Friday, December 31, 2021

The Little Animal!

 The Little Animal!


Amber cut my hair for me today. She said that my hair was getting a little shaggy, but with all the extra taken off, it looked as if a little animal had been left on the floor. Yep, now have a washcloth hairdo. Might be mistaken for a guy from a distance, but that has happened before when ponytails were all the rage. The electric man was putting in wires in Petrolia and thought that little boy was too close to the electric box and shouted at “him.” Went in and told Mom that a haircut was needed. To tell the truth, that ponytail was a beast anyway. It took too long to get the tangles out, and Mom detested having to stand there and brush forever. So, the next hair style was the “Bubble” that Billie Jean Rutledge tried to do for my hair. We found out very quickly that a certain little girl was very allergic to the solution used for permanents. Mrs. Rutledge had to wash it out, but the haircut was fine anyway.


Jennifer and Gary are celebrating their 27th wedding anniversary tonight. My granddaughter and her friend are going to be there, too. Reece invited them, and, of course, Lance had to check to be sure that this invitation was approved by his sister. It made me laugh. AS IF she would not have been welcome! Well, of course, it might not have been just the best situation in some instances, but it is great to me that all the kids seem to like to go to their house. The only thing that really bothers me about this holiday is the stupid fireworks. Right now, we have a burn ban everywhere in Central North Texas. Even with a bit of drizzle, things can burn too easily. And then there are all the critters that are upset by the noise—like a cranky ol’ grandmother. They don’t make thunder shirts for grandmothers, do they?


Cleaned the dust bunnies out from under my bed before putting the wires to the new electric blanket on the floor. It needed mopping anyway, but it was a bit interesting to get the bed in the right position so that those things were easy to plug into the wall socket. Well, it’s done and now comes the hard part—trying to keep the dogs off my bed. Will try for a few more days to keep them in the crate. Think good thoughts for these two creatures having to deal with their cranky ol’ woman who bosses them around.


Athena is back on the nest again. Stood out there and talked to her about how sweet she looked sitting there on that nest. She talked to me, but did not get up. Who knows? Maybe an egg will result from all this sitting.


Connie gave both dogs a lamb’s leg bone. It has been interesting. They don’t fight over them, but Thompson had to hide one right away. Took the other one away from him and put it on a shelf on the deck. Then he went out and brought the hidden bone back into the house. So, now he has one and Sylvia has one. Funny dogs!


The booster shot has finally stopped making my arm sore. It was not all that bad, but now that it has stopped hurting, it makes me realize that the heat in that arm was from the shot. Oh well. Hope it works. Jenn said that one of the guys at work did not get the shot and got the virus and gave it to his family. One baby has been in the hospital and had to go back to the ER today. It pays to completely stay away from others or get the shot or both. Getting the shot is not a guarantee that you won’t get the virus, but it might keep you from giving it to someone else.


Just recovered the couch with the pieces of material that Connie gave me as upholstery stuff. It has been washed several times and used often, so it is pretty tough cloth. Nothing is dog proof, but this is about as close as it gets.


Have a purple hat to wear tomorrow or for a while. Will have to find my other knit hats for this next month or two. Winter is so much better in some ways than summer, but worrying about the water lines is not a happy thing. If it were ever my job to construct a new place to live with all the amenities, my water lines would be wrapped, heated, or whatever it takes to prevent freezing. Cannot imagine how folks in Canada deal with this mess every winter. And Alaska just makes me shake my head.


Do you know where math teachers go on vacation? Well, Google says that they go to Times Square.


Obviously, it does not take much to amuse me right now. My head is lighter, ya see. Ahem.


This artificial creation of a new year in winter makes about as much sense as saying it happens on July 4. My new year starts when the grass begins to come up, the trees begin to put on leaves, and the birds begin to build new nests. But whatever date it is, this old girl is going to have to get another calendar. My mind does not work with the calendar on my phone. And the clock on the wall that has hands on it makes it much easier for me to think about what time it is. It must be something in the mindset of folks as old as yours truly. But those who have grown up in a digital world are so much quicker to adapt to innovations as they develop. Guess it is just a matter of perspective. All the memories in my mind are from a world these young ones have never seen nor will ever really understand. Photos and stories just don’t do justice to churning butter, shelling beans, hoeing the rows, or milking the cows. So, my calendars have always included what has happened in my past because those things are still alive to me. Probably the same with my grandparents, parents, and extended family. My brother remembers things and brings them to mind during our conversations. So glad that he still enjoys talking to me. Hope my children find the same satisfaction in their lives.


May your lives be full of good memories and more time to create the love that those memories have brought. May God continue to bless us, and may we remember Him in gratitude. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Cabbage and Apples.

 Cabbage and Apples.


Din-upper was just not quite enough, so some cabbage chopped up with half a sweet apple and cole slaw dressing is keeping me busy chewing while writing. So, if this seems to be a bit crunchy around the edges, just pardon my roughage!


My friend Connie Cooke either calls me or gets a call from me every morning. Today she said she was going to Petco for some things for her kitties, so she said she would pick up some ear wash stuff for Sylvia. Not sure why that dog has to put her foot inside her ear, but if it just needs a good treatment of tea tree oil, this stuff should do it. Connie also made a trip to Sam’s. She brought me some decent paper plates—large ones—and animal cookies. She could not get plain ol’ Scooby Snacks, but the animal cookies will work just fine. Both the dogs and the old woman like those things. Sent a carton of 18 eggs home with Connie after paying her and showing her my favorite hen who no longer lays eggs—even though Athena still sits on the nest every so often. Picked her up this morning and told her that she was still loved even if she doesn’t lay eggs.


The mailman brought the new electric blanket today. Maybe tomorrow will be soon enough to put it on the bed. Will change the sheets at the same time so the bed will be nice and comfortable and smell good at the same time. Then this afternoon while Connie was here, the FedEx man brought the big box of dog food. Have not even opened it. Just pushed it down the hall to the door by the back room. The man put it in the living room for me right inside the door, but he could not come inside. It made it easier even so. The FedEx man also said that he dreaded being on the road with all the folks in WF who do not know how to drive in snow or ice. Grinned and told him he needed to include rain in that driving pattern. Folks just don’t realize that slick streets mean that those brakes don’t do all that needs to be done. It takes forethought as well.


Still staying away from any news other than just noticing the headlines on AOL or 1440. Looks like the Cruise Ship business is about to go down the drains due to the latest in illnesses that can be contracted from touch, air, food, stray thoughts, or opinions. May God protect us from diseases and from ourselves!


