Thursday, May 26, 2022

Green Blessings.

 Green Blessings.


Walked the lots on the east side of my place and looked at the grass coming up from all that brown stuff. Oh! Lovely! Yes, it means mowing in the near future, but it certainly beats having dead grass out there. Of course, the hens are still doing their Marine business of digging foxholes! Walked by one hen today who just lay there and looked at me. She was sunning her body, thank you very much. “Don’t bother me,” seemed to be her attitude. And she did not even get up as my feet went near her. Obviously, my hens are not easily spooked and seem to have a trusting relationship with the old woman. Kinda wish the doves did not have that same attitude. Sigh


Thompson just got into chase mode while sitting in my recliner. Guess the dogs are going to have to have some lessons in impossibilities pretty soon. They just about drove Sterling wild while he was here with their sudden explosions of barking when someone or something came inside their view out the windows. This time it was that calico cat that must live over on Church Street. Earlier it was a squirrel running along the telephone posts that front my yard—the posts are lying flat on the ground to keep folks from backing or running into my house or the gas or water meters. So far, that has worked well despite some crazy drivers.


The UPS man brought me a big box today. The most difficult part about it was getting the box open! But Jennifer had sent a little wagon that will work for various situations around here. It would have been perfect yesterday to unload the truck after the grocery store trip. Not sure unloading feed into it will be one of its tasks. Really don’t want to get it dirty since it comes inside so easily. This is the size wagon that was always needed around here, but not what Lewis thought was best. His will work well now for other things—including unloading the truck of feed or diatomaceous soil. Sterling fixed the wheel so that it would stay on. That the wheels can get flats is still a problem, but if the old woman ever gets herself in gear to get to Harbor Freight, a new air hose will take care of one of the problems around here. Still have not gone to get a new water hose either. Time to get some things done.


Michelle Malay called back this afternoon. Think she is feeling a little bit better. Between the weather and other situations, she has been in a lot of pain. Feel so sorry for anyone who has to deal with RA. Well, other types of problems are just as bad, but that one is one that affects so many folks. Pain, itself, can cause depression, too. It is like a vicious cycle.


Cooked the salmon on a cedar plank today along with three big yellow squash—not together, of course, but the two dishes were very tasty. Love yellow squash with a touch of sugar and sour cream. Umm. Put ginger sauce on the salmon, and that was mighty good, too. Trying different foods and cooked in different manners is helpful to me. Food gets pretty tiring when we have to cook everything all by ourselves.


Have done some word searches, played a couple of games, charged my phone (down to 19%), picked up eggs, cleaned the dog pool, and put vinegar in the hens’ drinking water. Then read about the amoebas that are in our local water. Great, just great. Read online about the latest police activities. SO glad we have good police officers who take their jobs seriously. Just wish we did not have so many idiots who need to be arrested and taken to jail.


After my shower this morning, the stuff that Jenn said to use in my hair worked well. Have not had to pull my hair out of my face all day. We will see if my face falls off due to the ingredients when tomorrow gets here. Hmm. Allergies are SO much fun.


Sent a couple of dozen eggs home with Connie Cooke this afternoon. Her sister will get one dozen and Connie will use the other dozen. She is always concerned about “wasting” eggs. Have thought about telling her that cats will eat boiled eggs, but who knows if her cats will since they only eat a certain brand of wet cat food. They came out of the cat house where she used to volunteer. Those cats had a certain kind of food that all of them ate. Guess they are a lot like people with preferences.


Ok, if opinions about sex bother you, skip over this next section. Some of the young men who attended ACC were in the lunch room once bragging about how many babies they had made with all these different girls. The girls got section eight housing if they had a child—and better money if they had more than one child. It occurred to me that those little children would grow up and never know who was going to end up being a half sister or half brother to them. And who was going to be able to tell them if no one said who the “baby daddy” for all these kids was? This was one of the times in my life that the cattlemen’s take on making steers made sense to me. If the steers could not reproduce, they just did not cause problems in the herd. In the case of these young men, a mandatory vasectomy should have been used as a measure to keep things genetically straight, if for no other reason. Women who have more than two children—by separate men or on the government dime—should have their tubes tied. The guys should be altered, too. No abortions needed if the women can’t get pregnant! Just my opinion.


Noticed that taking a pain pill or muscle relaxer has a tendency to cause some strange dreams. But at least sleep is possible when the muscles are clenching in my back. Michelle and Connie both said that the old woman is using muscles that have not been used in a while. Quite likely the truth of the matter. Just because walking around and feeling better has finally come along, that does not mean that every muscle is ready for “business as usual.”


Tomorrow is Friday—trash day. The wind is not blowing a gale, so the trash bin can be placed across the road tonight. Right now, the bin is stuffed with cardboard pieces, but one bag of trash will go in the top. So glad WF has curbside pickup. Can remember when we used to have burn barrels! Can’t imagine doing that now. We are still in a drought, so this nice cool wet stuff won’t last long, but at least the grass will get a little greener. Too late to plant much with the heat on its way, but the sunflowers will grow despite the foxholes and wind.


Let’s remember those who mourn tonight. It hurts to think of all those here and around the world who have to deal with loss and pain. May God give us all peace.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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