Friday, January 19, 2024

Vet Visit.

 Vet Visit.


Patty’s dogs have been registered and examined and poked, prodded, and otherwise had their nails trimmed and anal glands expressed. They were SO glad to get home to their mommy! She had bought these two carriers on wheels that made the trip much easier, but still, it was a major undertaking. The old woman is glad to get home.


Just put on a pot of vegetable soup. Need to vacuum and mop, but not sure either thing will be done. My hands hurt even though wearing gloves protected them from the extreme cold. My truck said it was 19 degrees inside the truck! Not sure what it was outside in the wind, but did not care to know either. Just do not appreciate this cold stuff. Not going to start a comparison between the extreme heat of our summers with the cold wind right now. At least our winters are not like up north in Wyoming or Michigan! Can still see the ground. Our cattle might do well in barns, but we still have to feed hay this time of year. Ranchers and farmers never have it easy.


Used some cream stuff that Jennifer bought for me to help with the pain in my hands and hip. It works, but could never afford to pay for it myself. Little bottle is $75!! Why can’t things that work be made cost effective. Talked to a lady at the vet’s office who had to go back to work because her SS did not cover the cost of her drugs. Need to be glad that the old body works fairly well despite the arthritis.


Shona Leos sent some supper across the road last night. Oh boy can that woman ever cook! Would gain weight like a champ if eating like that on a regular basis!! Her Spanish rice was extra tasty! The taco was good, but boy that other stuff would make a person sit up and take notice. Such a sweet neighbor!


Just put two chickens on to roast. It will be at least seven before they are ready, but the old woman probably won’t sleep anyway. If they can cool down before having to debone, it would be easier to do that tomorrow. We will see. Now have a humongous pot of soup to either give away or freeze or something. Do not really like soup with frozen potatoes. Doubt that Patty could be talked into wanting some of it. Maybe Maggie might come get some? She could season it to suit her and David.


Tried to take a nap. That did not work. Being tired does not guarantee sleep at all. The dogs always cuddle up with me—well, Sylvia does. Thompson really kind of likes to just know that the old person is on the bed. He guards from his nest.


Sylvia knows where the treat sack is and has been pawing at the chair. Not spoiled! Have often thought about the Israelites wandering around out in the desert for all those years. They had been spoiled to the fresh vegetables and things available in Egypt. But God gave them just what they needed. Our needs are quite often filled way beyond what we can understand. It is so easy to find different foods and things to drink in this age. Years ago, folks were lucky if they did not have to drink dirty creek water and eat whatever they could kill. Read one book about the first settlers in Texas and how they were malnourished because all they ate was dry corn. They had no idea how to give themselves the type of variety that the Indians had—berries and greens to go with fresh turkey and rabbit meat. They even had turnips in some places. The Indians were much healthier even though the settlers did not consider them to be “civilized.” Today we are too “civilized” by fast food and sweet drinks to be healthy. A bit of a turnaround on what we think we need and what we actually want. And corn today has been—for the most part—genetically modified. No bueno. Next spring maybe we can all plant cabbage and turnips! God gives us choices.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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