Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Waking Up THAT Way!

 Waking Up THAT Way!


Lance thought the old woman looked tired this morning. He was not wrong, but even so, we—well, HE got quite a few things done. We went to my favorite feed store and got lay mash, DE, and 30 pounds of winter rye to spread. Lance put all the different things in the appropriate places and walked the spreader around everywhere to spread the rye seed. Now whether or not it comes up is a toss-up, but if nothing else, the hens will find the seeds.


Lance thinks a BB gun and a chair on the deck should fill the deep freeze with those danged fat doves. They are HUGE! Would not take many to make into bunches of dog food or whatever. So glad he got to see them circling the feed trough. Can’t believe how soon they came down after we walked away!


We went over to Aldi’s to pick up a couple of Butterball turkeys. They did not have ANY under 20 pounds, but they were only sixty-nine cents a pound!! SO glad he was here to pick them up and put them in the freezer. One of these days maybe one of the kids will be here when it is time to thaw one. Have one bought from United for $1 a pound in the bottom of the fridge right now thawing for the next batch of dog food. But Aldi’s also had ground beef and some ground chicken on sale for half price. Got some of that as well as some cheeses. They have the best selection of cheese.


After Lance left, the dogs started barking, and the old woman had to check to see what was going on. AJ was trying to move their trash can. Went out to help him. He said they just did not have enough room for all the boxes. So, drug bin over there and pushed down the feed sacks so they could get the Christmas boxes inside. Showed AJ that the bin had to be away from the post box because of the big straps that the garbage truck uses. Anyway, stood there and talked to Shona—the new neighbor—and she wanted to know if tamales were on my list of good foods. She doesn’t know—yet—that just about anything someone else cooks is on my favorite list of foods. So, she sent three tamales across to me while warning that they were kinda spicey. WHOA! Took an entire bottle of water, but they were very tasty.


My favorite daughter-in-law Tracy sent me a cheese cake made especially for me. She used to make the crust with graham crackers, but someone in the family avoids gluten, so this one was made with chopped almonds. Doesn’t matter. It was wonderful! Just think it is wonderful that she likes me well enough to make something like that for me.


Have an amaryllis about to bloom in the living room window. Noticed that the ants were not gone, so Lance brought is some DE to put on top of the soil. Certainly hope that sends them to the bottom of the pot or something. If it were warmer, the entire thing would go back outside, but really want to see these things bloom.


Meant to call Connie C. to see if she was ever able to catch the feral cats in her neighborhood. She said that one female cat just keeps having kittens, and now the kittens are old enough to have kittens. Just really wish people would have their critters fixed. This world does not need more animals to be ignored and otherwise abused. Just have to see one sweet critter being loved to make it so obvious that people need animals just as much as the other way around. God gave us those critters to teach us how to love unconditionally. May we all do a good job of loving others—no matter if they have hooves, paws, or claws.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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