so happy to see flowers taking the breeze to task. Such joy as flowers may give us is there from His hands. Let us be grateful for all life. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Noah's Boats.

 Thinking that Noah had a boat load of animals along with his family. It must have been a very big job to keep those animals fed and their stalls cleaned out. Wondering how they dumped the poo overboard? After all, the Bible says that God sealed up the boat. Maybe that just means the big door and not the top level of the boat. But still, if the critters were in the bottom of the boat, that is a lot of poo to haul up to the deck. 

You might well wonder what brings Noah to mind. Have you seen where the rains have been falling lately? Not in California or the places that really need it apparently. Have a cousin down in Louisiana and noticed on the internet that her area is flooded to some degree. Then talked to my cousin John near Hot Springs. He said it is too wet to plant anything for sure. Guess it will dry out eventually.

Talked to my cousin in Charlotte, SC, about the guy that the police, sheriffs, and government officers are all trying to catch. Let's pray that they get this @sswipe and take him out of the population. He is so cruel and vicious that he has no concern for anyone. Idiots like that need to be disposed of without bothering with a trial or any other form of legal concern. Endangering entire cities by running into folks and killing them indiscriminatingly is just unreal!

Talking to John and Wham reminded me that it is graduation season. My cousin Pearl had five or six children and twenty grands. Most of them have children or are graduating now. Time moves right along. John said that he is not much of an uncle as he would not know them if he met them on the streets. That happens in every family. My nephew has three daughters that have never been in my home. Think Sterling knows them fairly well, but he is around them every once in a while. Doesn't take long, however, when they are all having babies for those little ones to get well beyond recognition stages. Life goes on.

The front walk looks totally different without all those Bluebonnets piled up on it. Still have a few petunias and poppies growing and blooming on it, but they are not going to trip anyone for sure. Maybe the sun will come out one day this week and dry up enough seeds so that they can be harvested. Does not take long to start shelling the little pods when they dry. And the poppies are already throwing seeds everywhere!

The broody hen is still ticked off, but she is also having to spend another night in the "jail" for her attitude. Maybe one more day will get it. Here's hoping. 

Cut some of the Seven-sisters rose back this morning and also cut some of the grapevine back. Can see under the edge of the deck now. The hens use that area for shade and to hide. But they still can. It just looks neater without the stuff hanging on the ground. Filled up the trash bin, but that does not matter overly much. The trash truck comes twice a week anyway.

Think a sack of "chili" mix will be employed for food tomorrow. Bought it some time back and never have cooked it. Now, honestly, REAL chili does not contain beans, but this is a combination of several veggies with spices. And a sack of hamburger meat will be put in there as well. We will see how it turns out. Anything is better than the stuff out of a can.

Know very little to share on here tonight. Cousin Sharron from Quanah is in the hospital, but have no idea if they have been able to fix what ails her. Seems it is a torn aorta rather than an aneurysm. Not sure if that is better or worse! Anyway, please pray for her and for Sharon Dickerson's niece who is taking chemo. May they both recover completely.

Rest well and appreciate every day we are given to love this world and those in it. You know He watches over us.

You are loved.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Sidewalk Visibility!

 The front side walk is visible! Jennifer got out there and removed the Bluebonnets and some poppies, so now the flagstones are visible. And an entire box of Bluebonnet plants and poppies are on their way to the Ft. Worth area to be dumped out in the pasture behind their pool area. Bet next year she will have some flowers out there. THOROUGHLY enjoyed having my girl here this weekend. The dogs think that she is their prize-winning keepsake when she visits. Dogs have good judgment about people, and they definitely love Jennifer.

Sent eggs and some other stuff home with Jenn, so now the table top is also visible. Only three eggs left between the table and the nests in the coop. Guessing that the girls are going to start to slow down on laying pretty soon with all the heat on its way. Rain, however, is still in the next week's forecast. Won't bother me, but Donny Anderson said that it is floating things away down toward Bowie. Water standing on the top of hills! Still not as bad as things are down around Baton Rouge. Feel so sorry for those folks.

My sister-by-another-mother [Sharon], told me that the other Sharron [two letter r's] is in the hospital to have an aneurysm repaired down at Southwest in Dallas. Her daughter is on her way there now. Scary stuff. At least God has given men the ability to correct problems like that.

We did not do much today or last night, but it has been so restful. No pressure of any kind feels good. NOT that there is much pressure in my life anyway. But still, it was so comfortable to have Jennifer here.

Not much on my mind this evening. Still recuperating just from mowing the grass yesterday. It makes me sore for some reason. Oh well. The grass won't need to be cut this next week.

Going to tell you that we are blessed so very much. No matter what little problems we may have, God has given us what we need--His love. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Friday, May 21, 2021

A Weekend Visitor!

Suffice it to say that the old woman is happy tonight. My daughter came to spend some time with me. The dogs are ecstatic, and that is just about the way all of us feel--bow wow!

