Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Good Neighbor.

 Donny Anderson mowed his place yesterday until it really looked nice and neat. Then he saw me out trying to use the battery operated weed eater on my place and came up and finished everything for me. Someday he will receive his reward, but meanwhile he said it made him happy to help someone else. Sweet guy!

So my allergies are so bad that it is hard to see. Not sure if it is the weeds or something in the air. Whatever it is, it would be nice if it cleared up quickly. It may be a decent day tomorrow, so it would be a good time to cut the grass. Not sure if the ol' gal has that much energy--certainly not this evening. Have to go get gasoline first anyway. Used the other container to mix the weed eater stuff. Oh well. Donny said not to use it in my mower, so will have to remember to ask him--again--if he wants to use the mix in my shed.

Michelle came by this morning and visited for a short little while. Sent just a few eggs home with her. She said she and Landon had been practicing making omelets. Sounded good, so that was supper around here with two eggs.

Took a short "have to" nap a while ago. A "have to" nap is one that is going to happen no matter what your thoughts are about the situation. Put my head on the pillow, flipped a blanket up, fell asleep--immediately. Now if it would only work that way at night and last all night. Fat chance.

Saw a picture of a staircase that my friend Carla Beard has in her house now. It is beautiful--and safe, to boot! She has had all kinds of things done to her old house until it is almost completely remodeled. In her kitchen floor, they discovered a well when the flooring was taken up. How's that for a surprise! Anyway, she seems happy with the new staircase, so am happy for her.

Did not go out to check to see if any flowers were left down by the carport. It seemed best to me to just let Donny do things his way. He did leave a few poppies and a little rose bush that came up volunteer. Not sure that yours truly will get out to water anything this evening either. Just moving around is a bit much right now. Some days are just like that. Yet my body is in good shape compared to so many folks that are younger than the ol' woman! Met a woman at the nursing home down town WF one year while doing volunteer work there. She was in a wheelchair and could not walk or do much of anything. She was 54 years old! Simply can't imagine! And yet, many women 85 or much older get around and never complain--at least not in my hearing. Both of my great-grandmothers were 91 when they checked out. And one of them was still sharp. My grandmother Pollard still had her marbles at 85, but she had all kinds of problems with her heart--plus geriatric diabetes. In today's world, she would have been at risk for this Covid mess. Well, maybe we are mostly all at risk one way or the other. [Each time Covid is mentioned, FB puts a tag on my post because of it--no matter what is said. Go figure.]

Today's bird is a Cape Griffon (vulture). It lays ONE egg per year. Yep, it is considered endangered. Pretty much stands to reason. Maybe it is because of the area where it lives--South Africa. But it lives and breeds in the cliffs rather than in trees, so it is protected at least from some predators. It is also considered one of the most intelligent birds. Guess intelligence might include not trying to raise too many offspring where food is limited. More people should consider that situation.

Some of my online friends take wonderful pictures. Suspect it is not just that the areas are photogenic, but each of them seems to have some expertise at getting just the right shot. One guy near Gentry, Arkansas, takes bird pictures and other nature shots. Diann Dennis of NE Arkansas has some of the most beautiful pictures of flowers and rivers and springs of water. My chicken pictures are nothing by comparison, but still love my critters--especially these silly dogs. 

Remember coming home from the hospital some 51 years ago. The squash planted out at the end of the house was ready to eat! This year, two tiny squash are just sitting in a pot not doing any growing. Maybe more sunshine is needed? Oh well. Squash is one of my favorite veggies--that and cabbage and Brussel sprouts. But the year that squash was ready happened to be the year our first child was born. Yep, think about him every day--along with the rest of the crew members. Hope the entire Hee Haw gang are having a good weekend.

Think Connie was feeling somewhat better this morning. Thank you for your prayers for her. Also need to tell you that Jane Scott who is taking chemo for her cancer is beginning to heal up! And this is something like her third go round with chemo. We never know what the body can do when it tries to help us--and we never know how much we are loved until others pray for us. So much of life depends on attitude. 

Don't know enough to share any good laughs today. Just plan to put the broody hen back in the coop tonight and hope that she has a better attitude tomorrow. Silly hen. 

Remember on this weekend what it truly means to be free. So many gave their lives so that we could be free. We have so much for which to be grateful. This nation is blessed by God.

Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

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