Honestly do not want to tell anyone what goes through my mind right now. Suffice it to say that the old woman is very positive—positive that being grouchy is a way of life to be avoided. So, just will send a Jacquie Lawson card to a few people to annoy the stink out of ‘em. So, if you get one, you know how it is: Positive reinforcement of a good song, view, or attitude. That is what we all need right now in my opinion.


May you all find it in your heart to be grateful for all of the blessings that God has given us. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Still Learning or Not.


Still Learning or Not.


Daniel Hernandez would laugh at me today. Had to teach me so much about computers that yours truly has already forgotten, but just now remembered how to clip the Word app to the tool bar at the bottom of my screen! Yes, it should have been second nature, but that is not how my mind works. But it is there now, by the way!


Made one package of dog food this afternoon using ham, canned sweet potato, and a package of frozen peas, carrots, and green beans. Guess it was tasty enough as both dogs cleaned their bowls. And just now the two ladies who brought my groceries from Market Street left all my stuff on the bench on the front porch for me. Love, love, love this delivery service. Not having to pick stuff up and walk back and forth makes a big difference. Putting it up is not too bad at all this way.


Started another book this afternoon and discovered to my amazement that it was easier to read without my glasses than WITH them!! Had been thinking for a while now that my long-distance vision was better looking over the top of the frames. Go figure. Anyway, the book is about a bunch of fire fighters who turned out to be dragons. Yes, fantasy is fun! Who knew that dragons each had a hoard of treasure that they jealously guard! Am pretty sure that will be useful information someday. Ahem.


Nikki told me about something called a cold pack machine. Looking it up, it seems that it would be useful on spots of muscle or wherever it was really sore. One’s head probably would not be a good spot to use it, however. Have known a few sore heads!


Have only found four eggs today. Either the girls are falling down on the job, or maybe they just are off their feed. It would be difficult to tell about the feed with all these dadgummed doves flying around here. Oh well. The kids will still have plenty of eggs to use.


Got my kitchen and living room floor dust mopped and wet mopped. Still need to do the bedroom and hall, but that can wait until tomorrow. This house always needs cleaning one way or the other. The dogs bring inside dead grass and usually some dirt on their feet. This morning it rained just enough to be messy. Oh well. It’s not like Martha Stewart is coming to visit. Know Mom would have understood. She had Daddy tracking in stuff from out in his shop. Really miss them some days.


Connie called this morning to tell me that she was having trouble with the Market Street site. It would get to a certain point and then would not go any further. She said it was almost funny. Afraid to tell her that my groceries have been delivered now! She just texted me to say that she finally got the site to work—after she switched to Chrome as a web browser. Who knew?


My couch is full of dogs. These two love each other. Jennifer was telling me this morning about Luna, her black dog, and Reece’s cat, Atlas. They apparently love each other. Atlas and Luna give each other baths. How’s that for some strange behavior! Of course, she thinks that Luna is pretty strange anyway. The dog talks to her and tells her stuff. And their Husky, Osiris, tells on Luna and Marty for getting into stuff. Osiris will come to the door and let Jenn know that they are up to something. She thinks it is hilarious—until she finds that they have eaten another sprinkler head!


Really feel like a haircut would be nice this afternoon. It’s only 73 degrees, but it certainly feels hot to me. Hmm. Maybe that is the booster shot talking to me. Anyway, it is supposed to get colder than a well-digger’s backside in the Klondike Friday night, so maybe all this hair will do some good to keep my ears warm. Sharon made a nice, knit hat for me in one of my favorite colors—purple! It would keep me warm, too.


Guess the old woman should get off this computer and just be still for a bit. Not that typing takes much effort. Apparently, thinking or wondering about things does not take much effort either. Did you know that Bette Davis was the first one we know of who said that “Old age is not for sissies”? She was right!


Let your gratitude for life and love abound in every thought. Take care of yourselves until God has other purposes for you.


You are loved.



Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Trying to Make Plans.

 Trying to Make Plans.


Have you ever planned on doing something and figured you would probably forget something essential? A toothbrush comes to mind. And then there are other things that apply to critters that are more important than your own toothbrush might even be. That is how things stand at the moment. Sister-in-law gave my dogs about 25 pounds of Purina One Lamb and Rice kibble. They like it and are doing well with it. Then yours truly went to Walmart and bought some stuff to go with it for when cooking their food was a bit much for me. So, there is a bit of prep work done, but thinking an order to Chewy for another bag of dog stuff might be a good idea since these two seem to be going through it like boll weevils in a cotton patch. Anyway, that is on the list of things to do.


Took Patty’s trash bin down to her this afternoon and watched her two rabbit chasers wander around the yard and making their marks on the territory. That Rudy will come right back when called, but Roxie decided to ignore me just a bit today when she considered her favorite rabbit hideout. Patty said that Donny used to let her go down there and root out the rabbits, but this ol’ woman is not as fast as he would have been.


Speaking of not being as fast as Donny, today my words about him have been a bit warmer than usual: HAM sandwiches was one of the expressions. Had one of those pair of pump pliers or whatever they are called and could not even budge the fastener on the front faucet. Lewis used to put “torque” on things like that. Drove me wild to try to get the lids off of things that he put back in the fridge! Oh well. Wrapped the faucet with what was left of a dog toy and put a flower pot over that with a brick on top. Maybe that will take care of the situation. We are looking at 16 degrees this Sunday. ARGH!!! Thinking about opening the green house part of the hen house and making the hens stay in most of that day until the weather warms up. The 21 and 23 degrees before and after may be just as bad, but it will depend on the wind chill again. By Friday the faucet cover will have to go back on the faucet out back again. Oh well.


My dogs think that they have been neglected. Let their water fountain go empty, so today it got scrubbed and refilled. Poor critters. But they also drink out of the chicken bowls and the commode every chance they get. Either choice is not great, but such is life.


Dr. Blackwell came and visited with me today. She made me feel much better about the choice made to go ahead with this surgery. Nothing is going to improve until something is done, and the situation has become much worse in what feels like a short amount of time. She was the one that pointed that out to me. Had not really considered it, but she is right. From being able to walk easily to not being able to walk, lift, or otherwise keep as busy as normal, all of that has changed drastically. Kinda strange that two disks messed up could make that much difference. Jennifer pointed out that she was not able to live with a stupid infected gallbladder and had it removed for the same reason. Some things just need to be remedied.


