Monday, January 29, 2024

How Much Is Too Much?

 How Much Is Too Much?


In any endeavor, we have to consider results as opposed to the actual expenditure of energy or resources. When a human body, with all its attendant encumbrances, contributes to the overall equation, getting things accomplished becomes a study in practicalities as opposed to consequences. In Texan, that means that our get up and go sometimes gets gone before the job gets done. And that is the story of today at the old house on Dickerson Hill.


The hens did a nice job of scattering the hay that Jennifer helped me put around the coop to keep the slick mud from becoming a hazard for an old woman’s steps. Then they managed to lay a dozen eggs so that eventually—around Thursday to be exact—the granddaughter and her boyfriend will have more than a couple of dozen eggs to take home to wherever it is that they live. Looking forward to meeting the young man—even if trying to remember his name might be embarrassing to my wobbly mind.


Talked to Sterling a bit ago. He said these drugs he is taking are about to make him as wobbly as his sister keeps tracking around here. Stopped taking one drug because the relief of pain was not enough to make me risk trying to drive while using the drug. Knew the police officer who would pull me over would say it was a DUI if the old woman wobbled out of the truck. Don’t want my brother to hurt, but realistically, those drugs are dangerous. Not sure what they do to the rest of the body, but he said his measurements on a shelving unit he was working on might have come out of a child’s imagination—or a Doctor Seuss book! Certainly would not work on anything useful!


Bought some ginger beer recently. It is non alcoholic and has sugar in it, but it certainly does taste good. Not exactly like ginger ale, but close—stronger on the ginger part maybe. They had some that contained zero sugar, but it did not state what they had used for the sweetner. Guess some of us are a bit picky about those things. Was laughing with Shona this morning about the taste of the tap water in WF. Yep, some kind of chemicals are in use, but who knows what. Any way a person goes at it, we are drinking downstream from someone and whatever has been put in the water upstream! Most likely, Ozarka water comes right out of the tap from Ft. Worth water company! The best water this old woman ever had was called Crazy Woman Water. Think maybe it came from Mineral Wells or thereabouts. Best tasting stuff ever. The only other water that really made me think we don’t ever get the real thing was from a cave spring in Missouri. Drink, and drink, and drink and never feel full or satisfied. It was called the Civil War Cave, but the last time we were there, it had caved in from the blasting from a highway construction. Kinda sad.


My dogs are probably tired from all the barking they did today. The gas company had some work done on a line between my place and Patty’s. They had the entire road blocked with about six trucks, a tractor, a trailor, a supervisor, a Lone Star Gas witness to the work, and a fella with a switch blade knife—no, a fella with a fire extinquisher. Honestly was very happy that nothing else needed to get down the road, except the postal man had to walk down to Patty’s to give her a package. Ridiculous to park the truck and trailer right in the middle of the road when it could have been left at the bottom of the road on one side. It’s not like the tractor could not be driven down there when it was finished. Oh well.


Every time the news comes up, somebody is threatening to throw a nuclear bomb or zap the entire world with a couple of EMPs. So, we can all go back to living in caves and throwing spears and trying to kill those wild pigs that have taken over the fields. Iran has just put three satellites into orbit. How much do you want to bet that at least one is capable of dropping an EMP over us or over somewhere that no one can exist without electricity. We may all be packing our backpacks and heading for Colombia, SA. Or not. Some of us are too old to do that sort of thing. And, all things considered, if God allows things to go that direction, who are we to argue. This is not the only life, and the next one won’t require stupid drugs. My decision is to trust that God will hold us in His hands no matter what comes next.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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