Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Getting Things Done.

 Getting Things Done.


Made up my feeble mind last night to hire a young man from Henrietta to do some odd jobs for me. Today he put up the screen door on the back side of the house. He had it done in nothing flat and everything looked good to me. Just did not want to put blue paint on it, so will wait until Jenn comes again and get some tan or brown paint from her. Apparently, their house has brown or tan paint somewhere. Have not been there in ages, so just know that it has been totally painted inside and out. Am so very glad that mine does not need that right now. However, this young man is going to do some work for me that includes either paint or Thompson’s waterseal on the deck. Keeping the hens out of the way may be interesting. Might have to keep them cooped up for one day! Horrors! Can’t imagine what that would be like. Just the squawking alone might get me turned in for animal abuse!!


Clipped wings last night and still had to chase down a hen today. She is one of the Gold Sex Links. Not sure why they are called gold when they are bright red! Oh well. Anyway, it seems most of the hens have not been trying to fly over the fence today. The head of cabbage may have helped, but not totally sure. At least they still can get up on their roosts at this point. Getting down was interesting this morning. Some flat-out flops! Life is hard. Being a hen has its drawbacks. But at least no one threatens to choke a hen to death for crowing early every morning.


My friend Judie was supposed to email something to me today, as was my son. Received nothing from either of them. Sometimes these electronic things make me wonder just what we would do if we really had to have something quickly. Or surely! Guess whatever comes along will develop however it is meant to be.


Have been finishing up the Albert Smith and Rex Harrison (Rex is the dog) stories by Steve Higgs. Have truly enjoyed every one of these stories. One today had a strange, out of its territory critter invading three houses. The animals had a name for it that made me wonder what they actually think of things for which they have no names. This turned out to be a raccoon that was brought into England by a lady who accidentally let it escape. Folks should know better than to bring those little bandits anywhere they are not naturally found. But the three dogs trying to trap it in Albert’s kitchen managed to knock over the refrigerator, leaving Albert (in the living room) to believe that a hippopotamus and a walrus were having wild sex in the kitchen sink! Yes, it still makes me laugh!


Plan to finish reading the books by Higgs and then read Revelation again tonight. Meanwhile, let us remember what we can take with us from this life: Galatians 5: 22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance; Against such there is no law.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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