Got the back yard and east lots mowed, so now it can grow up to knee high again. Cut it pretty close so the rain might not make it so soppy wet every day. Guess it doesn't really matter. Just need to do some weed eating, but let me tell you, dear hearts, that wears an old body down very quickly! Jenn says we just need to find someone to do that part from now on. Little places around the back yard or in the front are not too much, but the entire place is just asking for a back and neck ache. Gripe, gripe, natter, natter.

Still reading a little bit at a time of Nineteen Eighty-four. That man is so sad. The boys said that they would listen to it on Audible. Never have done that, but guess it would be ok if reading was too hard otherwise. Jennifer says that she uses Audible to listen to books, but she said Lance is really good at it. Guess eventually that will be the way most folks "read" their books. Or not. Some of us are pretty fond of print.

Jennifer was telling me about one of her friends who finally gave up and went to get glasses. She picked out a pair of glasses and the person who was helping her asked, "Do you want the line on your bifocals?" The young woman exclaimed, "What do you mean BIFOCALS!!" Thought that was pretty funny. My trifocals aren't all that helpful, but at least reading is possible with them.

The mailman came today and brought me a tool called "Grandpa's Weeder." Jennifer said that it is a real gem! Just can hardly wait to try it out on khaki weeds. Hate those suckers! Anyone who has ever gotten into them understands exactly. Anyway, looking forward to using it.

Sharon Dickerson said that her niece has begun to take chemo treatments again. It just bothers me to pieces that the treatments that are supposed to help people overcome some kind of illness--well, the treatments seem to be as horrible sometimes as the diseases. My son asked me about his grandfather today and how his cancer started. It reminded me that the doctors using radiation and then chemo first burned up his internal organs and then burned up his veins. The man did not stand a chance. He was a tough ol' man, too. But they overdid everything they did to him. Let's pray that Sharon's niece can overcome both the treatments and the disease.

While we are praying, my friend AnnaBeth Graf has told me that her sister Joan Henderson has an aneurysm that leads to her kidney. The doctor that treated two other aneurysms--one in her heart--did not think he could handle this one and is sending her to a Dallas hospital. Please pray that Joan will do well with this surgery.

Have to tell a funny on Beth: her niece in Alaska gave her the online address so she could watch her grand niece graduate. Beth very diligently sat down and tuned online to watch. She could see that it was a small class, and she thought that the young women had such an oriental look about them. When they stood up and sang the Philippine national anthem, Beth finally realized that she had watched the wrong graduation. giggling

Have to go out and rinse off the ZTM [zero turn mower] and put it up. Will say that my heart is happy and my outlook bright tonight. May you all rest well and awake with joy.

You are loved. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Remembering Our Dogs.

 When the postman came this morning to bring an awkwardly shaped box, he stood back from the front door when the dogs approached the window next to the door. He said something about the dogs not liking anyone on their porch. Yep, told him that they mean business, too. He nodded his head and agreed that it would certainly seem so. Recently wired a sign on the front gate that says Warning: Security Dog. Thompson probably can't jump over the fence, but it really would not do for anyone to put a hand over the fence into the back yard, either. These dogs are the most aggressively "friendly" dogs that have ever lived on this place. They know who is a friend immediately. HOW they know is beyond me. Maybe it is something about my approach to others that gives it away. Not sure.

We have had two Chows over the years. Nando was the sweetest critter around and would not bite a biscuit unless he had permission. Baloo, however, was very territorial and concerned with anything or person that came inside the yard. And yes, he would bite. Two men came in the back yard one night, and one ended up in the hospital with bites to his leg. Never did have anyone try to come in that way again. He was one of Lewis' favorite dogs next to HarleyB. 

Years ago one of Hanan's friends in Arizona or someplace found a dog coming down the street dragging a chain. It was hungry and had sores all over it, but Jason fed it and took it to Hanan in Santa Monica. The dog would not leave Hanan's side if it had a choice at all. Hanan tried to leave Cody with a friend over a weekend, and the dog dug under the guy's fence and went back to where Hanan lived. The dog dug BACK under Hanan's fence to get into his own back yard. Not gonna leave him anywhere strange! When we brought Hanan and Cody back to Texas, Cody had to stay with us. By that time we had a puppy called Thompson. Cody had no idea how to treat a puppy, but Thompson soon taught Cody how to play. Hanan said it had not even dawned on him that Cody had never known how to play. But tug of war and chase soon had both dogs in great shape. Thompson used to love to go get a stick and bring it back. He did not care if it was the SAME stick that was thrown or not, so when he brought Hanan an apricot tree trunk, we just sat there and laughed out loud! 

Sylvia was a compassionate rescue. We were the fifth family for her. She was so very hyper that she did not know how to act or even be still long enough for someone to teach her something. About all she has ever been able to learn is "sit" and "come." Sometimes it seems like she could tear up an anvil, but she is also a sweetheart who loves me and listens to my tone of voice. Could not have asked for a more perceptive dog for the past three years.

