Thursday, December 30, 2021

Cabbage and Apples.

 Cabbage and Apples.


Din-upper was just not quite enough, so some cabbage chopped up with half a sweet apple and cole slaw dressing is keeping me busy chewing while writing. So, if this seems to be a bit crunchy around the edges, just pardon my roughage!


My friend Connie Cooke either calls me or gets a call from me every morning. Today she said she was going to Petco for some things for her kitties, so she said she would pick up some ear wash stuff for Sylvia. Not sure why that dog has to put her foot inside her ear, but if it just needs a good treatment of tea tree oil, this stuff should do it. Connie also made a trip to Sam’s. She brought me some decent paper plates—large ones—and animal cookies. She could not get plain ol’ Scooby Snacks, but the animal cookies will work just fine. Both the dogs and the old woman like those things. Sent a carton of 18 eggs home with Connie after paying her and showing her my favorite hen who no longer lays eggs—even though Athena still sits on the nest every so often. Picked her up this morning and told her that she was still loved even if she doesn’t lay eggs.


The mailman brought the new electric blanket today. Maybe tomorrow will be soon enough to put it on the bed. Will change the sheets at the same time so the bed will be nice and comfortable and smell good at the same time. Then this afternoon while Connie was here, the FedEx man brought the big box of dog food. Have not even opened it. Just pushed it down the hall to the door by the back room. The man put it in the living room for me right inside the door, but he could not come inside. It made it easier even so. The FedEx man also said that he dreaded being on the road with all the folks in WF who do not know how to drive in snow or ice. Grinned and told him he needed to include rain in that driving pattern. Folks just don’t realize that slick streets mean that those brakes don’t do all that needs to be done. It takes forethought as well.


Still staying away from any news other than just noticing the headlines on AOL or 1440. Looks like the Cruise Ship business is about to go down the drains due to the latest in illnesses that can be contracted from touch, air, food, stray thoughts, or opinions. May God protect us from diseases and from ourselves!


Honestly do not want to tell anyone what goes through my mind right now. Suffice it to say that the old woman is very positive—positive that being grouchy is a way of life to be avoided. So, just will send a Jacquie Lawson card to a few people to annoy the stink out of ‘em. So, if you get one, you know how it is: Positive reinforcement of a good song, view, or attitude. That is what we all need right now in my opinion.


May you all find it in your heart to be grateful for all of the blessings that God has given us. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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