Don’t know anything good to talk about this evening. Have to ask Google for a joke every day. Do you know what a pig’s favorite karate move is? A pork chop. Uh huh. Or—what is the difference between a guitar and a fish? You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Ok. Pretty sad.


Think one year that Walgreens had tights on sale after Christmas. May call tomorrow and see if they have any this year. Have seen women wearing them lately and they don’t look bad at all. No pressure on the abdomen and no need for a belt sounds good to me. Need to call Nikki and see how she handled this situation when she had surgery. Of course, she is one tough cookie—shoeing horses is her profession! Anyway, she could probably tell me how this surgeon handles things.


Will ask you all to remember those like the Jarlsbergs, Mariellen Rose, and others who have had to deal with some serious health issues. Some of us have no idea how blessed we are to be able to just breathe. May God bless those whose health is precarious and who need our prayers.


Rest well and find joy in whatever you set your hands to do. You are loved.

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Worry Wart.

 The Worry Wart.


Saw the surgeon today. Was not really happy to hear what he had to say. Thought we were just going to get a little scar on my back from cleaning out whatever is messing with the nerve. Nope. Don’t even want to think about this now, but hope my decisions in the next week or so are the ones that are best for me and my family.


Looking at the back yard and am reminded of something Lance said last year when 36 hens were roaming around out there. No, that many chickens in this space was not a good idea, but the 14 that are out there now are still keeping the grass cut WAY back. As in—no grass to be seen around the deck itself! They have also decided to use the back flower bed for a dusting site. Can’t blame them. It is nice soil and makes very fluffy dusting powder for these critters. Have considered giving away some more hens and only keeping eight of them, but Athena does not lay eggs. She and Rhoady go together as a pair. They are the oldest and sweetest to each other. Will just have to think about this since taking care of eight is not any better really than taking care of 14.


Bought some “Fresh Pet” dog food and some canned lamb and canned beef in case making dog food is a bit much trouble for me. The dogs have gained weight on my cooking. Amazing how that happens. Lewis said something about that once. But it wasn’t what was put on the table but maybe how many times he put more on his plate. But the same is true of an old woman. According to the scales this morning, she had gained three pounds!!


Made an appointment and went to Walmart for the booster shot for this stupid virus. So that is done now. Wondering how things will turn out if everyone is getting the shots and folks are still getting sicker than a horse in a field of wild oats. Saw on AOL that about 25% of the sailors on a Navy ship had the stupid virus. Only about 100 sailors are on the ship since it is a smaller battleship. Still, that is a bit much for one of our ships to have to sit out moving around because of illness. Guess it could be worse.


Just put some chicken, broccoli, potato soup in the microwave. Hope it is good cause so far today the menu has been a bit sketchy. Even have some chicken/biscuit crackers to go with it.


The neighbors down across from the lots on the east side of my place have pulled in a camper for a relative to live in. It has no windows—no glass or solid pieces at least. And apparently the top leaks because he had to put tarps all across the top of it. Next week when it is colder than the Klondike, he may be in a world of hurt unless he has a heater in there. Guess that is not any of my concern. Don’t even know their names.


Some lady said that she is going to come get the feeders and water jugs for chicks, so maybe she really will. Have a bunch of stuff that needs to come out of that workshop so it can be really cleaned out. But with the bad weather ahead, that is not going to happen any time soon. Right now, it would be nice to have this new light put up on the deck. Tried to fix the old one, but something must be wrong inside of it ‘cause it does not even say peep peep. Such is life.


Honestly hope that the pollen count goes way down very soon. My eyes are burning and Patty said she simply can’t get a deep breath at all. Pollen number this morning was at eleven on a scale of 12. Lovely, just lovely. Juniper is what they call those trees, but sad sappy pollen pest would work just as well.


Let us pray for each other and those we know who need healing. Some of the hospitals are simply overrun with covid patients, so even thinking of going into one might make a person cringe. Let us pray for the healing of our nation and of all those affected by this horrible mess.


Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Games and Music.

 Games and Music.


Guess who has become addicted to music associated with the games and pictures/videos by Jacquie Lawson. It’s the fault of Carla Beard, if anyone should ask. She sent me an Advent calendar that had music—the Christmas kind—and some games. Just today learned how to properly play the little game with colored dots on a board, but that is ok. The other two games on the English Cottage are also on the Solitaire collection, so they are not unfamiliar. Anyway, lots of time could be spent playing and listening to the music. It certainly beats looking at any so-called news.


Went over to Sutherlands to see if the little light bulb from the light on the deck could be replaced. Figured it would get broken trying to put it in, so bought two light bulbs. The directions also say not to touch the glass part of the bulb. Try that one on for size!! Pushed it in the place where it was supposed to fit and reclosed the cover on the light. Turned it on and got zilch. Maybe the bulb is not just how it is supposed to be. May climb up there tomorrow afternoon and try it again. Just not too convinced that getting it out and pushing it in the other direction will make any difference. But, just to be on the safe side of having what is needed, bought an entire fixture to replace the thing. No, the light is not used every night, but when it is needed, it needs to come on bright enough to show yours truly the way to the hen house. Knowing the way is one thing, but knowing what is between me and there is something else again. Skunks, ya know.


My sister on the other side of the lake brought me some goodies yesterday. She had no way of knowing that the old woman was trying to remember to buy some pump hand soap for the kitchen or bathroom, but Cindy found some that smells SO good! It is a combination of cranberry, peach, and apple and foams when it is pumped. She also made another “corn sack” for me to put in the microwave and use as a heat pack on my neck or back. Those things really do seem to work well. Not going to say anything at all about the jar of (ssshhhh!) apple butter or the kids will be fighting over it. They used to think that Joy made the best in the West. And truly, she did make some awesome apple butter. The only thing better than her apple butter was her chow chow! Now that stuff was worth fighting over! Have never had any as good as what she made.


Michelle Malay buys things from some channel on TV or maybe somewhere else. Not entirely sure where she comes up with these goodies. But she said that she got herself one of the back scrubbers that she brought to me. It is supposed to be used in the shower, but it says not to get it wet. Not too sure about exactly how that will work yet. The sanding disk would probably work outside the shower, but not too sure about the other heads that fit on it. However, brains ought to be able to figure out a way to keep the water from getting inside the battery case. Duct tape? Well, the VERY best thing she found was another type of note pads for my desk and bookcase. Love chickens and these hens on the outside of the pads are just as cute as a button. That expression—cute as a button—is interesting. Saw that Carla had asked what other women do with earrings they would no longer wear. Earrings and buttons are the neatest things to use for decorations. That does not explain the origin of the cute button expression, but maybe that will stand to be researched.