Many dogs have lived on this ol' hill over the years, and all of them have been well loved. Thompson and Sylvia "own" the living room couch and a corner of my bed. And no rabbit is safe inside the yard fence--not to mention ducks, black birds, and stupid doves that get caught inside the hen coops! Not much gets past these two dogs, so there is the guard aspect as well. Anyone hearing their growls and barks cannot mistake their intentions. 

Looking forward to tomorrow evening. Jennifer is supposed to be here and spend the night. That hardly ever happens. Will have to convince Sylvia to sleep in her crate, but she will if told more than once. And Jenn gets to sleep on the new bed frame that she and Gary bought for me! She is shorter legged than the old woman, so she may need the stool just to get in bed!

Thompson just came over and indicated a scratching situation. Sylvia can hardly stand for him to get that much attention, so she always manages to push herself between us. He still got his scratches.

Had a series of text messages that started with Jenn showing me a picture of a xylophone for chickens. That got misdirected to calling my hens miscreants by Lance and a quacker remark from Reece. Now they are on a kick about emu eggs and how to cook them--the eggs, not the emus. Never a dull moment around here. Also received a tee shirt in the mail today that said someone around here was the "world's okayest mom." Not everyone has kids like this, but mine are special--just ask BillyeRuth if her kids aren't the "specialist kids" in the world. We just have to love our kids and our dogs and our hens! Not necessarily in any order, but for sure every day!

Will ask your prayers again for Sharon Dickerson's niece, for my friend Connie and her sister Rebekah, and for those who mourn like Mariellen Rose. This has been a really rough year for some folks. And then we can pray for peace. May God bless this ol' world and those in it.

Rest well, my friends, and know that YOU are loved. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

More Blooms!

 A different amaryllis has opened its blooms next to the walking ramp. This must be the year of blooms! The boys mentioned this morning that it seemed the flowers were only getting taller and more blooms. Don't really think that is the case, but the flowers are still lovely and fresh looking. But then, the seeds on the Bluebonnets are still not quite ready for all the plants to be removed from the walkway or other areas. Still have too many seeds to harvest to remove any plants entirely. It's all this rain. We did not get so much rain last night, but the ground is still soaked and the grass sopping wet. It is supposed to get to nearly 80 today, as well. Ah, humidity!

Have had to go out front and sling marbles and some gravel at the wabbits. AT is the operative word in that sentence. Simply cannot hit anything with a slingshot. If it were possible to use a .22, that would be a different story entirely. The wabbits would be shot, and the old woman would probably be in jail! Just let Thompson and Sylvia out of the front door and no wabbits would still be alive! But that mess over at Jerry's is so dangerous that the dogs would probably need to go to the vet immediately! Glass, strange tangles of metal and wire, and nails poking up out of everything! Yep, that place is a disaster.

Have honestly thought about what the world would look like if people actually took some pride in being neat around their homes--inside and out. Yes, some things around here need to be reorganized, but no one will get a flat tire from parking in front of my house. And the back yard is safe to walk through except for chicken boo boo. Well, and some dog bombs down in the east lot. Still, all that melts in rain or deteriorates and fertilizes the ground. JUNK does not need to sit around forever "decorating" our yards. Was so happy to have Michelle and Tim Malay come get the "yard art" lawn mower removed to their place so Tim could cut the grass up at the acreage. Michelle did say the belts were going to have to be replaced, but that is a doable situation for anyone with even a tiny bit of internet practice on where to put which one which way. And a few muscles are pretty necessary. But Tim can handle that. Just glad that Michelle has the DR to handle the high grass and stuff around their place. Think just about anyone can handle one of those things if they are tall enough to spin the starter--something impossible for me to do. sigh

Talked to Lance today and found out that the entire family may need eggs by this weekend. He said Jennifer was already griping about having to buy eggs. Smiling right here and thinking about the seven dozen eggs currently holding a place on my kitchen table. Tomorrow will make eight dozen--and counting. The girls just eat and make eggs--in that order.

Was working with the boys this morning and my phone kept saying, "Ah ha! Text message!" Once or twice it was Lance; once was the pharmacy; and three or four were from my doctor checking up on me to see how things are going along. Thinking it is about the neatest thing in the world to have a doctor who really cares about her patients. Know for certain that she is the only doctor my family has ever had who really checks up on her patients.

The boys are going to be writing an essay--that is THREE essays to read--on The Scarlet Letter. My hope is that they can get this done by this Friday, but that is just my hope. It's not like they have tons of homework the way my children had when they were in school. But it may be the first time they have ever had to write an essay. They have examples in the book Grammar To Go, so that should be a fairly good start for their ideas. We will see what happens.

Have started reading Nineteen Eighty-Four and had forgotten how deadly depressing that book is. Reading it for about an hour takes another hour of reading something happy to keep my head on straight. Whew! The boys thought that Eric Blair wrote this AFTER 1984. But he died in 1950, so that shot down their idea about it being a "modern" book. What is amazing is the fact that it is getting so much closer to what society has developed now. Scary!

