Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Yes, sunshine and rain mixed up as it has been will make all the plums split open, but ate one anyway! Found one that is pink on one side and yellow on the side nearest the tree, so for sure the sun is doing its best to get them ripe. Umm. Still ate a few of the red cherries that were ripe enough to eat. The redder they are, the sweeter they are. Someday those cherry trees are going to be downright awesome!

Have mostly goofed off today. Read a little bit of Nineteen Eighty-four, but will try to get it done tonight maybe. Took half the book to actually get interesting! 

Son-in-law had a birthday today. He is 48--maybe. Closer each year to the big 50. It makes me wonder why we set dates on our lives. Enjoyment of life is what matters--not how many years we have been around. 

Called Connie back this afternoon to ask about her sister's visit to the dentist. Along with being disappointed about the dentist, Connie had a run in with a male chauvinist pig who lives in the apartment complex. He was all over her shouting about how she was handling everything wrong. AS IF it were any of his business what she did or how she did it. So, she will avoid the dipstick and pretend she can't see or hear him since he is deaf and obnoxious to boot. She thanked me before we got off the phone for listening and was reminded emphatically that she has been there to listen to me for months now. It's not like my kids would not listen to me, but it is so comforting to know that Connie listens and has a level head about most things we talk about. She used to remind me that Jerry is not one of my children and is old enough to take care of himself. Connie has been dealing with so much stress since her mom died and since taking care of her sister has been so involved. Maybe some "she's old enough to care for herself" advice is needed. 

According to the forecast on my phone, it is supposed to get up to 90 tomorrow and not rain. Then Thursday and Friday have more chances of rain. Unbelievable weather for Texas in May!! Want to get my weed eater out and try to cut some stuff, but we will see how that goes after the boys leave tomorrow. The mornings are always wet until at least noon. And then the need for gasoline and 2-cycle oil crossed my mind. sigh That is for the other weed eater. Haven't done anything about that yet either. But then, it was raining right along this morning. Oh well.

For some reason the hens were on a binge of squawking and talking today. Went out and rearranged the nest boxes so that they would actually have something to gripe about. Think it is the same freakin' hen that is sitting on the nest--still. Guess it is back to jail for her tonight. Will have to put clean water and some feed in that little coop again. Dadgumit! Jenn pointed out there we have never had black hens before, but it does seem to me that they should not get broody at this age. Hmm. Wonder if the internet could give me any information about that. Guess it does not matter overly much since it is already a fact of life around here!

Noticed that the birds for tomorrow are the King Vultures. Oh goody. They are pretty if one does not look too closely, but you can bet they stink just like any vulture! Of course, they have a very important job in this world. They can eat anything and not be affected by rabies or other diseases. And they clean things beyond all the messes made by decomposed stuff. Bleah. Yep, a very necessary bird.

Thompson is looking at me and telling me that he is hot. And, thank you, not really interested in a snack. Oh well. Life goes on. They helped me with a bowl of bok choy this morning. You just never know what a dog will find tasty, do you?

Need to get out there tomorrow and harvest the Bluebonnet seeds. Left out any longer and they will start to sprout in the shell! This weather has not been good for drying them out. Think Maggie Sewell and some others asked for seeds, but can't remember exactly who asked. Let me know.

Read some stuff online today about the voting irregularities that counted only SOME of the Republican votes. One state went back and discovered that the machines cast Republican votes for the Democrat candidate if there was a slight fold in the ballot. She (the Democrat) wanted a recount because she lost by such a small margin--and then she found out how big a margin her opponent had against hers. Surprise, surprise, surprise! And we just keep finding more strange situations with voting machines. Somehow it makes me wonder how a nation like India can manage to get their entire population to vote by sticking their thumb in a pot of purple ink! And they don't allow criminals or foreign invaders to vote in their elections!

Guess while the sun is shining is a good time to read this book. Will hope that all of you will be happy with life in general and with our many blessings in specific.

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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