Friday, December 22, 2023

Just Gonna Read.

 Just Gonna Read.


Have managed to do a couple of things, while in the back of my mind the book in my Kindle has been calling me. So, guess what the old woman is going to do for the rest of this afternoon! Yep, stories and paperback books and other things to read and take my mind to other places and ideas. Don’t know how other people can live without reading every day. But then, if not reading, guess most folks watch TV or something of that nature. Well, the funny videos on FB can take up a few hours if one is so inclined. But the books stay with me because they let me decorate the backgrounds to suit me.


The dogs have felt good and been on a kick. They got in here in the office to play “big mouth” and that game where one bows down and invites the other to chase or whatever. It’s a good thing nothing is perishable around here. Just solid furniture and nothing too fragile to knock over and break! Currently, they have settled down to nap. They are extra good at that exercise.


Saw that one of my online friends has taken a dog to foster over Christmas. Would be willing to lay odds that Beverly has that dog for the rest of its life. It looks so very much like her dear dog Bailey. She has really mourned that sweet animal. Maybe this one will give her the love and exercise in patience that she needs right now. Dogs, well, lots of critters, are good at that. After all, it is not every old woman who opens her back door and finds her feet covered in feathers and fluffs of clucks wanting her attention and treats! Love my hens.


Went to the FedEx place this morning and got in a good conversation with a young woman who has three girls: 10, 12, and 14 or so. She is on an adventure, for sure. We think we understand them, but it is just not so. Each age is so very different from the next one—and that is just in one generation. Shucks! The difference between my children and my generation is quite extreme. They have no idea what it is like not to have a telephone. And that is just the basics. When raising the kids here on the lake, if they could hear me whistle, they knew to come home. And they had to stay within a distance that meant that they could hear me! But they were all three the sweetest a woman could ask for. Jennifer was reminding me the other day about how many times she had to polish the kitchen table or dust. That was the punishment around here when one of them got in trouble. Nothing like taking care of business twice!


Sterling called and we talked about meals. Keep telling him that chicken voila is good stuff. And he just needs a few hens up there to keep him and Jacqui in fresh eggs. The chicken companies don’t want anyone else to have chickens around their farms, however. My girls may all fall over and die tomorrow, but as nearly as possible, they get fed healthy food and stay safe from diseases and predators. But the big companies look at it very differently. One sick chicken is all it takes to wipe out thousands of birds when they are all bunched up in those big houses. Same with just about any kind of animal—or among people, for that matter. It’s a wonder all the diseases coming across the border have not already affected more folks. We KNOW the extra drugs have already made a difference. Two prison guards (from where is not certain) were arrested here in WF the other day for trying to get drugs into the prison here. Would not take much to kill everyone in that place with an overdose of that one called fentanyl. That one seems to be adulterated more often than not. Crazy people!


My sweet friend Barbara Matthews called today to see how things were going. She is such a great person to cheer up a day! We have to laugh about getting more friendly with handrails these days. Takes so little to make us laugh.


Let us be grateful for life and laughter. God gives us so much to make our lives meaningful.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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