Monday, May 3, 2021

Let's All Bark A Lot!

 Ok, does anyone know if barking is good exercise? If it would keep her tummy trim and lean, Sylvia should be in excellent shape! DANG! She chooses to bark at the kid across the fence and his little dog--puppy. The puppy should be quite tired if barking can wear an animal down. My ears are certainly tired of listening to the noise! Gripey ol' woman.

Texted Dr. B today about this semi-constant headache. She had me use the Netipot and then take four Advil--with food. Feel MUCH better now. Should have thought about these things for myself, but just didn't. Anyway, will go see her Wednesday afternoon after the boys leave. Just need to figure out what is causing the headaches--muscle tension and stress or something else. Since the Netipot helped, it could be allergies.

Working with the boys is fun. Had forgotten how much fun it could be to read books, work on grammar, and just generally talk about writing. Have prayed that my semi-experience will be of benefit to them. At least, some things might be easier for them after they learn about how to use punctuation correctly. Got tickled at one of the boys saying that he threw as much punctuation into his essay as he could. So today they heard one of my favorites about punctuation: do not use commas as if they were raisins in oatmeal cookies. 

Connie came today and picked up some mustard bath powders for Rebekah. Not sure her sister will actually use the stuff as it is supposed to be used, but at least it can't hurt her. Just about any rash is soothed with this stuff. Not sure why it works, but it does.

Please pray for Connie to be able to have the patience she needs. She and Rebekah both need prayers, but especially Connie. She is stressed out to the max. 

It's almost time to put the hens up for the night. Really ready to call this a day. It's hot, well, warmer than is comfortable. A shower and a t-shirt sounds about right. Finishing the book started earlier will also be restful. Like to read about women who take care of themselves. Haven't known many of those in my lifetime.

The guy who lives behind me is mowing the area alongside my fence--on the road side of the fence. He has been out there shouting at my dogs as if it would make a difference. It didn't. Maybe shouting is his form of exercise.

About two more days of "prison" for the two hens may do the trick. They did not even get out of the pen today. And they will be there two more nights. If that does not take care of the broody situation, will have to call Michelle DeMers. Hens with attitudes are just not going to get it around here.

The young couple who mowed the bottom section near the highway last year came again today. They mowed and used a weed whacker. Haven't been down there, but it already looks neater. 

The boys informed me today that my flowers were getting taller and thicker. Yep. A few more days will dry out the seed pods on some of them. Gathering seed pods can be interesting. Scissors and a good bowl for the pods have to be the major instruments, but having enough hand power to use the scissors for any length of time is the hard part. Hoping to put enough seeds away for at least three or four people. Anyway, that is the plan.

It is supposed to rain again the first of next week. Well, maybe. Forty percent chance is not a sure thing. Not that any weather forecast is ever a sure thing!

Just walked out to chase a cottontail rabbit away from in front of the house. Got a great big snoot full of good smelling flower fragrance! Oh boy! My yard just smells so good. Not sure if it is the iris or Bluebonnets or what, but something definitely has a good odor.

Took the plastic covers off the middle coop door today. That will help circulate the air inside. Should have figured out a way to open the other end up on the long coop, but didn't think about it at the time. Oh well. It might work to take down ONE panel, but would have to be sure it would go back up eventually. We will see. Meanwhile it really looks like rain again.

Once upon a time this ol' gal went to work for a private school for a few weeks while someone was off on maternity leave. The director said that she had to pay me wages for the degree--as much as for what was taught. It made me wonder about education and how things work out for both teachers and students. Have had several teachers over the years who were NOT good teachers. But they got paid just the same as someone who just knew the material but who did not have that piece of paper. Thinking of a grandson who might not believe that he could ever be an instructor. Stranger things could happen than that a person who knows the material could teach as well as someone who went through classes to become a teacher. Just sayin'.

Bent the tippy tip of my knife today trying to move a piece of metal in the chicken coop. Dang it. Finally got it bent back enough that it would close better. But that was truly a dumb thing to do with a knife. Knowing better makes one want to be able to kick a backside. sigh

Other than laughing about Homeland Security investigating itself, the "news" has not penetrated my shield of indifference. It just does not seem to make any difference if we know or don't know things that are going on in this world. We know that Satan is dragging his tail through the streets all over the world. And his time is short. Thank God we know the final outcome. [Putting away soap box.]

May you all rest well this night and awake with joy! You are loved.

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