Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Noah and His Boat!

 Yep, it has definitely been wet today. When it wasn't misting rain, it was plum flooding down! My hens are looking somewhat drenched despite the places they are going to get in out of the wet. Guess, like everything else, they will dry out eventually. Have not gone down to check the rain gauge--it is more than enough to say it has been a heavy rain.

Just got off the phone with Michelle Malay. Told her she needs to come help me out up here! Have seven dozen eggs sacked up on my table. Vicki never came to get eggs yesterday or today. Sorry the Covid vaccination made them so ill, but guess who is not going all over town to deliver eggs! So, Michelle said that she would find homes for these little lovelies. Always enjoy visiting with her anyway. And now Vicki has called to say she would be by tomorrow and could pick up her eggs, so she will get three dozen and Michelle four or more. Those hens don't care who gets the eggs as long as they get the feed.

The freaking window started leaking again today with all the heavy rain. Think maybe an awning across the top would work better than trying to get a decent carpenter. This is such a small job that no one would want to bother--or it would be like last time and someone would be more than happy to rip me off.

The thunder and lightning were so bad this morning that the dogs both wanted under my desk. One or both had some mighty strong flatulence. Whooboy! Kinda think it might be Thompson, but Sylvia just looks innocent when she is the one making those particular noises. 

Spoke with Jennifer early this morning while she was on her way to work. She was telling me that Reece had been out last night and came home in the hail. They got a good storm apparently. Lightning hit a house in their neighborhood, and the sucker burned and then burned some more! Sheesh! Guess the fire trucks were still there as she left.

Trying not to get into the news any more than necessary, but it is easy to tell that Israel is definitely in a war--nothing has changed that much since 1948 when it became a "nation" again. Just hatred from everyone around them culminating in more and more abuse on the ground, in the air, and in the political mudslinging of this world. Have a feeling that Jerusalem will be surrounded soon by every force known to mankind. Such hatred! 

Noticed that a couple of poppies need to be clipped before the seeds start to get out of the little bowl. As soon as the sun comes out two or more days straight with some heat, the Bluebonnets will also begin to need clipping. This is the hard part of raising flowers--well, of enjoying flowers. They "raise" themselves! But the seeds need to be harvested in order to put them where they will look the best next year. The front walkway pretty much has been covered this year. Want to put a bunch of seeds along the area next to the fence toward the carport. The walkway could use a breather. Although the sand under the paving stones certainly has made healthy looking flowers this year. Strange things happen in the poorest soil. Lewis used to love the purple flowers and the "grape Nehi" smell of the Buffalo beans that grew out in the pasture down from us. Think all of it is gone now. Had planted some stuff that looked like Buffalo beans but it turned out to be something like that only too tall to be the stuff Lewis loved. Lance was sure it was Buffalo bean. Wish the name were easier to find.  Looked buffalo bean up on the internet, but it showed a yellow--very poisonous--flower. Nope. These are purple and have a wonderful smell. Should have had Lance use his iNaturalist app to look this one up.

Sat here and looked up various weeds on the internet. You know, a person could spend all day just looking at the various plants and their descriptions. Finding their history is even more interesting. Seems that plain ol' horsetail weed is the foundation of most of the coal that we use today--well, since it was covered up mostly by eons of dirt and stuff. Just interesting.

Had to get up and go chase a wabbit out of sight so Thompson could calm down and not bark and jump on the window. If he could only get to those stinkin' wabbits!

All that rain and only an inch in the gauge! Oh well. At least we can live with this 60 degrees and the wet. Not looking forward to 115 to 120 degree days. And the forecast is for a very dry year. Maybe they will be wrong this time.

Don't really know diddly squat tonight. Maybe an early night if the birds go up and get in the coops soon. Waking up at 5 a.m. certainly does make for a long day. Not sure what caused the early hour, but it was not the dogs 'cause they did not want to get up. Probably should have just crawled back in bed. They would have been happy enough at least.

May you all find reasons each day to appreciate the songs of His creatures around you. And may you rest and feel refreshed each day. You are loved.

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