Friday, May 13, 2022

Best Laid Plans.

 Best Laid Plans.


Went to Sutherlands this morning and tried to find a screw thing that would fit the ball that goes onto the footboard of my bed. All they had was one with a loop on it, not exactly what was needed despite the fact that the screw part fit the holes exactly. Maybe tomorrow a trip to Lowe’s might find a better solution. The one with the loop is too tall for the inside of the ball. Oh well.


After Sutherlands, United Supermarkets had the kind of milk used around here. Their brand will do for now, but the other kind—Horizon—will last until it is no longer needed. This morning the amount of milk in the carton took care of one cup of coffee. A teaspoon full of powdered heavy cream worked into the cup with a little mixer thing that Michelle Malay had given me. Neat little device.


United had the same sales on as Market Street, of course, but the entire store is much smaller—really a good thing for someone who does not want to walk over a couple of acres. Got the dogs some ground turkey and a couple of pork loins that we can share. Have a bag of very small apples to cut up and make into something to mix with the meat for dog food. Will have to cook rice to mix with everything in the morning. Or some potatoes. The dogs surprised me by eating the potatoes that Maggie Sewell brought to me. Guess dogs and men have something in common, a love of potatoes!


Tried to move the couch—carefully, and without hurting myself. Think that is going to have to be put on hold for a bit. Did manage to clean the floor behind everything, but just moving things is not the type of exercise an old woman needs at the moment. Such is life.


My broody hen gave up the broody bit and has gone back to just being ornery. It must be something we share in common. Not trying to hatch things, ya understand. Just grumpy in general.


Little birds keep drowning in the dog pools, but it does not seem to help if a wooden slat is put in there for them to grasp. Guess the old woman needs to figure out how to make a shallow bowl type of bird bath for them. They are bound to be thirsty in this hot weather—well, any time, for that matter. But the birds need cooler water than what is out in the sunshine. Now if that danged duck hen would just stay out of the hens’ water!!!


Sterling said that he used to have to clean sparrow nests out of the top of the brooder houses when he was raising chickens. Of course, as soon as those things hit the floor, the chickens would eat them! Bleah! Chickens will do that, however. They are not the least bit picky. It just worries me that they say the bird flu is being spread by water fowl and wild birds. Only fourteen hens here, but who wants to see them get sick and die after raising the little stinks. And now they are saying that wild foxes are getting the same flu. Can’t imagine unless the vixen is bringing home ducks to her kits. And even worse, we can get the danged stuff, too. Keep washing my hands!!


Patty said that she is doing very well after having her abscessed tooth pulled. So glad that she is doing so well. Then there is Stilton Jarlsberg. That poor man. It’s been two months since he lost his wife, and now HE has to go into the hospital where they were “taking care” of her. Guess that would be enough to put someone off of going into the hospital after all the crud they did to her. That was pretty well how our local hospital affected me after four really bad experiences. The nurses we had in February were not even my concern. Jennifer was there until late in the afternoon each day. The one nurse that comes to my mind was a real “jewel” of help—not. To remove the catheter, she did not even tell me what she was doing. “Well, one, two, three!” She jerked that sucker out and went on her way. Great guns and little ol’ pistols! Glad my head was somewhere else or it might have activated my big mouth at that point. At least the surgery team was right on top of what they needed to do for us. Otherwise, would never recommend the hospital here.


We seriously need rain. The lake levels are dropping quickly and the grass is so brown now in all the places that it grew fairly high. So glad mine is cut and not needing anything other than some rain. The little apple tree at the end of the drain line is still doing well. As long as there is water to do laundry, it should be ok. The other things around here will just have to hang in there. The dogs’ water gets dumped on the plum trees, but not sure that it will make any difference as the wind keeps blowing the plums from the branches. Oh well.


Guess the builder who bought the land across the road is getting ready to put a danged trailer house in over there next to Jerry’s place. Deep sigh. Will just have to pray for good neighbors as there is nothing else to do.


Guess my allergies are what makes my head hurt the most, but if it rains, maybe the pollen count will go down sufficiently to alleviate some of the problem. Yes, rain. When? Will let you know when the headache is gone! That’s just how we live around here—hazy skies, headaches, winds or gales, and pollen to the nth degree! Gotta love Texas.


Let’s think about how blessed we are that nobody is shooting at us. We can still buy food. We can still go places. Most of us are capable of walking, talking, and otherwise living happily. The flowers still bloom (achhooo!), the grass still grows, and our families still love us. God has blessed us more than we could ever expect. Let us be grateful!


Rest well, my friends, and know that you are loved.

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