Couldn’t let that one go, so looked on Google:

Why do people say cute as a button?

The sort of “button” that might reasonably be considered “cute” is the “button,” or bud, on a young plant, especially one about to bloom for the first time. Applied to a child, as it often is, “cute as a button” thus conveys not only smallness and cuteness, but youth and promise as well.


Not going to wear your eyes or your patience out this evening, so will get to my rat killing and leave you to yours. Oh dear! That is another one:

Tending to Some Rat-Killing – Talk Like a Texan

Aug 15, 2007 · That’s an old expression that means “taking care of some unpleasant business that just can’t be put off any longer.”


Well, my daddy would be proud of me for using some of his expressions. But he would laugh at the origins—or my search for the same.


May you all rejoice in the blessings God has given us. Pray for peace and for the healing of this world. And know: you are loved.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Things You Don't Want to Hear About!

 Things You Don’t Want to Hear About!


Not going to tell you what all happened on Dickerson Hill today, but let’s just say Dawn and bleach took care of the job while dish-washing gloves made it easier to accomplish. The hen is much better now, and the sink is cleaned up, too.


Had considered going to Sutherland’s tomorrow for a back porch light, but they have a sale on January 1, so may just wait and get it on sale. Those suckers with the motion detectors are not cheap.


Got some dog food concocted earlier in the day and then cut up a ham after it baked in the oven. Now all that stuff is cleaned up and put away. Now just sitting here enjoying the birds. A pair of cardinals like the stuff in my front yard and out back as well. And there are always sparrows to entertain the lazy ol’ woman who has the curtains pulled back to enjoy the light and the action outside.


Our weather is pretty strange in my estimation. But January is not that far off. Have the cover off the water faucet in the back so that the water hose can be used. The hens and the dogs can mess the water up pretty quickly, so it has to be changed about twice a day. It is something else to think that they really like the water that runs out on the ground better than the clean stuff in their bowls. Oh well. Weirdos!


Sylvia is lying down on the couch, but her head is nodding. Ah, she finally gave up and put her head down. Funny dogs. They are good company and pretty good entertainment as well.


Everyone seems to have had a decent day today among my family and some of my friends. Facebook is full of pictures and greetings. Hardly anyone has any hen pictures on the pages, however. See, some of us just really like chickens, horses, goats, and the assorted critters found on a farm. Farm life is too difficult at my age, but memories are pretty good. Such is life.


Today we can remember to be thankful for families and all that means to us. And most of all, we can be thankful that God loves us. Enjoy the gift of life.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Scriptures and Stories.

 Scriptures and Stories.


All my life has been wrapped around the stories our parents read to us when we were little, but they never explained some of the things that were in the plain texts of the Bible. For instance, my Grandmother Pollard was asked to loan me her beautiful night robe the year we had a play portraying the birth of Jesus Christ. Somehow, my character was supposed to be one of the wise men—yes, that is pretty funny all by itself. But here’s the catch: we have no idea how many wise men came, when exactly, or which countries they came from. Just because the gifts mentioned were gold (for a king), incense (for God), and myrrh (used to anoint the dead) and only three were mentioned, that does not prove that only three men came. Another interesting thought is that they came when he was already a child—not recently born. Have you ever considered why King Herod had all the male children two years and under killed? In Matthew 2:11-12 it says: “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.” Do you suppose that Mary and Joseph had already returned to their own home since they had gone to Bethlehem for the census and for the Feast of Tabernacles? Sometimes we might need to expand our concepts just a wee bit to see that what has always been portrayed is not exactly how things happened at the time.


The most important thing that we might consider is that Jesus Christ was born to be savior, shepherd, and king. Luke says that the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke19:10) From a tiny babe to a grown man, He showed us His love from the Father above. He is the only Messiah, the One we can trust.


Rest well and live with joy in His love.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Kettle of Hawks.

 A Kettle of Hawks.


According to the information discovered online, the group of three hawks flying near my house could be called a kettle of hawks. However, in the same article, it seems that they avoid large bodies of water for some reason. Not these! Well, maybe Lake Wichita is not very big, but these birds had a rolling mess of pigeons or some kind of birds flying from one direction to the other between the three of them. One hawk was constantly crying out that strange Shhhhrreeeee noise that they make. My girls were all tucked completely under the deck and were not coming out, thank you very much. Yep, if we were hens, we might hide, too.


Got seven eggs to add to the collection today. The Marans are on the ball apparently. The Black-laced Wyandottes may be resting for a bit. Never sure. But one Wyandotte is going to have to be brought in tonight and cleaned up and dosed with some VetRx. She has some problems, or something she ate did not do her any good. Kinda dread having to get her down from the roost and bring her in. The dogs always want to “help” any time something is a little out of the ordinary. Meaning they think they can take care of whatever is causing the squawks—even if that means biting the squawker!


Had bought some salad stuff and then noticed that there are multiple recalls on salad greens and spices. Such fun. Not enough to stay away from other folks! Tyson even had a bunch of chicken to recall. That must cost a bundle!


The weather may stay decent for several days unless something comes blowing out of the north, or south, or east, or the west. It sometimes has felt as if the wind has blown from all four corners of the compass in the same day.


Walking around the yard earlier and noticed that the dogs had found a nice, dry section of dead grass in which to roll, so had to get all the grass off of them before allowing them to go inside. They don’t mind a bit of dead grass on their couch. Rolling eyes here.


Have decided to gather up all the chicken related feeder and water containers to give to someone or to more than one. Have several different kinds of various types. Surely someone will need them. These just need to be cleaned and sterilized before use. The sparrows poop all over everything in the workshop. Wish Lewis had closed in the eaves and put a decent solid wooden door on the shop. Oh well. It has worked pretty well all things considered.


Took a nap today so probably will have trouble going to sleep tonight. Guess staying up to read won’t hurt a thing in the world. It is not like someone expects me to get up and work tomorrow. And reading late keeps my mind busy when my body thinks it has had enough for one day. That was yesterday. The silly washing machine decided to go dancing again. No matter how carefully it is loaded, every once in a while, it gets lopsided and lunges around as if hardly restrained at all! Such fun.