Have been trying once again to not read the news on AOL or FB. Honestly! Not one nation in the Middle East wants any Jews to survive, much less occupy the land which they currently claim as their nation. The ONE democracy in the Middle East and folks think anyone has any right to tell those people what to do in their own nation! Mind boggling! The nation is only 73 years old, but the people there have accomplished more in those 73 years than all the nations around them have in centuries! Bringing water to a land that was desert! Making the land flourish and produce foods! Developing technology to help themselves and the entire world! But THEY are fit to be destroyed? God help us--and help the nation of Israel!

Sorry, my mind is just amazed at the stupidity of this world. It probably means my little mind needs to go for a walk out back and talk to those fuzzy headed creatures out there. They have opinions, too, ya know.

Miss Broody is camped out inside the little coop. She simply will not stay out of the nests. So this may--or may not--do the trick for getting her to change her mind. She has food and water, so that should keep her alive and fairly well. Satisfied--not so much. But such is life for a broody hen.

Have not done much today, but got the living room floor mopped yesterday and even shined it up just a bit. Can't tell it now, but hey! It's the idea that counts, right? Oh, and pulling the dryer out to straighten the vent hose helped the dryer. Thinking that hose needs to be cleaned out thoroughly before it is pushed back. Muscle power! May have to get the boys to help me do that. They are such neat guys and are willing to help with just about anything. Having them around keeps my mind busy.

Got batteries in the mail today that were ordered from Amazon. Chinese, of course. But maybe they will be good replacements for the ones that go in the wands for the sprayers. When the winds stop blowing so hard in the evening, will take time to spray the high weeds in the fence lines. Yes, it is terrible to use weed spray, but it is also terrible to have high grasses that can lead to fires. The neighbors around me--with the exception of Donny Anderson on the west side--let the grass grow just as high as it will. We nearly lost this place to fire one year because of the high grass and a wild fire. Better think that it makes an old woman careful.

It may not rain tomorrow, but the days after that have 40 to 50% chances of rain each day. It makes me feel sorry for the folks in Louisiana. Wow! Good thing those Cajuns all have boats or neighbors who own boats! My cousins down there have not put anything on FB, but am guessing that they are all ok. Will have to try to contact one to see if Bastrop has been affected by the floods. 

Sylvia just hopped up into my lap to ask me how things were going. This morning she tried to convince one of the boys that she is a lap dog. Guarantee she is too big for my lap! Sweet critters that live on my couch or on my bed! The boys made the comment the other day that the couch belonged to the dogs--but of course it does! Funny that anyone would think otherwise.

Not much going on around here, so will just ask you all to pray for peace. Only God can help us to deal with what we see around us, but He can help us see HIS vision of life. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Drivin' By.

 Welp! A pedicure was enjoyed by a couple of folks today. Connie came over to pick me up, and we went to "something star" over near the Braum's on Callfield Road. Now my toenails might not slice open holes in the top sheet on my bed! That used to happen when Lewis' toenails got too long. It felt as if we were trimming hooves on my horse when we did his toenails. First they had to be soaked to just get them soft enough to cut! Mine have never been quite that bad, but they certainly got long and sharp!

We also had lunch-upper at Braum's. My lunch was chili with beans, cheese, sour cream, and fries with a chocolate shake (free shake with lunch or supper, so why not!). Anyway, the rest of that meal is in my fridge now waiting to see if hunger happens the rest of the day. Not too likely, but hey!

We also went out to see where to find Whispers of Hope where they do horse back riding for those who need some extra help with whatever. Man! It was wall to wall mud out there. Guess that should not come as any surprise under the circumstances. We did not stop or pull in where the offices were simply because of the mud. 

Then we went by the place where Janis' house was all those years. Three houses are now situated on that property on the front side. Apparently the company did not consider it necessary to clear off the back side of the acreage. So you can now bet that it is wall-to-wall rattlesnakes out there! It was always bad, but they have let it grow up higher out in the back portion of the land before the canyons begin. Good place to lose a critter or a child!

We then went down Barnett Road and back around by Fairway to see how things looked out that way. Wet, wetter, and wettest! Would never want to live over that way. No drainage whatsoever. We looked at the place where we used to first have church services here in WF out by the Wild Bird Rescue. Such a small place, but then the congregation in this area was less than 20 people at the time.

Then we went to see if we could find the new high school or where it was supposed to be. We found the new career center--which is quite large--but not anything else. Wondering when or where a new high school is going to be built. Oh well.

Finally we went to a discount place where yours truly bought some gummy things to help with pain. Those suckers really work.

On the way home Connie got to see the amount of water going over the dam spillway. The dam was lowered when they built the spillway, so the drainage canal really takes a load off the lake. But it was still fairly high with water flowing down the ditch. If we were having the kind of rain that they are getting in South Texas, we would be seeing that water shoot out of that cut in the dam.

Got home and picked up a dozen eggs--only one under the broody hen, so apparently she had moved around some. Still have a hen out in the little coop next to the house, so at least one more egg will come inside sometime this evening.

