Sticky Traps.
Did ya know that sticky traps put out for critters will
catch the dust bunnies under your bed? After that pile of dog hair ad nauseum,
nothing else was going to stick to that trap unless it TRIED to stick. Trap is
now in the waste basket. Bed, dresser, dog crate, and bedside table have all
been moved and cleaned under and around. Mopped the floors and put insect spray
down—the last step until the bedside rug is cleaned. The big bathroom is
already vacuumed, mopped, and sprayed for critters. Where the hey did all these
crickets come from? Even found some tiny bugs in the window sill of the
bathroom over the cast iron bathtub. Had to wash the hand towels that were
folded across there and put down clean ones. Oh well. The room is clean.
Finally stopped long enough to feed my dogs and make some
coffee. Here it is nearly eleven and have had a banana for breakfast. It’s
probably not on my diet, but it will just have to do.
Glanced over at the dog bed here in the office. The dogs
have just about shredded the cuddly side of this bed. Not sure if the old woman
could replace that piece of fabric or not. The beds come apart (unzip) easily,
but the dogs somehow poke holes in the material that they lie down on. The foam
stuff peeks out of those holes and looks mighty strange. Wonder if Walmart carries
that fur type of material like we could buy once upon a time at Cloth World.
Bet it would cost as much as a new dog bed!
Can’t sit here much longer or the old woman will find some
excuse to remain sitting and not up doing the work that these floors need.
Sylvia is somewhat opionated. She caught me sitting down
and intended for me to remain in that position. Vacuuming done; the mop heads
both in the washer; the furniture put back in place; and now considering if food
might be worth using some heat and a bit of butter or just a big pan to make a
pot of stew. Think it will be the stew. Have some ribs that can be cut down, some
cabbage left from last night, some diced tomatoes, and a package of veggies
from the freezer. The weather is perfect for food like this. Besides, it does
not take much thought or effort to make a pot of stew.
Something bit the loll out of me yesterday while my knees
were down in the dirt and stuff around the bottom of the fence line. Got up in
the night and put some stuff on the bites—ankle, legs, and even my elbow. Not
sure what got me, but it could have been chiggers. We haven’t had a frost yet.
Mosquitoes and chiggers are normally wiped out by frost or a good freeze. Know
that gardeners will hate to see their pretty flowers go south, but the itsy-bitsy
critters that bite just don’t break my heart when they curl up and die!
Knowing better than to mess with the peels of oranges does
not keep me from wanting one. Peeled and ate it and then washed my hands thoroughly.
Here’s hoping the oil from the peel has been washed away!
The young man who is going to do some work for me is not
going to be here until Tuesday because he has to take his mom for an MRI. Know
all about that good stuff. Felt as if my body should have been glowing by the
time the back surgery was finished. And that was not even all of the pictures!
Oh well. Praise God my legs and back still work!
Just gave the hens the last of the stew after fishing out
the pieces of meat for my dogs. Not bad for feeding two dogs, one old woman,
and a passle of hens! Will just have to plan something else for tomorrow’s
meals. Maybe scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. Hardly ever eat eggs, but
they are pretty satisfying. The dogs appreciate leftovers, too.
Feel very grateful for these cooler temperatures even if
the wind has been up to flying the geese sideways and the back door up against
the wall! At least it is not 120 degrees on the back deck. We have already been
advised that this winter is going to be rough, but it we get some rain, maybe
at least there will be grass. Meanwhile, an article in the TRN said that the
predicted dredging of Lake Wichita won’t begin before 2027. Smart, just incredibly
intelligent! So, if we do get rain, maybe the mud puddle we call a lake will
grow a bumper crop of tumbleweeds. The roots are edible, ya know. Supposed to
be like okra when fried. Good grief!
Let’s just be grateful that nothing is currently on fire
around the county. May God give this world and its people His peace.
Rest well, my friends. You are loved.
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