Absolutely know diddly squat today. Have not been interested in reading much of the online headlines. They don’t usually make much sense or irritate me to pieces. Just not much sense in looking at the headlines. Well, it does let us know where the latest earthquake, volcano, or tropical storm has devastated another area. Sad, sad, sad. We are so very fragile despite whatever kind of intelligence we display. We could be developing some kind of microbe to clean up the water from the bauxite mines in Arkansas, or maybe we could figure out a way to diffuse the poison from the agave liquor in Mexico, or maybe we could develop a better way to distill decent water from the ocean. So much we COULD do, but we sit around fussing with one another about stupid things that hardly matter. Some things do matter on principle, but we can choose not to argue as long as others leave us to our own thoughts. Not sure that ever happens much any longer.


Just going to ask you to remember those who are alone today and not in touch with anyone who cares about their lives. It is about the saddest thing in the world that folks are alone when they don’t want to be, but none of us are ever really alone, you know. Whether or not we realize it, we are always watched over and loved.


Rest well, my friends; you are loved.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

From My Point of View:

 From My Point of View:


Some folks are so arrogant that no one else’s opinion matters. And some folks are so arrogant that they think others should believe that THEIR opinions matter. December 22, 2021


Does the shoe fit?

The Beauty of Clean Sheets!

 The Beauty of Clean Sheets!


Could there be anything nicer at home—other than being well loved—that makes us feel better than clean sheets on the bed? Well, let me give you a hint: two dogs on a freshly cleaned couch in the living room with sunshine warming their hides. They both just came into the kitchen to sniff around my chair while my eggs, sliced tomatoes, and toasted bun was filling the empty spot in my middle. Yes, they both had a bite of toasted bun. Then Thompson checked out the fresh water in the water bowl, and Sylvia licked her lips and checked to see if there was anything in their feed bowls. A smile on my face happened when the tomatoes were sliced and seasoned slightly. Those things may be small, but they were out in the green house getting ripe and ready to eat just a few days ago. Cari Guidry’s mom brought me an entire sack of green tomatoes. Sister-in-law took a few home with her along with a few green ones to fry. Love getting produce that will wait until it is ready to be consumed!


Have “started” on the floors this morning. But it probably won’t get finished right away. Still have one book by Steve Riggs to finish. The tension and humor are both just balanced out in his work. Right now, the book is about a cross dresser who was kidnapped because the guy thinks that he is a woman. The man who was kidnapped is named Jane/James, and he woke up to find himself bound and gagged in a room with nothing except a bed. So far, he has managed to get his hands back in front of himself, the gag removed, and his feet freed from the duct tape and rope. His hands, however, are still bound tightly. At this point in the story, he is UNDER the bed where a snag in the metal frame might help him to eventually tear the rope apart so that he can free his hands. Scary. But the story would not be any good whatsoever if he were to die at the hands of this horrible man who calls himself the Sandman. Anyway, the floors will wait until that book is finished.


The hens are happy this morning and enjoying “dusting” themselves out in the back flower bed. That bed used to be full of irises, but last fall Jerry moved them out front for me. Whether or not they do well, they will always remind me of Jerry—just like the dressed stone walkway out to the hen house. Miss that guy. He was as dingy as a three-dollar bill, but he had a sweet way and a good heart. Know his mom must miss him.


Received the sweetest card from my daughter this morning. It is a picture of Jennifer and her family including all four dogs. No cats included. The boys look more like Gary every year. And Jennifer is as beautiful as ever. Now the dogs all have attitudes. Osiris and Marty look as if they are brother Huskies or whatever that breed is. Luna looks as if she could sneak between them and find a way out of the fence. And Pepper looks as beautiful as she has always been. Pepper is a long-haired Chihuahua and is about 20 years old. She is, just like the others, well loved.


The mailman also brought my new concealed carry license today. They used my driver’s license picture. Yuck. Oh well. Long haired hippy person! While Michelle Malay was here the other day, she picked up my purse to move it out of the way and was shocked at its weight. My explanation: “my gun” raised her eyebrows. Not much sense in having a gun if it is not going to be carried.


Thompson just moved to the floor. Guess the sunshine got a little warmer than he appreciated. It just makes it nice for a few days while everyone—well, almost everyone—has a few days off. Of course, January and February are just around the corner. We can pray that this next February won’t be as horrible as it was this year. Wow! If the gas had gone out in this house, everything would have frozen solid. As it was, the pipes for the washing machine froze and burst. Such fun! At least the plumbers made some extra money this year.


Thinking about plumbing reminds me that this place has still been blessed to have good gas lines now. Patty had to have both gas lines and water lines replaced this past year. My gas lines had to be replaced, but so far—other than the ones to the washer—my water lines have held. Everything on this hill is pretty old. This house was built back in 1951, so if the gas lines had to be replaced, well, that is not too bad. Lewis replaced all the water lines some years ago, but everything had to be replumbed anyway when he rebuilt the kitchen and the bathrooms. It would have been wise to insulate the pipes on the east side of the house, but it never occurred to me. Hate to ask Lance to do that sort of thing. If the lines freeze again this year, it will mean that the insulation WILL be applied. Should have asked the plumber to do that when he repaired the lines, but he did not even replace the bottom end panel of the house correctly. Oh well. He did not have to live with it, so maybe he did not care that the wind or critters could get in there. At least Lance was able to put a couple of boards up there to close the gaps to keep critters out.


Keith let us know that he is back home where the ice is not the least bit uncommon. He posted some good pictures, too. So glad that he likes Robert Frost. Had to memorize some of his work years ago. Still think of those poems. Frost, Whitman, and Dickinson were some of my favorite poets. Most of the ones we studied in college were the ones that required more thought: Yeats, Auden, T.S. Elliot, and Wordsworth being some of those. We read some of Neruda’s work in one of my classes. Sat there and listened to some of the students trying to make sense of his work. Finally, Dr. Taylor looked at me and said, “Any thoughts?” My answer just made some of the students angry because they were trying to make more of his words than what was intended. Of course, no one can ever definitely say what a writer “intends,” but these were simply love poems. Some things are just obvious.


