Thursday, May 12, 2022

Old and Cranky!

 Old and Cranky!


Woke up before five this morning and thought my entire body had found a new wrinkle which had become a crease. Some folks get sore when the weather changes. It does not seem to matter with this old carcass. Weather, walking in the yard, messing with the hens and changing their water bowls after the stupid duck hen messes it up, and then just sitting around reading—all of it seems to make things ache. But even at that, the sun rises and sets, the dogs bark at the rabbits, the hens lay eggs, and an old woman finds something pretty about the songs of the birds. Better just appreciate the days whether or not it is harder to bend or walk!


Thought a trip to Market Street for some milk and a few things might happen today. Nope. Just could not make myself get the least bit enthused about getting out and driving. Getting lazier in my old age.


Tried to start cleaning the living room floor today. And no, that only got so far before it got sidelined. Didn’t even start a load of laundry! Now that is just pathetic!! About the only thing accomplished today was getting some tea bags out of the cabinet for Patty to use on her toothless place. An abscess usually hurts like a son of a gun. But the dentist did give her some pain meds. Hope it heals quickly for her.


Sterling called early this morning. Guess he is doing ok; at least he sounds less croupy. By next week he will be able to find out if he can see his regular doctor. Will be glad when he gets his medications resorted and his blood pressure under control. Know for a fact that it can make a person drag if it is too low and feel like crud if it is too high.


Trying to write something uplifting today is probably too much to ask. Some sadness makes me feel that it is better to just be still and quiet today. Knowing that we are loved is wonderful, but not understanding why one’s moods are hooked to a strange barometer can truly be confusing. Who knows why sadness happens—and that is not a question.


May you all rest well and find something joyful in life. You are loved.

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