Friday, June 16, 2023

End of Day.

 End of Day.


It has seemed like a long day, but maybe it was because the heat got to me pretty much at one point. Looking forward to another dawn and letting the critters out of the coops. They went up a bit early tonight with some sneaky treats. Got extra worm things at the feed store today. Forget what they are called. Honestly, some days it seems my name is almost too much to recall.


Got a phone call from Sterling. He was relaying all the “interesting” things that had taken place in his day to that point. It had to get better. He still has not heard from the other person’s insurance company about paying for the wreck the lady caused. Deep sigh. It’s not like they are on foot or anything. But some folks get antsy unless they have things just the way they want when they want them. Been there and learned to be more patient.


Spent part of the day with Stephen because he took me to the feed store in his jeep. While we were there, they gave me the plants they had out to the southeast side of the building that were going to die for lack of water and too much heat. Brought them home and planted them in the flower bed out front. If any of them survive, so be it, and happy surprise! If they don’t live, the exercise was good for me.


Keep finding dead birds in my yard. Not sure what is killing them, but the grown bird must have eaten something poison. The people who put out ant poison have no idea that birds think that stuff is edible. It looks a bit like grain, but it will kill a bird quicker than sunstroke will get an oilfield worker. And yes, it was pretty hot today. Not as bad as some years have been, but it seems to get to me rather quickly these days.


Couple of things to suggest for prayers: family problems when one or the other decides he or she no longer loves the mate for whatever reason. It would have to be devastating in my opinion to be treated as if my love did not matter. Sometimes folks have to live apart for any number of reasons, but that is no reason to treat someone like the drizzling stuff that occurs with a bad bate of chili. Respect matters. Especially after ten or more years, each partner needs to be giving to the other and not be hostile. Second: dementia, cancer, long-term illness that incapacitates, or any other physically and emotionally demanding situation of either a mate, a parent, a child, or some other significant person. No one is superman/superwoman. We need help. But we need to ASK for help. A minister, a social service, a volunteer organization, or just a group of folks with the same or similar problems might be where one could find understanding, if not actual help. Sometimes it helps just to know that we are not alone. Finally, personal care. Today a reminder that the pain of the past is just a couple of thoughts away hit me a little harder than if someone else had asked me too many questions. Rest and be still if that is what helps to get past the pain. Or find something that makes YOU happy. Remember that no one except God knows what is in your heart and mind. Let Him help you. But be prepared to help yourself.


A couple of invitations to the blog have gone out today. If you see someone you don’t recognize or if someone makes a comment, just be kind. Not everyone who reads this mess finds it easy to deal with life every day. Some are strong Christians; some do not trust any religious organizations. Just be loving and kind. That is what is required of all of us.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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