Connie said she really enjoyed driving around all the back roads and just looking. Had to tell her that we let our kids learn to drive on roads like that before the roads were paved. Riding lawnmowers and old country back roads are perfect for kids and their first few drives in a real vehicle. My brother learned to drive on a tractor in Arkansas. They only let me drive in Granny gear when we worked between the chicken houses. Not much driving to that situation.

Have a load of clothes in the dryer for the second attempt to get them dry. Wondering if the hose was kinked or full of crud. Pulled the dryer out away from the wall to remove the kinks, so we will see what happens now. Hope the kinks are just the only problem. Hate calling the repairman.

Think most of the rest of this afternoon calls for just some reading for pleasure--and that does not include Nineteen Eighty-four. Nope, will wait until the boys finish The Scarlet Letter before finishing another book to read with them. They don't seem terribly motivated to read things. Can't imagine my life without reading something good nearly every day. If my eyesight went totally south, would have to get audible books. Life it too short not to enjoy reading.

When we were at the discount smoke shop--not for purposes of buying anything to smoke!--we were talking about how many steps we take in a day or how often we get outside and do something. It takes at least four trips to the hen houses each day on a normal day. If Athena is out there screaming her head off, another trip is made because she has to be picked up and removed to another nest to get her to shut up. That or pick up the broody hen and put HER somewhere. Today Athena actually had an egg in the nest, so guess she has earned her chicken scratch for the week. Funny hen!

Kinda think a nap may be sneaking up on me. Guess this would be the time to indulge the old bones as it would give me time to go out and gather seeds after a short nap. Everyone and his kid sister wants seeds. Think there should be plenty to go around. 

We got nearly an inch of rain last night. Glad to live on a hill. And even on a hill, the ground is boggy. Glad to have plenty of grass on top of that bog! It may require a lot of work to keep it cut back, but it certainly does make a nice view.

Saw some videos of a family who had an alpaca. It made me want one. The critter acted just like a big dog. But can't imagine needing to take one to the vet. It would have to be someone who specialized in critters other than dogs and cats.

Absolutely need to get this living room floor mopped and otherwise maybe waxed. We will see about that part later; the cleaning is a no-compromise situation. sigh..... Dog hair and dust bunnies~~!

Another load of laundry on to wash and one in the dryer. About time for that quick nap!

Praise God that no missiles are exploding around our homes and schools. Pray for God's people everywhere.

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Harvest While You Can!

 It's wet out there, but some things come up easier when the ground is wet. So, here we are clipping the seed pods off of various plants--mostly bluebonnets and poppies. Saving some for my daughter, for Shelby of Bill Brown Beef, and then two other ladies who asked for seeds. One is the daughter-in-law of Greta Vietenheimer. The other is a friend of Donny Anderson. After they all have seeds enough to suit them, will ask if anyone else wants to come pull up bluebonnet plants or clip seeds. Want to clear my front walk of plants for a change. Still have plenty of petunias and bachelor buttons and other flowers around the front that will continue to look half way decent. Clipping seeds just about kills my back, but it is this week or nothing at all when it comes to seed pods. If they get brown, they seeds shatter out and go everywhere. Not a big deal, but it is impossible to collect them after they shoot off across the yard.

Have been thinking that Thompson is slowing down because he is not running down to the east end of the lots very much lately. This morning he proved just how fast he remains. Both dogs told me that a wabbit was out front. Didn't see the silly critter, but walked out across the road to look. The wabbit panicked and ran into the back yard. Wrong move, wabbit. Thompson killed him faster than greased lightning. Anyway, that is one less varmint to get their attention.

Asked Jennifer if she wanted some Buffalo Clover, but she said Gary would swear that it would give him a headache. It really does smell just like grape Nehi and wafts its odor away out from the plants. Love it! Lewis' favorite flower. 

Left a bunch of sunflowers to grow up inside the east lot next to the fence. Each time mowing around them as close as possible without hitting them has allowed them to get pretty tall so far. They were Hanan's favorite flowers. He planted them everywhere. Well, that and lavender. He thought lavender was the best stuff in the world. He planted some outside their apartment in Santa Monica and would run his hands through it every time he walked out the front door. Kinda neat.

The electricity just blipped. That is the second time today. Am beginning to wonder if this is a forerunner of what our power situation is going to be like all summer. Each time it messes up whatever is on the computer page. And yes, it has a surge protector. Not sure if it needs to be a stronger or bigger one, but will ask Gary when there is an opportunity. Don't want this computer fried or otherwise messed up.

Gave both dogs a bath today. Let them out to roll in the grass which may or may not be counter-productive as far as getting rid of the itchies. But at least they have not been sitting around gnawing on themselves. Used some active vinegar and some Skin-So-Soft from Avon. That stuff is supposed to keep itching to a minimum. But used up the last of the big ol' bottle that Jennifer's friend Laurie gave me. Will have to get another one soon. That one lasted for three or four years!

