Sunday, January 14, 2024

Too Cold!

 Too Cold!


It is supposed to get worse, but today feels doggone cold enough! Have the water dripping—more like a drizzle—in the kitchen. That room is on the north side of the house, and doofless old woman forgot about putting dirt bags on top of the drain lines this year. It’s not like she did not know it needed to be done. Just did not do it. Oh well. Maybe after this spell passes Lowe’s or somewhere will have dirt on sale. Imagine! Buying dirt! But here on the hill, it is something that we have done for years. Cover lines with complete sacks (plastic and all) in order to keep the lines open. So far, the kitchen drain is ok, but would not want to try to push it with much water. The bathroom drain is fine, but it is covered by house. The new neighbors have frozen water despite leaving it drip last night. Just hope it is not the outside lines! Sterling said that the water between his house and his road had frozen up there in Arkansas. But they have plenty of drinking water. Makes me wonder what folks up north do about such as this!


Really glad that the old woman made the mistake of having Grayson’s snacks sent here to my house. Know these chocolate toffee-covered pretzels are definitely not good for me, but they are so very tasty. Might get into the beef jerky as well, but the fudge can just sit there until he comes by to get it. It has zero nuts in it. Why get fudge unless it is packed with some kind of good nut—NOT peanuts!


Surprisingly enough, my joints are not hurting too much this morning. Went out and strung the electrical extension cord from the workshop to the middle coop and then plugged in the water warmer for the hens. Put fresh water on the deck, and it froze within 30 minutes!! Put another head of cabbage out in the coop for them as well. They may have to stay inside tomorrow. We will see what things are like when the sun comes up. The hoodie that the kids bought for me came in handy while working out in the back. But got the hoodie and my gloves soppy wet messing with the water. Had to put them in the dryer. Oh well. Just so happy that the electricity has not been affected so far. Would worry about Shona and her family if it goes off. They do not have gas over there. All electric homes are great until the lines get taken down by ice and tree limbs.


Just went out and gathered eggs again. Last time two of them were so frozen that they had broken their shells. Boiled those and gave ‘em to the dogs. No waste that way! Will gather them up one more time before the hens go up for the night. The girls may be disgusted by their shepherd by the time this cold snap is gone. They are going to stay in the coops if we get snow or ice tonight and tomorrow. They will have plenty of food and water for the duration.


This is the time of year that it really pays to enjoy reading. Don’t know what other people do who don’t read! Sterling said that the controller for his TV and Jacqui’s TV don’t gee haw very well. He will be watching something when she turns her channel and it messes his up. Sounds like a tech problem to me. That’s one for the folks who have more TVs in the house than they can operate!


Just glanced up at the bulletin board above my desk at the card showing Rosslyn Chapel in Midlothian—south of Edinburgh. Jenn saw to it that we got to visit there while in Scotland. It is one of the intriguing places that are famous for some of the things caused by bad temper. The pillars inside the church are all ornately carved—some more intricately than others. One such pillar was supposedly carved by an apprentice when the master carver went out for some reason. When he came back and saw how beautiful and intricate the work was on this pillar, he became angry with the apprentice and killed him! Not exactly a reason to be famous, but it kind of figures that the guy must have thought the apprentice was making a better show of his work than the master carver was capable. We sat and petted the cat they had there inside on a bench. They have always had a cat in that place. This one was apparently used to being the center of attention and handling. Funny how cats seem to be universal in their appeal.


Someday animals will not be abused like they are today in our world. Saw the other day that South Korea had outlawed the use of dog meat. Shaking my head. They did not mention rats, bats, and elephants. Sigh. While being a vegetarian does not necessarily appeal to me, it is obvious that animals have the same feelings as we do. May all the dogs and cats be blessed during this cold weather with a place to stay warm and food to eat. Yes, and the same for the homeless on our streets. No amount of riches will ever take away the poor, but no one should be outside in this cold.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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