Guess the stuff in the dryer needs to be folded and put away while the washer finishes the next to last load of stuff to be washed—and all the loads so far today have been couch covers, dog blankets, and sheets! Still have one small load of my clothes to wash—which may not even happen today! Lazy ol’ woman. Roger Thonton told me that Susan stays busy keeping their house clean. That is easy to believe. She has such a pretty way to decorate. Bet her house does not need the fan blades dusted or the window sills cleaned! My fans got dusted with a really neat duster that Michelle Malay brought to me. It bends a couple of ways and is a LONG thing that can be adjusted. Did not even have to get on the bed to dust the fan over my bed! She and Connie Cooke watch that channel that has things like this for folks who need extra-long reaching wands.


Guess things won’t get done around here unless the old woman gets around to doing a little bit more today. Hear the dryer calling.


Remember those who are alone right now or those who are fighting assorted illnesses. God knows who needs our help and our prayers. And He knows why we depend so heavily on Him. May you all rest knowing of His grace. You are loved.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Hidden Nest?

 Hidden Nest?


Had thought the girls were falling down on the job and rather felt a bit peevish with them since their feed is so disastrously expensive, but this morning was checking on the water in the middle coop and discovered that the Marans had decided to nest in between two storage shelves that were filled with hay. Mind you, when they had been presented with those same shelves earlier, it was a no go for nesting. Well, seven eggs were in there this morning and two more this afternoon. And all of them were the ”chocolate color” from the Marans. No brownish eggs from the Black-laced Wyandottes. Of course, Athena has not laid in months now, and Rhoady is still getting her feathers back from molting. Anyway, more eggs to send home with Jennifer.


The dogs are back on the kind of feed that is cooked especially for them now. Today some sweet potatoes and ham was stirred up for tomorrow’s breakfast. Don’t want to give that stuff to them tonight. It might get pretty smelly in my bedroom, ya know. Sylvia must be part Bulldog or something. Not sure about Thompson’s gaseous problems, but he even has to leave the vicinity when she starts perfuming the area where they lie down on the couch. Patty says that her dogs can do that even though they are small. She told me the story about feeding her dogs by hand and Roxy eating a stupid tomato slice. One of their other dogs in the past asked for something, and Patty gave the dog an olive. The dog spit it out and rolled on it. Patty had to agree with the dog that olives smell like something to roll in.


My living room looks just a bit like a cotton gin. Pieces of cotton are/were all over the place and stuck to various pieces of furniture and on all the blankets the dogs use on the couch. One of those toys must have at least a yard of cotton stuffing inside—or it DID! It really does not bother me much at all. It is not like it is nasty or anything of that sort. Now when they slobber all over the pieces of arms, ears, or hats decorating the toys, it is a bit slimy! Oh well.


Yours truly woke up from a really weird dream at three a.m. and could not go back to sleep. Gave up, got up, took a shower, went to read some more of Steve Riggs’ funny mysteries. Love those stories and find myself laughing more easily than ever. They have grown on me. Sometimes the stories leave me tensed up and worried about some of the characters, but it nearly always turns out right in the end. He has an anger issue with his girlfriend’s former boss, but at least they know each other’s bad habits. And the cars that get torn up remind me of a James Bond show or maybe a Duke’s of Hazard fly-by-night driving stunt. Just funny. Bet these books would make wonderful movies.


Started to read some news on AOL this morning and told myself it did not pay to know what they were saying because it was probably a lie anyway. If honesty were gold, someone would put it on the market and call it mercury. It just keeps rolling off the table.


Still enjoying the Advent calendar that Carla Beard sent. It has all this beautiful stuff about the city of London, plus music, and funny games. Maybe Jennifer will enjoy it when she comes.


Here it is December and my hair has grown so long in front that it makes me want a haircut. Pulled it back with a stretch band this morning, but then it stood straight up as if it had been run through a car wash and whirled around. Guess it will be a while before Amber gets to whack it off again. Other people get haircuts, but that never bothers me. If fact, noticing haircuts or style changes just doesn’t happen with me. Unless something is bugging me, it never matters one way or the other. It isn’t that other people and their changes don’t matter to me, it is just never a point of notice. Shrugging my shoulders. Other people seem to notice stuff like that. Not me. Words are noticeable. In print. But not always spoken words. Kinda weird how some things affect some people and not others. Oh well. Jennifer’s friend Andrea Rice would probably have an educational term for that situation. She teaches students who can’t solve words as meaningful terms in print.


Think this is the last of the Blue Moon Paranormal Mysteries, so will get back to my Kindle. It should be warm weather for the next several days here in Texoma, so if you are in this part of the world, enjoy every day. We know what will come soon enough. Or not.


Let us remember to be kind to those we meet or to whom we speak. God’s love is shown through those He directs. Be easily steered in the right direction.


Rest and know: you are loved.

Monday, December 20, 2021

A Day of Resting and Napping.

 A Day of Resting and Napping.


Called Connie this morning to check on her and she was still in bed. Told her to enjoy ‘cause yours truly was going to try to go back to bed, too. It did not last long as two silly dogs had to play fight all over me. Oh well. They let me take a nap this afternoon, but they were still happy to get me up. Had to be fed, ya know.


Not sure how anyone keeps happy without critters. Mine make me very happy. Neither one of the dogs wanted their supper last night, so the bowls were put on the freezer and left there with food in them. The hens were extremely happy to clean up the leftovers—which was two full bowls. Really not sure why the dogs said, “No thanks.” But they ate today as if they were starving. Good enough. Maybe they are getting more than they need during the day. Raising children and keeping up with dogs is a learning experience.


Jennifer told me that her favorite kind of Coke was the vanilla flavored kind. Don’t think that has ever crossed my path, much less made it into the house. She said that they can’t get it down her way at all. So plain Coke it is. Wonder if vanilla can be added and still be good? Nah. Why bother.


Only three eggs today. Guess it won’t do any good to gripe. They either will or won’t.


It’s Monday, so it was time to go down to Patty’s house to get her trash bin and put mine out as well. The same man drives the truck each week to get our trash bins and always waves at me if he sees me. And he looks. He is a really nice man.


My living room looks as if a cotton patch has exploded in here. The dogs have been working over some toys that Michelle brought them. Oh, and taking out the squeakers she thought were not inside. They found them! Had to bring their toy box out of the office and put in here since they keep accumulating toys. Even Thompson has been throwing toys up in the air and playing as if it were a real critter. He is so funny. Some of their old toys are “new” to them now. And boy are they ever getting a good chewing over! Never a dull moment with critters! Patty’s dogs led me to the bottom of her hill trying to get them to come back to the car port area today. They must have been allowed to go down there often when Donny took them out, but it takes a bit for me to walk down there and then get back up the incline. Silly dogs!


