Sunday, December 31, 2023

Effects of Sitting.

 Effects of Sitting.


Hardly ever read standing up, and today started off with some reading. That means sitting for entirely too long in this house. Yes, went out earlier to tend to the hens, but only go out there four or five times a day for whatever reason. So, the rest of the time is spent in reading, cleaning, messing with these two dogs, or otherwise spending time in a sitting position. Know that stretches are supposed to be good for a person’s body, but before being released from the doctor’s office last year, the PA told me not to do any sideways stretches. Hmm. Not sure which direction that would be exactly, but know that climbing up on my step-stool to hammer on things can make me pretty sore. Did that last week already. Got the bar fastened for their roost so it won’t come down again. So far today, the sunflower seeds and wheat have been rearranged into a different bin. Had poured too much of the sunflower seed on top of the wheat, so they were getting more sunflower than wheat. That is remedied now.


Read some more in the book about Revelation by Lehman Straus. The guy is interesting and helpful for understanding some of the terms that have puzzled me. Searches for the term “Nicolaitanes” had not been fruitful for me, but in this book, it is a term which supposedly originated the system which divided the Church of Jesus Christ into two divisions—the clergy and the laity—the one domineering over the other. Interesting to me that the Quakers did not have this type of division and still don’t. When a person gets right down to it, if we do not believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and fail to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to bring us in line with what God wants of us, we are up that famous creek without a paddle. No matter what we can read or how others believe, the Word is right there in front of us. About the only way this old woman can live is by trying to be kind and considerate of others. Being forgiving may be the hardest part of life, but it was the greatest gift we received, so it is our duty to practice that forgiveness as well. My biggest problem seems to be discerning what needs to be forgiven and what needs to be ignored.


Wooo! Dear Hearts, if you want a really physical job, try deboning a turkey! Can’t remember how my MIL was able to get every tiny piece of meat off a turkey, but then she would make soup stock out of the bones. Of course, that was back when they still made roasters big enough to cook a turkey. These turkeys today are too big for the roaster this ol’ woman had years ago. Well, for that matter, chickens today are as much as eight pounds or more whereas we were lucky to find a three-pounder when we started keeping house on this ol’ hill. Times have changed.


Had our excitement for the day! Some guy in a hoodie came wandering up the road with a manila folder in his hand. Both of my ferocious guard dogs had a typical fit. Called Patty to see if she wanted me to call the police when he went on her property. We waited. He knocked down the lake gate, but he propped it back up when Patty hollered at him. Roxie was having herself a guard dog fit at him, but she could not get out of the yard to go bite anything. Ruddy just went back to the couch and let Roxie take care of it. Typical.


It may actually rain on Tuesday. It would be ok if we got enough rain to do some good, but with a 40% chance of rain, you can almost bet it will produce less than an inch. Such is life.


Let us pray for protection upon all those who are out and about tonight and tomorrow. Remember the first responders and pray that they can deal with the traumas involved in our lives. May you each find hope in this coming season of cold and wet stuff. A tiny little bird just flew into my plum tree. My hope has wings.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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