The boys took one look at the dog paw prints on the couch and said, "This couch belongs to the dogs, doesn't it." Yep, it belongs to them, but sometimes they let me lie down on it. It is a comfortable couch, but it is L O N G. At the moment it is caty-corner in the West side of the room so that there is room for my desk, trash can, and openings for Sylvia so she can hide back behind it. Both dogs really won't fit under my desk.

Almost time to put the hens up for the night. Still have not done anything about that silly hen who wants to sit on everyone else's eggs. But when Athena gets out there and starts yelling about that particular nest, then broody biddy gets moved into another box. Sometimes all the other hens get the chance to lay their eggs before she moves back to "her" box. Silly hen. If the old woman were any good at all, she would figure out a better way to separate her overnight a couple of days and nights. That should do the trick. At least it worked for the other two broody Marans. Jennifer said that this is the first time for having black hens. Maybe they tend to get broody earlier than the Rhode Island Reds or the Black-laced Wyandottes. Who knows.

Bought two melons at Market Street the other day--one cantaloupe and one of the small green ones--have just lost the name of the stupid melon--Honeydew! Anyway, the last time two of these were purchased, the Honeydew was terrible and the cantaloupe was good. The reverse happened this time. Just wish it were possible to pick out good ones more easily. They are two for five dollars, so a mistake is pretty expensive--not to mention irritating when melon is what is on one's mind. sigh

Tomorrow, if the mood does not go south with the weather, the living room floor is going to be mopped with a real mop and the Bona or whatever to use to clean it. The dogs have just about turned it into a maze of dirt and dog tracks. NOT that mopping it will last long, but it is just the idea that for maybe an hour it might look decent. 

Got tickled at the boys today. They said they are the dishwasher at their house. And sometimes they are the laundry attendants as well. Told them about my children being the live-in dust maids when they were kids. If they got in trouble, they got a dust rag and whatever brand of furniture polish was on hand. Not even sure a can of that stuff is anywhere in this house any longer. Oh well. And the trestle table in the kitchen has not had a really good waxing in years. sigh

Well, tonight a city in Alaska is being flooded by the results of an ice dam, and a city in Iowa is being evacuated by a derailed train carrying fertilizer that can smother people. This is the joyful news that my phone brings to me occasionally. Flipping through my AOL pages shows over 300 missles/bombs dropped on Israel so far yesterday. That is just totally unreal! As if life were not difficult enough, then hatred has to rear its ugly head. Honestly, we need to pray for answers to the problems of flooding and drought, the containment of dangerous goods being transported or the need for foods that require fertilizers, and THEN the avoidance of crazy people. A friend recently sent some pictures to me showing how close together people were living in huge cities the world over. Our population has beget humongous problems that include starvation and other conflicts, but no one considers moving away from the central areas of the world that we consider inhabitable. Seems about time to start thinking in terms of making the deserts productive and our attitudes less judgmental. And no, have not read any more pages of Nineteen Eighty-four today. Just having thoughts about the world being too crowded and being too committed to grains for foods. It IS possible to change if we put our minds to it.

Well, obviously my thought are flowing along some dark alleys tonight. It is my prayer that God will give us peace. And may you all rest well wherever you are. May your ills be healed and your thoughts remain positive. You are loved.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Yellin' About It!

 Athena is a Campine hen. She talks to me whenever she wants something. And lately the Maran that has been taking over one of the nests to do her broody work has irritated Athena beyond words--or in her case--beyond yelling! That particular nest is a favorite of all the hens for some reason, but Athena does not think she can lay her eggs in any other nest--period! So out we go while she is screaming her head off at that Maran and throw the Maran into a nice container of hay that even has three eggs in there. No, she did not stay and disturbed Athena even more. So, out there to do it again. This time the Maran got put in the nest on the top shelf. Her head was up over the top with that gleam in her eye that said, "Just you wait. You are gonna get it!" So in a few minutes another trip will be required to see if Athena got to keep her nesting place. Sooner or later a couple of those plastic file cubes will have to come home from Walmart or Target so the birds can fuss over them because of their location rather than the fact that they can see out the holes in the sides. Life is complicated if one is a hen.

Currently have four dozen eggs on the kitchen table. Need to figure out the best way to get them down to Saginaw or beyond so the kids can have them. It is not like FedEx would deliver eggs. UPS would not do it either is my guess. And the kids are all working now, so there's that. No foot-loose and fancy free kiddos any longer. 

My tee-shirt is sopping wet. Got out and ripped some of the five-leaf ivy off of the posts next to the flower bed. Then uncovered the amaryllis so it could get enough light to show it off. SO pretty! Bright reds are always pretty in the flower beds. Think that is why the poppies are so becoming to this old hill. They wave at the breezes and still don't fall over. The bachelor buttons are pretty with their blue ruffles, but the poppies just show off more. Jack Culpepper said the bright yellow ones on long stems are probably coreopsis. They are pretty, too, but have a tendency to fall down in heavy rain and not stand back up. 