Sat and read a story by a very good storyteller. Steve Higgs writes some of the funniest stories even when they are scary with tension—who is going to jump out of the closet or drop through the ceiling type of stories! He had one entire series of stories about an older, retired police detective and a German Sheppard that failed out of the police K-9 force. Now you can have all kinds of mysteries, but that was the funniest series ever! The dog was always cleaning up all the things on the floor or taking things from his plate when he was not looking—or off of ANY plate that might have something tasty on it. But the dog liked to bite the bad guys, too. Just give him the least excuse to bite and he would.


Got a statement from the insurance company today to tell me how much money they will expect back on their investment in my insurance. Guess anything is better than having to come up with nearly $5K for a new roof. Germania has been a very good insurance company for us.


Lance was talking about putting the stock tank with the spigot in it inside the chicken house/green house filled with water. He does not think it will freeze in there. That would beat having to haul water from the house, for sure! Just will have to put plywood across the top in case a hen gets inside that portion of the coop. Would hate to drown a hen.


Michelle Malay brought a couple of candles in jars the other day. One is called Mountain Cabin and smells absolutely like clean air around the countryside. The other one is a Spiced Ginger Bread that has not been tried yet. Like ginger cookies, but we will see how this smell turns out. If someone starts going nuts for ginger bread, you will know what caused it.


Have read very little online and watched nothing of national or even local interest. Patty said that she feels as if the folks on TV are just talking to hear themselves because no thoughts are ever really involved. Take this, do that, you might still get, but it will keep you from, or not. That was her description, not mine. But it sounds about right. My daughter-in-law was down for a couple of days from the booster, and Lance was planning on taking his during the last week of December. Sitting here shaking my head. Mix and match and get it anyway. Right. And give it to your toddlers while you are at it. NOT that it will help, necessarily, but who knows. ARGH!!


My phone does not recognize me with a mask on. Giggling. Some things are just funny to me right now. It seems like my critters have better sense than some folks. Just my opinion. And now my phone has a mind of its own about recognition.


Not going to talk your legs off today except to tell you about the Jarlsbergs. His wife has been having more chemo and picked up a horrible bacterial infection that can kill her, him, and their daughter, but the hospital did not tell him this while he was gathering up her things to take her home. Then they called him and told him to keep their daughter away from her since she had just had surgery for a 30-pound tumor (he named it Bob). Please pray for their family. It sounds as if the infection she brought home from the hospital is more dangerous than the other crud going around. Think it would almost be easier to live with transfusions for the leukemia rather than nearly die from the chemo or from other hospital borne infections! This kind of treatment is totally barbaric! May God give us the good sense to follow healthy habits and keep from contracting the messes that mankind has made for himself.


Let us rest in His will and find ways to love others. But let us always know that we are loved by our Creator. May we rejoice in the knowledge that this life is not the only answer. Christ has promised us more and better. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Day to Day.

 Day to Day.


Ok, this old body is sore and tired and grumpy, so let’s just say that if you can stand grumpiness, go ahead and read. Otherwise, skip this post tonight.


Cooked a pork butt yesterday and a ham today. Both are mostly in the freezer along with chicken that was cooked last week. Too ornery to make dog food or otherwise get industrious this evening. It’s probably the weather, but my head feels a bit sneezy and useless for much of anything. Hoping that the dogs and hens will go to bed early and not want to fuss about it. The dogs, at least, have been pretty funny today with all their play.  One dog will open his mouth wide and Sylvia will put her mouth INSIDE his. Crazy critters!


Jennifer just told me that she thinks that Michelle Malay was the one who bought the Thunder Shirts for the dogs. When one’s memory starts going south, it goes pretty quickly apparently. Sigh. Just called Connie to ask if she was the one who brought them over—SURE enough!! So, she got thanked again and told how often we have to use them. The dogs get so very nervous when the wind and thunder bang on things around here. The Thunder Shirts make a big difference. She said that her two cats just are not bothered by storms. In the first place, her place is built tight and out of good bricks or something that keeps the sound down. Then, too, cats have a different attitude maybe. Not sure.


Walked down the hall a few minutes ago and stepped in water from the dogs’ water container. Why they slobber all over the floor is beyond me, but at least they do not put their paws in the gravity water bowl the way they do outside in the hens’ water pans. It could be worse.


Talked to my friend in Kansas last night about her retirement and what she does to keep busy. She no longer has a cat and does not plan to get another one for various reasons. No litter box and no cat food to purchase or keep clean might be the main reason. She can get up and go somewhere without even thinking about it, too. Can understand that situation. Reece left his cat with Jennifer, and her sister-in-law has her keeping up with their year-old puppy. The other dogs are about ready for the puppy to go away. The puppy can’t help it, of course. They are ADHD at that age and just can’t control their urges even though they know they need to. It must be hard to be a dog.


Our neighborhood has a big, black-and-white cat that wanders around. My dogs would truly love for it to get within catching distance. It goes down to Patty’s and sets off the motion detectors and lights, but it does not frighten her at least. Now the bobcat is a different story altogether. She knows that it could and would eat her dogs! But then, so would a coyote! She even watches for hawks now since the Mississippi kites got my hen. Living on the lake is definitely different. And then there are rats. Had to pick up another one today and throw it in the trash bin. Guess Sylvia got it today as it was still wet with slobber. At least she does not eat the nasty things.


Last night while checking my emails, one of the companies that is associated with my health insurance said my account was locked. Yours truly called the company and discovered that the same password for three different associated areas of the company needed to keep only one password. Got that fixed, and then Jennifer said that someone had created an Instagram account in my name. If anyone gets something from me on Instagram, it is not from me. She reported it anyway. Some folks need something better to do than to spoof others.


Lance was talking to me about putting a tub of water out in the green house in order to have water out there that would not freeze up. Think the big water trough on the deck would be perfect for that situation if a spigot will fit it. We will see. May have to get someone to help move it. Can’t imagine how yours truly did that a few years ago, but had no one to help me at the time and put baby chicks in it until they were big enough to take to the hen houses to keep in one coop. Stubbornness will get all kinds of things done eventually.


