Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Fire and Rain.

 Jack Culpepper suggested listening to some James Taylor music. Yep, uplifting and familiar from way back then. Sometimes we just need little reminders of how we once felt when we heard a song.

Got some more weed whacking done this afternoon. Almost waited too long for the little weed whacker to be able to get through that mess. Would hate to have to use one of those sling blades on it. Not sure if that is still even possible for the muscles that are left in my back and arms. It's a shame that we stop using some muscles very much, but such is life. Otherwise it will be necessary to hire the stuff done. Guess some boys could even use the weed eater in the shed that makes enough noise to keep the neighbors awake. And they are big enough to handle it--and start it.

This is the time of the year when we either need rain or have just had rain. Actually had to give my 'mator plants a drink this morning. Going to have to remind myself to check them more often. Weeds are the only things around here that do well without water. Sigh.

Went by Market Street and got some fruit and more veggies. Had peas with sour cream and ranch for breakfast. Suited me just fine. But by the time the visit to Market Street got here, the ribs in their ready-to-eat case just appealed to me. So, guess who had ribs for lunch and indigestion for supper. Just too funny!

Relating to meals reminds me that one of the boys mentioned Johnny Appleseed. Folks who lived in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana and in that area took dried apples with them when they left for the West in their wagon trains. The dried apples kept them alive and fed. One wag said that they had dried apples for breakfast, water for lunch, and indigestion for supper. Not sure just how that worked, but it amused me to think about it. Told the boys how the German settlers down in the Hill Country had meat and corn, but no other vegetables. They all got sick eventually for lack of vegetables and vitamins. The Indians had watermelons and wild turnips. Just a difference, too, in life style. The German men worked hard from can 'til can't. Same with the women. The Indians definitely did not care for work. And those statements are not based on prejudice, just facts.

Do you remember the malathion that the state of California used to spray for the fruit flies back years ago? Dr. B had never heard of the chemical or the fruit flies that threatened a billion dollar industry. Connie thought that she was just too young to understand. Instead, it is that we are just that danged old! 

So the two broody hens have blended back in with the rest of the flock and are not monopolizing the nests---not even on the nests, in fact. Eventually they will start laying again. Still getting over a dozen eggs a day, so will have to start looking for someone who needs and wants eggs. Michelle came while two dozen were lying on the table ready to go to her house. Guessing that Landen will make frittatas for them. Sounds good, doesn't it. Eggs with peppers, bacon pieces, and a bit of corn starch to hold them together. Yep, will have to do that soon. Got some recently that were in the frozen food section. They were made in muffin pans, so the amount was just about perfect for one person per muffin. Or one muffin per person!

My granddaughter called me this morning to let me know that she got the job at the Chic place. It is just down the road from her house, so it is very convenient. She is still going to be "in school" online this summer taking concurrent enrollment classes for high school and college. She told me what she planned to do, but it has to do with nutrition and something to do with what people should or should not eat. This may change. She once thought she wanted to be in sports medicine. Then something else--a nurse maybe? But whatever she does, you can bet she will be good at it. She has a good work ethic and a great personality. She and Jennifer's youngest son have similarities that make me wonder how it happened! The other two have personalities that are the total opposite of their sibling. Go figure.

Have not been online today except to check my email and delete almost all of it without reading it. Sometimes it is a bit much to read. Anyway, have a good book going that is much more appealing!

Thinking that the older we get, the sooner we are ready for bedtime to get here. At least it seems to be my tendency. But then, the birds get me up pretty early around here. Some wake up at three with the paper boy, and the rest get up around six. And that is the end of staying in bed. Funny how like an old hen that habit is becoming!

May you all find something to amuse you in each day. May your memories keep a smile on your face. Be grateful for the many blessings of our lives. You are loved.

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