Sunday, December 12, 2021

Calendar Pictures.

 Calendar Pictures.


The calendar given to me by Michelle Malay included a bird unfamiliar to me—the Black-winged Stilt.



The bird is not considered endangered, but it is quite rare in England and that area. But if we ever had one on Lake Wichita, it failed to be seen by this old woman. The children used to go to the lake when they were rather young when there was no fence between the Fenoglio property and the lake itself. And yes, they probably shot a few birds with their BB guns, but were more likely to shoot a water snake. They brought home ducks that had been injured and expected them to be cared for and otherwise rehabilitated. We have had more than one duck in our yard that needed care for whatever reason. One female had been attacked by multiple drakes, and another had a fish hook in its beak. The children were always bringing home critters. That is pretty standard for children, huh.


Sitting here thinking about the turtle that one of my grandsons brought home from school. That was almost as bad as the mice someone got Jennifer to take care of over the holidays. Then there were the baby chicks that hatched out at school. Oh joy! Did you know that chicks need to have at least one other chick with them to keep them happy? Never get only one of animals that are considered “flock” animals. It takes two—at least two. And most feed stores ask that you get at least four. Good thing that schools don’t “hatch out” lambs! Well, eventually that might not be too bad if the grass needs to be mown!


The wind today is not very high, only 22 mph. But that gusty stuff makes it feel rather cold even in the sunshine. My girls have been out scratching around and have dug another danged hole next to the steps coming up to the deck. Wondering if the Army has ever considered using hens to dig foxholes. They are just messy as they can be, but at least they don’t stand around in their water bowls. It could be worse.


Just went out and put out clean water. Did someone say something about the hens not standing around in their water? Well, the little scratchers can certainly throw plenty of dirt in their water bowls whether or not they decide to wade in it! They were also happy to see some more scratch feed put in their feeder. They had eaten down to just the pellets of mash. They prefer the scratch even though the mash is better for them overall. Oh well. Chickens are a lot like people in that they have their preferences and can ignore what is good for them. Dogs do the same thing.


Really don’t know doodly squat today. Have tried to stay away from the news. We can’t really expect anything happy to be on the news for a while. It is just too sad for words. Guess it would be useful to see if Dawn Thompson has asked for anything for those who might have lost things in the fires. She has been very good to help families—especially getting beds for children and clothing. Will look in soon and see what is needed or if she has been alerted to any needs. The women’s refuge store—think it is called Faith Mission Store now—has just about anything anyone would need. Folks who have to clean out the homes of relatives just take about everything to the Faith Mission Store. Good way to clean out a house and help at the same time. NO one should be using Goodwill for that purpose since nothing from it goes back into the community. The Salvation Army is a different story. Not sure about the Red Cross when it is in a disaster area. But they don’t get any money from me because of the percentage that goes to the head honchos. What is a shame is that the big churches should be the ones helping communities, and, again, the money they get seems to go to the head honchos! Shaking my head here.


May you all be blessed with good health and happiness. Remember to pray for those who have been through this time of trial and loss. Rest and find joy. You are loved.

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