Monday, May 24, 2021

A Busy Day--Busy Phone!

 Grandchild Landon called this afternoon to wish me a happy birthday and had to tell him that my phone has been busier today than it normally would be in an entire month! And my phone FINALLY decided to make some sounds after being rebooted a few times. Who knows why it just sits there and hums part of the time. Am sure that Daniel Hernandez would say it is the dingaling behind the ding part. He used to tease me when my computer just needed to be rebooted. Oh well. 

It has been an interesting day. Enjoyed the boys and our discussion of The Scarlet Letter and how to form a good topic sentence that encompasses three ideas for an essay. Hoping the boys can do it with a little help and encouragement. Then they left some cabbage and lettuce for my hens. It is hard to believe how fast those hens can eat at least half a head of lettuce. Takes a little longer for the cabbage, but they will get it done. They also left a head of bok choy for me, so a tutorial on the internet showed how to cook or chop it up at any size. Sounds like cabbage will be on the menu for tomorrow.

Made chili this morning. Yes, indigestion is on the menu for tonight. That's ok. It was worth it. That will probably be breakfast, too. May scramble some eggs to go with it. Not sure. 

THINK the broody hen has given up. We will see if that same black hen is on the nest after it is time to put them up for the night. Did not let her out until after lunch time, so she was hungry and thirsty and did not make a bee line for the nests. Hoping she has had an attitude change by now.

According to the weather report on my phone, Thursday and Friday may actually be non rainy days. Kinda would like to see if some weeds might be dry enough to weed eat then, but who knows. Every morning is always wet with dew until after lunch. Oh well. Will NOT gripe. We know what is coming soon! Landon reminded me that a breeze and some cooler temps will sound very good soon. Yep. Last summer is was totally miserable with 115 to 120 degree days. Ran the AC almost night and day. sigh And they say we will have to reduce electricity use this summer because of what happened in February. Whatever. One room at a time might not be too much, but if they start having rolling brown outs or some such, it will be rather hard. Now if the grass does not get too high or too dry, maybe the entire south side of Lake Wichita won't burn. Yes, trying to be positive, but have seen this a few times already.

Tomorrow is trash day. Have the bin rather stuffed at the moment with grape vines, rose vines, and shtuff that happens around here like feed bags and regular trash. It is amazing to me what one old woman can end up throwing out each week. 

Can hear a hen out there complaining or bragging--whichever it is. May go see if it is that black hen and if there is an egg under her. Nope. sigh She may have to spend another day in "jail."

Not sure how she can see things so quickly, but Jennifer found more than a few plums on the purple plum tree by the deck. Of course, right now they are green as a gourd, but she still saw them and pointed them out. So far two have been visible to me. But the cherries are definitely visible! They are sour cherries, but that does not stop me from munching on them. Maybe one of these years there will be enough for a pie or something. Maybe just put some sugar on them and let them sit overnight and eat them on vanilla ice cream. Umm.

Jennifer plucked the yellow leaves off the gardenia tree that Connie donated to the cause around here. Then she pointed out the two buds that should be blossoms sometime soon. Kinda thought the thing was going to die, but Jenn worked it over and put it in a bigger pot than what it was in, crammed in some more potting soil, watered it, and stood it up in a corner so it would not get beaten to death by the wind. She is a regular plant rescuer!

Got a sweet card from Sue Dickerson in the mail. Will tell her right here that it was much appreciated. Some of us still send cards and messages in letters. They are as appealing and cute as some of the things online, but they take extra effort to mail. THAT makes them special, too. My brother called this morning to tell me that he spilled coffee all over my birthday card, so it was a phone call or nothing. That was fine by me. At least it is easy to say thank you on the phone. Hoping that no one is missed by the thanks online. Not easy to catch all of them.

Not quite half finished with Nineteen Eighty-four. So far it is just as depressing as it started out. But my friend John R sent me a clip that was supposed to have been made in 1956 about the "future" of our world. It may have just been dubbed over the films of those things back then, but it forecast a worldwide epidemic for 2020 because of international travel that would bring a virus back from Asia to the entire world. If this thing was actually made in 1956, it makes me wonder about time travel. How could anyone so totally get the "history" right from back then? But then, look at George Orwell's 1984! 

Been reading about the UAP--unidentified aerial phenomena--that Congress wants to discuss. One of the pilots who witnessed one as a part of her work back in 2007 had been asked by her superior and fellow pilot to watch him while he attempted to engage. Wondering how that pilot felt when the thing just zoomed away into nothingness. If future travel--traveling into the future and into the past--were a possibility, it would explain so many strange things that have been found in various places. In Scotland they have found glass that has been melted from the stones--unexplained. And the blue faces that were in that film with whatshisname--those are from history and from some folks that have never been seen again. Oh well. In good time God will let us know how HE has changed our world and why. All things, all creatures have been the point of creation. Only God can have the eternal capability to create things whether or not we understand them. In fact, one of the boys mentioned today that we know only a very tiny fraction about the oceans! And then there is dirt! Our world is made of a marvelous substance that sustains life. And here we are trying to colonize outer space! Oh well.

Looking out my front window gives me the view of bright red poppies dancing in the breeze out there. It makes me so happy to see flowers taking the breeze to task. Such joy as flowers may give us is there from His hands. Let us be grateful for all life. 

Rest well, my friends. You are loved. 

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