Monday, December 27, 2021

The Worry Wart.

 The Worry Wart.


Saw the surgeon today. Was not really happy to hear what he had to say. Thought we were just going to get a little scar on my back from cleaning out whatever is messing with the nerve. Nope. Don’t even want to think about this now, but hope my decisions in the next week or so are the ones that are best for me and my family.


Looking at the back yard and am reminded of something Lance said last year when 36 hens were roaming around out there. No, that many chickens in this space was not a good idea, but the 14 that are out there now are still keeping the grass cut WAY back. As in—no grass to be seen around the deck itself! They have also decided to use the back flower bed for a dusting site. Can’t blame them. It is nice soil and makes very fluffy dusting powder for these critters. Have considered giving away some more hens and only keeping eight of them, but Athena does not lay eggs. She and Rhoady go together as a pair. They are the oldest and sweetest to each other. Will just have to think about this since taking care of eight is not any better really than taking care of 14.


Bought some “Fresh Pet” dog food and some canned lamb and canned beef in case making dog food is a bit much trouble for me. The dogs have gained weight on my cooking. Amazing how that happens. Lewis said something about that once. But it wasn’t what was put on the table but maybe how many times he put more on his plate. But the same is true of an old woman. According to the scales this morning, she had gained three pounds!!


Made an appointment and went to Walmart for the booster shot for this stupid virus. So that is done now. Wondering how things will turn out if everyone is getting the shots and folks are still getting sicker than a horse in a field of wild oats. Saw on AOL that about 25% of the sailors on a Navy ship had the stupid virus. Only about 100 sailors are on the ship since it is a smaller battleship. Still, that is a bit much for one of our ships to have to sit out moving around because of illness. Guess it could be worse.


Just put some chicken, broccoli, potato soup in the microwave. Hope it is good cause so far today the menu has been a bit sketchy. Even have some chicken/biscuit crackers to go with it.


The neighbors down across from the lots on the east side of my place have pulled in a camper for a relative to live in. It has no windows—no glass or solid pieces at least. And apparently the top leaks because he had to put tarps all across the top of it. Next week when it is colder than the Klondike, he may be in a world of hurt unless he has a heater in there. Guess that is not any of my concern. Don’t even know their names.


Some lady said that she is going to come get the feeders and water jugs for chicks, so maybe she really will. Have a bunch of stuff that needs to come out of that workshop so it can be really cleaned out. But with the bad weather ahead, that is not going to happen any time soon. Right now, it would be nice to have this new light put up on the deck. Tried to fix the old one, but something must be wrong inside of it ‘cause it does not even say peep peep. Such is life.


Honestly hope that the pollen count goes way down very soon. My eyes are burning and Patty said she simply can’t get a deep breath at all. Pollen number this morning was at eleven on a scale of 12. Lovely, just lovely. Juniper is what they call those trees, but sad sappy pollen pest would work just as well.


Let us pray for each other and those we know who need healing. Some of the hospitals are simply overrun with covid patients, so even thinking of going into one might make a person cringe. Let us pray for the healing of our nation and of all those affected by this horrible mess.


Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

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