Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Sleepies.

 The Sleepies.


Have been awake—more or less—since 4:30. Got up at 5:30 to quietly make coffee and let the dogs outside to take care of business. Did not realize until later that the AC unit in the back bedroom was running, so there was not as much need to be quiet. But letting the hens out was put off slightly because of the dense fog. It began to lift somewhat and gave me reason to believe that the hens could safely be released. The dogs were not interested in staying outside with them. It was just a tad cool in all that moisture. But despite the fact that it had been an early night the evening before, this ol’ gal has felt sleepy all day today! Every once in a while, the bed sees my return for maybe thirty minutes at a time. Not sure if it is the weather or something else, but just can’t seem to get interested in doing anything long enough to keep my eyes from drooping. Oh well.


Can’t tell me that winter is here yet since the dogs have not really needed their winter jackets. Thompson’s hair has grown back in, so he should not be quite as cold now. It makes me feel good to see him looking healthier. Not sure if it is the home-made food or something else, but he certainly acts as if he feels better.


Cooked a couple of roasts, sliced them up and put the pieces in Ziplocks—some in the freezer and some in the fridge. Will have roast beef sandwiches or something this week. May have to make some rice with veggies just to keep from eating too much bread. Hardly ever eat much bread now, or rice, for that matter. Dr. Blackwell said that if it is white, don’t eat it. So, my ice cream is chocolate. Ahem!


Gave the hens the last head of cabbage purchased for them. Then gave them a few red tomatoes from the green house. Have some tomatoes in the kitchen window getting riper. Betting that they will be quite tasty by the middle of the week. Years ago, peeling tomatoes was a definite “nope” for me since allergies caused all kinds of problems. It is amazing to me that a person can EAT the things and still be allergic to them enough to cause a rash from peeling them. Does not make sense. Oh well.


The caramel apple pie made on Friday did not get sampled by my guests. And neither of them eats breakfast. Not sure how that works, but it would not for me. Guess like a lot of other things that have changed over the years, meals are just another choice.


Sylvia is propped up on the couch with her head hanging over the back so she can look out the front window. Not sure what a dog can see as far as distance and clarity are concerned, but she certainly has an interest in anything that moves out there. And they both hear noises that keep them alert. They know the sound of the mail truck now. Bigger trucks just cause bigger barks! And then there are those conniving squirrels! Yesterday they were inside the older yard fence when a squirrel flipped off the backside of the hackberry and took off across the side lot. Sylvia saw it maybe 20 feet from the tree and the chase was ON! They ran that sucker all the way to the far end fence! Think there might have been some cussing going on, too. Silly squirrel.


Saw a video today of these folks moving the chicken tractors around on their place. The tractors are basically boxes on one set of wheels that allow the boxes (pens) to be moved from one spot to another. Anyway, they had ducks in one box, and one of the ducks very quickly grabbed a mouse in its bill and swallowed the thing. The man was shocked because he did not know that ducks would do that. Chickens will eat anything! Snakes, mice, frogs, lizards, etc. Ducks have smaller bills according to this man. Not sure that would be true. Have seen a duck yawn!


The sun is out right now and shining to warm things up some. The sky still looks dark and cloudy in the east, but the sun must be shining from the west because it is so very pretty out there. Winter makes us appreciate things like sunshine.


Really don’t know much. We can pray for those who have been affected by the violence in our nation. Makes a person want to shake someone to realize how stupid all the shootings are. And the robberies, looting, generalized craziness, and stupidity just make no sense whatsoever! Nothing much an individual can do except to try to be kind to those with whom we come in contact. Family and friends are precious. Neighbors are needed. Peace is absolutely essential! Let us be grateful for each day of life.


Rest well and find joy in whatever your hand is set to do. You are loved.

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