If you want to know what the weather is like while sleep has you completely in its arms, just get yourself a nervous dog whose reaction to thunder is to come jump on you and your bed just before five a.m. Yes, that is definitely when the rain started this morning. Not going to gripe about either the dog or the rain. Love my critters and the rain feels good compared to sizzling temps. Have wondered, however, if the mockingbird has been able to find plenty of bugs for her two little hatchlings. Even the spider webs have not been reattached to the yard swing. Not much sense in a spider messing with webs when the flies and squeeters aren't buzzing around.
My allergies are ignoring the weather. Eyes itching like crazy, so something is either in this house or in the hen house. Did pick up ol' broody and put her in a cage by herself in the big coop this morning. She will stay there this time until she quits acting silly. Before she got out at least once a day until it was time to put them up. Not this time! Never have had a hen be this persistent. Maybe it is the breed of chicken, but can't find anything on the internet that tells me that Marans are more prone to be broody or more likely to remain that way. Oh well.
Just went outside to chase off a wabbit. The dogs were having absolute fits about it. If one had been able to get outside, either the wabbit would be dead or the dog would have been in Archer County by now. Sharon Dickerson said that their little brown bunny had come back to their backyard. Glad it is in THEIR yard and not in mine. Hate picking up what is left to throw in the trash bin. sigh
The headlines today, as of a few minutes ago, included the little blurb about some space junk crashing into the International Space Station. It did not add anything more than that, so maybe it is not a big deal. Not that there is a whole lot that could be done about it. Or not. The other headline that was a little strange one that said that Texas has multiple "zombie trees." They may look alive, but they are dead where it counts. That means that they could come down just about anytime--as in the next good wind storm. Guess we will be feeling that freeze from February for a long, long time! Hate to lose good trees. Around here, it is just my purple sage and the pomegranate tree that died back to the bases. Thought the crepe myrtle was a goner, but it has come back.
Gathered up most of the dying poppy plants that were dry enough to collect for seeds and sent them home with Donny Anderson for one of his friends. Explained that it was not necessary to "plant" the seeds--just drop them where you want the plant to come up. If the wind and rain don't move the seeds, something will come up. It is just a bit like that clover seed planted around here. Trying to "plant" it did not work. But at least some of it came up in various places. Maybe it will make seeds this summer and spread out a bit. A body can live in hope anyway.
My bangs are getting too long and bother me by getting below my eyebrows. Discovered that the masks that Connie made will work as a hair band. Giggling. See, knew this pandemic would be good for something.
Years--many years--ago we had a mirror in the living room on the wall across from the door. For some reason, every so often yours truly looks for that silly mirror. Creature of habit much? Was going to check out the "hairband" effect.
Ok, here's a question for you: have you ever considered how important it is to surround yourself with those who are faithful? A guy who was paralyzed was lowered through a roof to the feet of Jesus because his friends had faith. The paralytic received forgiveness and healing. Now most of us will never need to be lowered through anyone's roof, but sometimes we are brought before God through others' prayers. Thinking back about my parents, it is amazing that they were willing to get up each Sunday morning and take themselves to church. And they were involved with teaching Sunday school and with what the Baptists call GAs--girls' auxiliary. Dad worked with the boys and helped rebuild the old church into a nice hall. Mom worked with the girls and helped in whatever way help was needed. But more important than all that, they taught us the Bible and how to pray. And more than once their prayers were what brought us home safely. My children may not know it--well, Grayson knows--but they are in my prayers every day. It was not my job to teach the grands either how to pray or much of anything about the Bible, but it seems that they know just a bit about my beliefs anyway. So, who has brought you to the rooftop lately?
My friend Donna Reeves' granddaughter Lynnsey Himes has made it this long without having to have her baby taken, so the baby is about five pounds at this point. But it would be better if the baby gets to go full term. Please pray that this little momma and baby will stay healthy and can have a safe delivery.
Have a couple of books started and thought about looking up something on the Firestick today, but just have not been in the mood for much of anything like that. Sat here and did some word searches just to do something different. If the notion ever hit me to clean house, something would probably fall off my body! Can't do without the glasses or the teeth, so maybe everything is safe for the time being--plus, that notion is not as likely to strike as space junk is to hit the ISS--International Space Station!
Today's bird makes me think of Monty Python--the Laysan Albatrosses. Ooodles of birds and what they left behind!
You all find some joy to share in this ol' world. May you be aware that God has blessed us. You are loved.