Thursday, June 22, 2023

Strange Days!

 Strange Days!


Last night about ten, the dogs were lying down snoozing on their “chargers”—you know, the dog beds next to the front windows that enable them to hear all the traffic or whatever gets them in the mood to set off the “bark alarms.” Anyway, the old woman was happily reading a book. Suddenly it sounded as if an electric transformer had exploded right over the top of the house. The entire house shook! Guess the lightning was unusual in color, too. Nothing showed up on the radar, but Dear Hearts, we certainly had the noise and light show of a mighty battle. This evening we have had just a bit of distant thunder and nary a drop of moisture. Think we got a few drops overnight, but not enough to measure. At least it was not as bad as what happened in Matador, TX. They lost a good café and other places up there. Poor folks!


My brother is about fit to be tied about this insurance on his car wreck. The insurance company said that they could not find Sterling or anything about the wreck. Mind you, the police report was right there to look at! Anyway, it will be a lot calmer at their house when Sterling knows what the insurance company is going to pay for fixing up their car. Jacqui is definitely not a happy camper about the entire situation. And you know the saying about what happens when the wife is not happy . . .


Danny and Rachelle Pollard’s son Jacob (the lion-hearted) posted some pictures. Rachelle took Jacob up to Philadelphia to see a special doctor. Not sure what he told them, but Jacob looked happy enough. They are making this into a vacation type trip for the two of them. Still am asking God to give this kid what he needs to let him grow up to be a man. Am asking the same for Nate S. so that he can become a happy camper as well. His mom has taken him to every national park that she can find just to let him enjoy life a bit more. If mankind has an answer for a boy who will become blind but who wants to learn how to use computers, then maybe that will be what my prayers should lead us to. God knows what the kid needs.


Today was reading about the daughter of an old friend of mine. Pepper Brewer was such a sweetheart. She died of kidney failure or maybe it was liver failure. Can’t remember. Now her daughter has RA so bad that all of her organs are just barely making it. Only know a few people with RA, but so far two of them are still functioning pretty well. The diseases that mankind deals with can really be horrible. At least my cousin John Pollard is getting better so that now he only needs three hours of dialysis a week—at least, that was my understanding.


A couple of things made me pause and thank God lately. Looking at this house and the critters—and the neighbors—makes me realize just how blessed the old woman really is. Two children, two outlaws, at least four grands, and lots of sweet friends make my days better every day. As long as keeping my attitude decent is possible, it is easy to realize the blessings. Why me? Why so blessed? Was it the prayers of our parents? Is there something God wants me around to do at some point? Whatever the reason for all these blessings, praise God! May we each do our best to please Him and do whatever it is He desires of us.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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