The rain gauge only said one quarter inch of rain this morning. Seemed about right. It quit raining after the coop doors were opened, so it probably stopped by eight. The weather forecast is for more of the same for over a week. Not going to gripe. Got the grass mowed on Thursday evening before all the rain started, so if it wants to grow during this next week, it is welcome to do so. 

The mockingbird is still coming to her nest and only scolds slightly. Wondering about her. Still only two eggs. But a wren--or two--have declared this area their territory. Know that they will ruin another bird's nest in a heart beat, but hoping that won't happen. Have a nesting box on the front porch that a wren started building in last year. But so far no more building has begun on the front porch.

Opened a jar of dill pickles and discovered that their skin is tougher than boot leather. Have never had that happen before. Maybe it was a hard year for cucumbers?

Have not read very far into the book Nineteen Eighty-four. Vaguely remember it from reading it years ago, but then just a few books have been consumed since then. RE-reading a book is ok if one has enjoyed it the first time, but do not remember thinking that the scenarios in this book were even possible. Well, duh! So much for not believing things like that were possible. Recently wrote something for the blog that was not something posted on FB. Think Marilyn Smith is the only person among you all who reads the blog on Mesquite Country instead of on FB. She did not say anything about that particular post, so not sure if she read it. It was not a very positive post because it was talking about doing away with old folks by reducing their medications or removing their ability to get what they needed. It could happen. Connie said this morning that she was not sure she would want to live if she had to go dig her food out of the front lawn. Suspect many folks would feel that way. Thinking about Yogi Bear and his saying, "Nuts and berries! Yuck!" 

Recently came across a video that Hanan made of us sitting on the deck with a hen eating ice cream out of my spoon. We wondered if she had brain freeze after she popped her head up and opened her beak real wide. That hen was Chicken Butt. She would have come inside and lived with us if she had been allowed to do so. Funny little hen.

Tomorrow is Jennifer's birthday. Think she will be 47 if my math worked right. She has always been a sweetheart. Her daddy thought she was just about the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Yes, and her mother had a tendency to agree, but now it is as much about her personality and character as it is the beautiful face and way she does things. Mothers are always blessed with the best kids, but some of us know it for a certain fact! Father-in-law always said that every ol' cow thought her calf was better than any other calf. He was right, but so was this ol' cow!

Dearly beloved, it is 85 degrees and humid. Guessing that the AC unit will have to be uncovered soon. sigh Have to move the TV in the living room and the dog crate in the bedroom for the summer. Not sure if the kitchen AC will be needed right now. It is a big one and cools the kitchen, hall, and small bathroom. But it also drinks the juice. Closing up one room at a time does not make it so difficult to cool things down once it gets hot. The living room is the easiest to cool in a way even though it is larger than the bedroom. It contains less stuff. May turn the couch around again and just put a chair over next to the bookcase. The dogs won't like it because it will interfere with their wabbit watches. Oh well. Will just have to pin the curtain up over the top of the AC so it will not be in the way. Such fun.

Let's pray that this strange weather does not send any tornadoes out over West Texas and Oklahoma. Not sure that BillyeRuth has a cellar out there in Paducah. But the way the weather blows in, it would probably come in the middle of the night! Maybe Skip McBride will let us know what to look for every day. He is still a weather man even if he does not do it on TV any longer.

Some of the evangelicals are buying bomb shelters to put in places in Israel. Now that makes good sense. Not sure how effective they are, but it is bound to be better than sitting inside a school waiting for the roof to be shot off. Such a sad life to live when everyone hates someone else. May God give us peace.

An online friend, Jane Scott, has cancer and developed thrush and sores in her throat. If you would, please say a prayer for her that she will be able to eat and drink without pain. She is tough, but such pain is hard to deal with on top of everything else. 

Sitting here remembering teaching my horse to pick her feet up by putting posts on the ground at intervals and riding her over them. Sometimes it feels as if those posts need to be on the ground in front of me so that my concentration will be on what is necessary instead of having my head up looking at everything else. Maybe God is giving me reminders of what is necessary.

Think maybe a trip out to the front yard to look for more seed pods from the buffalo clover might take my mind off of other stuff. May you each find something that keeps you happy. May you rest when you lie down at night and rejoice in a new day when you get up in the morning. You are loved.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Red Draw--More or Less.

 Woke up at five, so that was that. Got up and talked to the critters, turned on the deck light, opened the doors to the coops, and put some laundry on to wash. Went to Market Street and was home by seven, so the day was a pretty good start to getting something done, maybe. Put the groceries away and prepared some breakfast--salad with ham slices, guacamole, fresh Roma tomatoes, and salt and pepper. My stomach has not liked me much anyway, so might as well have what tastes good to me, right? Did buy a different kind of antacid. They are Tums cherry chewy delights. How's that for alliteration? Now if they work, we will be in good shape.

Put the big battery on the weed whacker and went to town on the stuff inside the yard. Got most of it finished before the battery quit on me and needed to be recharged. THOUGHT about mowing outside the fence on the east side of the lots, but just could not make myself interested in doing so. And it did not rain, so maybe tomorrow. 