Sitting here remembering how Grandmother Pollard used to make this jello salad with pecans, pineapple, and cream cheese or cottage cheese in it. Sounds good right about now. Maybe it is the time of year. Hers was always green. Some folks made the red stuff. Think it was Carla Beard who said that no one could get those red cherries at the stores now. She makes fruit cakes and sends them to some people she knows. Fruit cakes can be really good or really terrible, depending on who made them and how. The ones that are so dry that they crumble are a bit much. The ones that are really good have some alcohol in them—brandy or rum make good ones! Or just the brandy or rum by itself! Giggling


Well, the dogs are at it again with bites, growls, snorts, and assorted leg holds! Sylvia grabs his leg and won’t turn loose for a second or two. Can’t imagine. Now he got out a toy to distract her. He has one and gave her the other one. Smart dog!


May you all rest well tonight and enjoy the rest of this evening. For those of us who don’t have to go to work at a real job tomorrow morning, maybe we can say a prayer for patience for those who do have to drive to work and deal with people who think that what is going on in their lives is the most important thing on earth. The rest of us will just praise God for calm moments and critters who can be loved.


If life is worth living, it is worth loving both others and caring about how the world turns. YOU are loved.




Saturday, December 18, 2021

Phone Calls Today.

 Phone Calls Today.


Spent nearly two hours hashing out the past and the future with my sister-in-law, but we did not get a thing accomplished other than exercising our vocal cords. Had to laugh at the idea that she could go all day wearing her night gown. Her mom could have done that. Of course, there was not a lot of difference between one of Joy’s gowns and her house dresses. Amorphous in appearance and comfort, they must have suited her. Guess that was what was important. Sweats are like that pretty much in the winter time around here. Comfortable and easy to wear. Warm enough outside and easy to remove when it gets warmer in the house.


Looks as if Jo Ann and husband are going to get rid of the house that Jerry used to live in. At least, a whole gang of folks have gathered around to discuss the place or something. Guess it can’t be much worse than what has happened over there in the years past. Was thinking just the other day that they would probably have some of their family moving in the place since some of them have wanted it for a long time now. Oh well. Not my problem as long as my gates are locked.


It has been cold and windy all day. The dogs have not been much interested in being outside. Can’t blame them. It was too cold to be out there long. Tim came and unloaded feed and put it in the bins for me earlier today. He was saying that his brothers are making more in their jobs working for fast food places than he is. Don’t think he wants to work in fast food, however much they pay.


The dogs have discovered squeakers in the toys that Michelle brought to them the other day. Now they know where the squeakers are and let me “enjoy” the tunes rather often. They must get tired of chewing on them, however, because Sylvia sits here and slobbers on them more than she chews. Critters!


Anne said that she does not want to have to leave her little house in Henrietta and go live somewhere else. We talked about it. Neither of us feel that we are anything like ready to give up our independence as long as we can still get around. She is better to get out and go places than yours truly, but she says she has to make herself get up in the morning. Even opening her eyes takes an effort apparently. Can remember when she was staying with us while she went to beauty school back in ’68—having to get her up in time to go to classes was not easy. Kinda think she has been like this all her life. As kids, we had to learn to get up the first time Mom said something to us. Mom did not mess around and expected us to be wide awake and up and at it early. Very seldom did we ever sleep past seven in the morning. Of course, we loved to play in the summer time. Winter was entirely different. Hated cold weather then and feel the same now.


Baked some meat earlier and think it got a bit roasted on the outside. Oh well. Thompson and Sylvia can take care of that part tomorrow. Or not. It doesn’t taste bad, but it is definitely crispy. Some people are much better at cooking than others. We know which one lives here.


Just went out and put the faucet cover on the back faucet. It is supposed to be down to 25 tonight. Don’t have any idea how folks in the North live with the cold temps and keep critters. Maybe they have water inside their coops the way it is in Arkansas. It’s about two blankets colder up where my brother lives in the northwest corner of Arkansas. My nephew said that he got an outrageous gas bill from the company that provides gas for his chicken houses. Folks, get ready for your chicken dinners to be mighty expensive. We may all have to learn to eat crawdads, sparrows, or doves. Remembering when my friend Hong Xing came to have a barbecue dinner with us. She was semi-offended by the amount of meat on the table. She said that ONE helping of meat that we had would be enough for a family for a week in her country. That did not seem logical to me, but since then, it has become more understandable. Not only the cost of the meat, but the simple lack of animals in China was a big deal. That may be the reason they eat bats, rats, cats, and anything else. Just enough to make us feel sick to think of a cat for dinner, much less a bat. Can easily see how becoming a vegan over there would become necessary.


My friend Robin Christian was telling about reading a book about a young Muslim woman who lived for a while in Saudi Arabia. The freedoms we take for granted are not that prevalent in the rest of the world—especially for women. Some nations are very different—Norway, Sweden, and other Northern European nations give women the freedoms we have now. But in the U.S., we have not always had it easy as women. My mother could not own a credit card in her own name years ago or even take out a bank loan without my dad’s signature. Things have definitely changed.


Reading books lately has shown me that attitudes about different sexual combinations have definitely become more accepted. One book that is currently on my Kindle has a man who decides from one day to the next whether he will be Jane or James. He wears dresses when he wakes up in the mood for that or pants when he decides he wants to be a man. Wow! Wishing to be a boy when we were young and my brother got to do EVERYTHING was one thing, and even wearing pants for playing outside was different, but the idea of trying to BE a boy or guy would have been a totally different concept back then. This old woman has been kinda happy to be just a mom, sister, daughter, and whatever was needed at the time. Being a guy would be pretty hard at this point with the mentality of growing up as a girl and woman. Guess it takes all kinds. No biggie in this world.


Have not read any news or even been on FB much of today. Probably just as well. Can’t imagine that world affairs are going to be bright and beautiful any time soon. About the only thing we can do is try to be loving to those with whom we come in contact. And some of us just stay home and stay out of the way of anyone TO contact. Have seen Tim today and spoke with him. Otherwise, the old woman is a bit of a hermit. Maybe it is just as well. Have enjoyed listening to piano music on the little Google speaker and listening to the music on the Advent application that Carla Beard sent to me. It has several games that amuse me. Now one thing that flies in the face of good sense is the stupid “game” on the Solitaire app that has the person try to prevent a chained puppy from getting crushed by a large stone. That stupid thing makes me want to write to whatever idiot thought that would be an acceptable game. If someone will tell me who to write, it will get done!!


Ok, will not persist in rolling my eyes—figuratively or otherwise. May each of you find the best way to know the comfort of God’s love and ask for the same comfort for others. Please rest in whatever your soul desires as joy. You are loved.