Monday, January 1, 2024

Cabbage and Fireworks.

 Cabbage and Fireworks.


The Leos family brought me some cooked cabbage and black-eyed peas last night. YUM! Then they came back with something called bunelos or something like that. Very tasty with cinnamon and sugar. Anyway, normally eating after about six in the evening will leave me with heartburn. It did NOT happen! Of course, when my servings are considered, maybe that would be part of the problem. Anyway, got up this morning, let the hens out, cut up a cabbage and an onion and cooked that in the big cast iron skillet with some sliced apples and cooked bacon slices seasoned with Mrs. Dash. It was not quite as good as what Shona made, but it is about as good as an old woman can do. Plan to take the other half a head of that cabbage to Shona along with some of the stuff that got cooked here. Turnabout fair play, right?


Last night the dogs were getting a bit jumpy, but at midnight things were fairly silent. When some fireworks went off at midnight, it was ONE bunch of bangs and then NONE! In my mind’s eye, the police officer was standing there telling them: You get to shoot off ONE firework each. Then that is it. Anyway, we had no more noise after that. After the way the wind had been blowing at gale force, we could have had an entire county burned to the ground!


Have been reading The Book of Revelation, Outlined Studies by Lehman Strauss. It was really slow going because each reference sent me back to look up the scriptures he mentioned. Finally, decided last night to just read his book through once and then go back and read it again while looking up the references. Maybe that will help things stick in my old brain.


Gave the hens some rolls that Patty had kept in the freezer for over a year—she forgot about them. Let them rise and baked them. They stuck to the pan despite the oil spritzed on it, so took a half gallon of milk that was out of date by tomorrow and poured that over them. The hens will get around to taking care of that soon enough.


Just sat here and looked back at my monthly planner given to me last year (probably by Michelle Malay or Sharon Dickerson). The year of 2024 saw some neat things and some scary events. Jolene got to sit on some eggs that actually hatched chicks, of which two lived to be given away to Stephen Smith—a rooster and pullet. Everyone in the family and among friends had birthdays—Beth became 81 and a great grandmother! Lots of legal business went on this past year, as well. President Trump’s was well advertised. Sterling, Maggie Sewell, John and Mary Rhoads, and others had surgeries—knees and shoulder. Sterling came down with those horrible shingles! The old woman brought home four turkens and five Easter eggers that all turned out to be roosters. But a few days later she brought home another sixteen chicks that were mostly pullets. Anyway, the first pullet eggs happened in August and the eggs have only gotten bigger as the months went by. Patty and the old woman had insulation put into our attics. The old woman decided she did not want to do the hats on a loom. Israel was invaded and babies slaughtered by Hamas. Sharon filed for divorce and moved to Shreveport, LA. Reece graduated from UTA, and Jennifer and Gary celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. Finally, got some really sweet neighbors in one of those modular homes across from me. Clint and Sandy Robertson sold that to them, and then sold Jerry’s house to a couple that will move in sometime this new year. Yep, pretty good year in so many ways, and enough to give us time to ask God for His protection and blessings upon this nation that has been invaded and blessings and protection upon His nation Israel. The future, and our lives, are in His hands. We can depend on Him for all things, but especially His promises.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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