Cleaned the water bowls and dishes for the hens and talked to that Maran who wants to sit on that one particular nest. She got up and went out with the other hens, so maybe our discussion helped. Or not. She is not back on the nest at least.

Had some Clamato juice with limon--think that is a cross between lemon and lime. Used a small bottle of Coors mixed with it and drank that for "supper." Not hungry, but wanted something wet to drink that was not a protein shake. Had a cup of tea earlier today, but tea just does not quite do it like G2 or one of the other types of Gatorade. Anyway, as tired as this ol' body is tonight, sleep should be easy to come by. Here's hoping, anyway.

Still have not made an appointment for a pedicure. My toenails are ridiculous! And who ever thought they would be that difficult to reach with the right angle to clip them? Crazy!

Still sneezing, but today has not been quite as bad. According to the pollen counters, tomorrow should be a snap! Less than one percent on a scale of twelve. But tomorrow is also the day that the old woman plans to do some trimming on that five-leaf ivy out front. Know it has stuff in there that will make me sneeze, but it has to be done. And then there is the honey suckle and trumpet vines that need to be cut back. Always something that needs to be chopped back to make life interesting.

Lance said that he would do his best to put a gutter up over the front porch the next time he comes up. Don't know what things would come to if the kids were not so willing to help me. Two very good kids and a passel of sweet grands. 

Talked to Rachel today about her job. She really appreciates having Sundays off. Think that it is a great thing for young folks and old folks alike to have one easy rest day. Might as well rest when they are young. After we get to a certain age, resting is not all that great--it is just not a choice, but a necessity.

Kept hearing little tinkling sounds. Finally dawned on me that it was the wind chimes that Jennifer got for me when she went to church camp in Orr, MN. It is six horses hanging from a six-sided circle thing. Sweet little sounds. 

Started reading Nineteen Eighty-four. Already sad. But it needs to be read by more than just an old woman and some teenagers. Some folks need to realize that Eric Blair had a pretty good picture of what was possible in the future of the world. It may not get to quite this same scenario, but anything close is bad enough. Told the boys the other day that if we have a phone, we can be found and listened to. Pretty simple, really.

Have wondered how many people in the cities of this world know how to plant food crops or at least plant something that they could eat in a pinch--or could sustain life if necessary. Not talking about the lifestyle of the so-called "preppers." This is just basic knowledge of what is edible and what can be planted to feed ourselves. Have a book on foraging that might be helpful if a person really got in a bind and had no way to get food otherwise. My dad used to talk about the kinds of foods that the Indians used for survival. It was not like they always had a spare buffalo or deer at their doorstep. Did you know that even cattails and certain grasses are edible? Let's hope we never have to figure out how to cook it. Nut grass has been the bane of many a gardener, but the nuts are edible. Oh well. Not hungry now so will think about something else--the usual shuffle of thoughts.

The book Exodus by Leon Uris made me think about what happens in a place as big as Israel to folks who can't get away from being shot at or bombed. At one point in 1948, Jerusalem was surrounded and no one could get in or out. No food drops were made by the U.S. government either! So someone found a shipment of caviar from Russia in a warehouse. They spruced it up somehow and told people that it was a kind of jam. And those who ate it survived the siege. But about that same time, some kind of plants began to grow in the town that had not been available before the war. Those were edible, and folks ate those, too. God provides. We just somehow have to accept what is available.

Had some things in the dryer, and they did not seem to be drying well. Went out and took the little screwdriver drill to un-attach the dryer vent. Had forgotten that this one has a little slip thing at the bottom to catch the lint. Had to put the dryer vent cover back and then clean out the little tray thing. It was not even clogged up. Not sure why the clothes did not get dry in the usual time. Oh well. Will look at it later.

Thinking about my dryer made me remember what Vicki said about the stuff that is happening at her house: the dryer went out, the freezer went out, the computer crashed, and she dropped her phone in a bucket of water! Now that is a bit much! But she said that so far all her hair had not fallen out, and her youngest grandson asked her to get a multi-color clown wig for when it all fell out. Not sure that made Vicki feel any better, but at least Helo was trying to comfort her. He just turned 14, and she is his favorite person in the whole world. That makes any grandmother feel pretty good.

It's a few hours yet before the hens go up, so think reading will keep me busy for a while. Not really willing to do anything strenuous at the moment--maybe thinking comes under the heading of work? May just go see if the mockingbird will let me sit out on the deck. She has not been sitting on those eggs--or does not seem to be. Still, she has words to say when the door is opened. She doesn't scold yet, just squawks and leaves. Hope she stays with her eggs.

Funny, have a broody hen that needs her mind adjusted and a mockingbird who would like to adjust MY way of life. Oh well.

Thinking of all of you tonight with a great deal of hope that each of us can look forward to a better day tomorrow--or soon. Let us be grateful for the many blessings--and for rest. You are loved.