Monday, May 17, 2021

Harvest While You Can!

 It's wet out there, but some things come up easier when the ground is wet. So, here we are clipping the seed pods off of various plants--mostly bluebonnets and poppies. Saving some for my daughter, for Shelby of Bill Brown Beef, and then two other ladies who asked for seeds. One is the daughter-in-law of Greta Vietenheimer. The other is a friend of Donny Anderson. After they all have seeds enough to suit them, will ask if anyone else wants to come pull up bluebonnet plants or clip seeds. Want to clear my front walk of plants for a change. Still have plenty of petunias and bachelor buttons and other flowers around the front that will continue to look half way decent. Clipping seeds just about kills my back, but it is this week or nothing at all when it comes to seed pods. If they get brown, they seeds shatter out and go everywhere. Not a big deal, but it is impossible to collect them after they shoot off across the yard.

Have been thinking that Thompson is slowing down because he is not running down to the east end of the lots very much lately. This morning he proved just how fast he remains. Both dogs told me that a wabbit was out front. Didn't see the silly critter, but walked out across the road to look. The wabbit panicked and ran into the back yard. Wrong move, wabbit. Thompson killed him faster than greased lightning. Anyway, that is one less varmint to get their attention.

Asked Jennifer if she wanted some Buffalo Clover, but she said Gary would swear that it would give him a headache. It really does smell just like grape Nehi and wafts its odor away out from the plants. Love it! Lewis' favorite flower. 

Left a bunch of sunflowers to grow up inside the east lot next to the fence. Each time mowing around them as close as possible without hitting them has allowed them to get pretty tall so far. They were Hanan's favorite flowers. He planted them everywhere. Well, that and lavender. He thought lavender was the best stuff in the world. He planted some outside their apartment in Santa Monica and would run his hands through it every time he walked out the front door. Kinda neat.

The electricity just blipped. That is the second time today. Am beginning to wonder if this is a forerunner of what our power situation is going to be like all summer. Each time it messes up whatever is on the computer page. And yes, it has a surge protector. Not sure if it needs to be a stronger or bigger one, but will ask Gary when there is an opportunity. Don't want this computer fried or otherwise messed up.

Gave both dogs a bath today. Let them out to roll in the grass which may or may not be counter-productive as far as getting rid of the itchies. But at least they have not been sitting around gnawing on themselves. Used some active vinegar and some Skin-So-Soft from Avon. That stuff is supposed to keep itching to a minimum. But used up the last of the big ol' bottle that Jennifer's friend Laurie gave me. Will have to get another one soon. That one lasted for three or four years!

The boys took one look at the dog paw prints on the couch and said, "This couch belongs to the dogs, doesn't it." Yep, it belongs to them, but sometimes they let me lie down on it. It is a comfortable couch, but it is L O N G. At the moment it is caty-corner in the West side of the room so that there is room for my desk, trash can, and openings for Sylvia so she can hide back behind it. Both dogs really won't fit under my desk.

Almost time to put the hens up for the night. Still have not done anything about that silly hen who wants to sit on everyone else's eggs. But when Athena gets out there and starts yelling about that particular nest, then broody biddy gets moved into another box. Sometimes all the other hens get the chance to lay their eggs before she moves back to "her" box. Silly hen. If the old woman were any good at all, she would figure out a better way to separate her overnight a couple of days and nights. That should do the trick. At least it worked for the other two broody Marans. Jennifer said that this is the first time for having black hens. Maybe they tend to get broody earlier than the Rhode Island Reds or the Black-laced Wyandottes. Who knows.

Bought two melons at Market Street the other day--one cantaloupe and one of the small green ones--have just lost the name of the stupid melon--Honeydew! Anyway, the last time two of these were purchased, the Honeydew was terrible and the cantaloupe was good. The reverse happened this time. Just wish it were possible to pick out good ones more easily. They are two for five dollars, so a mistake is pretty expensive--not to mention irritating when melon is what is on one's mind. sigh

Tomorrow, if the mood does not go south with the weather, the living room floor is going to be mopped with a real mop and the Bona or whatever to use to clean it. The dogs have just about turned it into a maze of dirt and dog tracks. NOT that mopping it will last long, but it is just the idea that for maybe an hour it might look decent. 

Got tickled at the boys today. They said they are the dishwasher at their house. And sometimes they are the laundry attendants as well. Told them about my children being the live-in dust maids when they were kids. If they got in trouble, they got a dust rag and whatever brand of furniture polish was on hand. Not even sure a can of that stuff is anywhere in this house any longer. Oh well. And the trestle table in the kitchen has not had a really good waxing in years. sigh

Well, tonight a city in Alaska is being flooded by the results of an ice dam, and a city in Iowa is being evacuated by a derailed train carrying fertilizer that can smother people. This is the joyful news that my phone brings to me occasionally. Flipping through my AOL pages shows over 300 missles/bombs dropped on Israel so far yesterday. That is just totally unreal! As if life were not difficult enough, then hatred has to rear its ugly head. Honestly, we need to pray for answers to the problems of flooding and drought, the containment of dangerous goods being transported or the need for foods that require fertilizers, and THEN the avoidance of crazy people. A friend recently sent some pictures to me showing how close together people were living in huge cities the world over. Our population has beget humongous problems that include starvation and other conflicts, but no one considers moving away from the central areas of the world that we consider inhabitable. Seems about time to start thinking in terms of making the deserts productive and our attitudes less judgmental. And no, have not read any more pages of Nineteen Eighty-four today. Just having thoughts about the world being too crowded and being too committed to grains for foods. It IS possible to change if we put our minds to it.

Well, obviously my thought are flowing along some dark alleys tonight. It is my prayer that God will give us peace. And may you all rest well wherever you are. May your ills be healed and your thoughts remain positive. You are loved.

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