Friday, May 27, 2022

Olives and Such Stuff.

 Olives and Such Stuff.


As a child who thought that olives stuffed with pimentos were something really nasty, it is surprising to me to find how drastically my tastes have changed. On my desk at the moment is a small saucer of weird olives and some snap pretzels. Not bad at all. The olives have been soaking in oil for who knows how long, but the pretzels have been in the pantry for a while. The olives are pretty slippery. The pretzels are easier to grasp and throw into that facial gap! Strange foods have begun to interest me. Never can tell what might be good if it has never crossed one’s palette before.


It seems my days are moving right along. The hours just go round and round the clock as if on a race track. Went out to the hen house and brought in eight eggs while most of the hens wanted to know if any special offering was going to be made for their “sacrifice.” Didn’t even put out any extra scratch! Probably have to go chicken feed next week. Oh well. Each day is different for them as far as schedules are concerned. And daylight makes them more willing to lay those little eggs. Cloudy days are not as productive for them. But you can bet that they enjoy every blade of that fresh, green grass growing out there!


Tomorrow the guy who first called me Mom will be 52 years old. Loved him dearly then, and still do. His youngest is graduating tomorrow, too. Can remember when we were sitting at Thanksgiving with Lance and Tracy when they first told us that they were going to be parents. Sitting here wondering how those years went by so quickly. Wish Lewis were still here to enjoy the kids. Sigh


Finished reading a couple of books this morning about a 60-year-old woman who had to take in boarders in order to make her mortgage payments. The family who boarded with her included the father (a judge) and his two teenagers. The judge is going through a divorce and is in mourning just as the woman is since she just recently became a widow. It is a sad story, but at the same time, the situation makes quite a bit of sense. Her late husband was a doctor. She was a journalist. But because journalism has changed so drastically, she can no longer make a living writing. Now she makes a living by chasing down information on people who have ducked out of their debts or who have jumped bail. That kind of work must be prevalent in every larger city considering the mountains of debt in our society or the number of people who end up in jail for one reason or another. Anyway, it is an interesting series of books. And she has a funny cat.


Thought surely the old woman would get up and get something done today. It has not happened. Probably won’t happen tomorrow either. Can’t imagine what it is going to take to get her motivated! Oh well.


Reece had that laser surgery on his eyes, so now he can see everything. On the way home, he kept telling Jennifer, “I can SEE that now!” He had to wear contacts or glasses for the longest. Now to get Grayson convinced to have it done. Roger Thonton told me that he thought it was the best thing he could do. But then Jenn told me how much it cost! Woo whoo! Not likely.


Have not even looked at the news on AOL or anywhere this morning. Not sure it is worth the stress to see what else is happening in the world today. Can almost bet the topics have not changed in the past couple of days. Sad and tiring. Our lives so seldom have good news to appreciate. Does Grit still get published? It used to come out every so often and had some good articles and happiness in it. Not sure if we subscribed or what, but enjoyed reading it. Life has definitely changed.


Won’t tell you what kind of bird we thought it might be, but the dogs both jumped up at the sound and wanted in the kitchen and out the door. Then it dawned on me: the fan in the kitchen had developed an alternating whine. WD-40 put that “bird” to rest. Did not realize that stuff could be used on electrical fixtures until Sterling came and showed me how to put some on a wall plug so it would go in and come out easily. Now the washer has a nice little plug that does not fight back any longer! Learn something every day!


My hopes are that all of you are enjoying whatever kind of spring has come your way. Walking the yard or sitting on the front porch can be better than just about anything on TV. Birds singing, flowers blooming, and coffee or tea to bring things into focus might just be the best medicine for life right now. May you all rest and appreciate the wonders God has given us.


Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

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