Thursday, June 29, 2023

Technical Issues.

 Technical Issues.


My computer hasn’t been able to connect to the internet for a bit now. Maybe one of the lines melted. Would not surprise me if something like that happened! Or it could be that the ground has shifted and ate a line or broke a water main to flood the silly things. Honestly! It seems TXDOT or some highway department is working on Kemp and lots of Southwest Parkway right now. It figures that Kemp would be needing help since the pavement and the foundation for it were never right in the first place. Someone did not pay attention to the values (numbers) put down for the bedding of the road, and then the same happened with the pavement. Both were too thin for our soil types. Only concrete could really repair the situation effectively, but that will cost too much to consider. Of course, the level and nature of the traffic on these roads just keep getting heavier and more complicated. Trucks and buses run on Kemp all the way to Hwy 79 in Archer County. Oh well.


Before the internet went down, ordered some groceries from the United up the street. The first open spot for pickup was 2:30, so that is the one selected. Had hardly thought much more about it when United called to say my groceries were ready. Just got back and put everything away. Got more chicken to cook tomorrow, some watermelon, some cantaloupe, and some salad stuff. Gave the chickens the last of my milk this morning since it was pretty much out of date. Patty always sends her out-of-date milk to the hens. They don’t care where it comes from. They just like it. Extra calcium is bound to be good for them.


Talked to Maggie Sewell earlier. The heart doctor said the murmur was not something to worry about, but they will do a sonogram on the 17th just to be sure. Then the other doctor can go about scheduling the shoulder surgery.


Blake came this morning to mow the grass. Hardly had enough to call this a job, but he had to be out in this heat, so that is worth something. But the yard does look better. Asked him not to mow very close because of the heat. Patty had the same idea. The grass just cooks when it is this hot. Had to laugh: one of her dogs got out when she was not looking—scooted right between her feet and the door. She was shocked to see Roxie out! But it was not any worse than hearing one of the chicks doing a high-pitched cheep-cheep when one got out the driveway gate as Blake drove through. Had to go out there and get her headed back inside the yard. Silly chick.


The dogs just insisted it was time to go check on the squirrels or whatever. Looked about the egg situation and found a Black Maran sitting in the nest panting. Poor little lady! It’s just purely hot out there! And yesterday a rat snake was lying on the ground underneath the nest boxes, so they may have had some interference as well. Tried to get the snake raked out from under there, but he was faster than the old woman ever hoped to be. Thompson wanted to help, but all he could do was bark. Oh well.


Saw a question asked on FB by my friend Lowry M. He was concerned about the idea that all the Jews did not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, but rather was to be respected as a rabbi. Think his question was one that bothered me until recently: are they condemned if they refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their savior? The question should easily be followed by another: is Jesus Christ the only way to God the Father? As mentioned before, our sense of compassion wants everyone to be saved. But some things are not up to us. If another judgment is to come later, will those who refused to believe be given another chance? Guess we will have to read Daniel and Revelations again—and then some. See, my understanding is not anywhere nearly fully developed despite having read this book more than a few times. The old woman reads things like: the dead know not anything—and that pretty well tells me that Lewis and our little Susan, son Hanan, our parents, and all others who have gone before us—they are asleep. Sleep is so restful, so peaceful. The moment of awakening will be fantastic! No fear, anger, or pain will remain with us. Imagine everyone being healed!


Well, will see if Spectrum has a reason for the internet being down. Then maybe this little reflection can be posted.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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