Friday, May 7, 2021

Watching the Grass Grow!

 Yep, the grass is growing full speed ahead! Even nineteen hens can't keep up with all that grass! But it is so pretty and green. Just love to sit out there in the lawn swing and watch the hens messing around--the extreme contrast between the black hens and that green, green grass! And then the couple of hens that come and want to get in my lap and talk to me. Got tickled at Landon. Called him and the hens were talking in the background and he noticed. Think it pleased him to hear them. They are pretty unusual for background noise.

Have been reading most of the day and did not accomplish much. Got laundry put in the washer and dryer, but it is not put away by a long shot. Lazy ol' woman does only what she feels like doing lately. Well, not just lately, but more so than usual. 

Have been enjoying my flowers. Then Donny Anderson called late yesterday and wanted to know if he could bring me some passion vines. Said why not! So went out and dug several holes near the fence along the front close to the driveway, filled them with water, and planted four vines. The lady who sent them to me said to keep them wet until they take root. And SHE wants some more Bluebonnet seeds. Figure there will be plenty to go around. Just the plants in the walkway are covered in seed pods. 

Honestly have nothing on my mind tonight. Have spent most of the day reading or just goofing off. Talked to Connie and just listened. Sent a message to Donna Reeves to ask about her granddaughter and the baby she is carrying. Have not heard back from her. Hope everything is ok. Life can really be a mess for some folks, and then there is dealing with others and their problems. We just have to trust that God will help all of us to live our lives the best way that we can. We have two rules to follow: love God with our whole heart, and love our neighbor as we would love ourselves. Pretty simple rules. Now the doing part might be a little difficult, but at least the rules are easy to know.

Will ask that those who mourn, those who are ill, and those who are troubled will have peace and healing. May you all rest well and awake with joy. You are loved.

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