Monday, May 16, 2022

Just Resting.

 Just Resting.


Some days are made to get work done. Other days are great for resting. Today was a rest day. Well, dust mopping the living room is not exactly work, but it made the room feel better not to have another dog floating around in hair. At least it did not ask for any treats, however. It just took a good dumping into the trash can.


Sterling gets to see his doctor on Wednesday, so we can hope that he will get his blood pressure regulated and some kind of appointment set up to get the hernia repaired. SO glad that something like that is a relatively quick fix. Remembering that Daddy said he had never had anything hurt like it did the next morning. It really is a good thing that men don’t have babies!


The dogs have been lying down—one at a time—in my recliner. Today Thompson jumped up in it and shoved it almost down to the reclining position. That was certainly different. But at least they don’t argue with me when asked to get out of it.


When the dogs ask for treats, it is almost a certainty that they really would like to have something to eat. Just finished giving them both a section of home-cooked dog food. Yep, they cleaned it up completely. It really does make me feel good to think that they are eating stuff that has no garbage in it or recycled chicken poo. Tomorrow’s recipe includes four slices of liver and potatoes along with a can of beans. They seem to do well on just about anything cooked on my stove. Still have not managed to cut up the apples and cook those, however. Going to have to make myself do that little job. It takes patience.


Another weird egg today. Think one of the older hens is about finished with her laying cycle. When they first start laying, the eggs are always small. Then the same thing happens toward the end of their laying life. Oh well. They still eat bugs and keep the grass trimmed.


Honestly have the feeling that the longer the old woman goofs off, the ornerier she gets. Can’t really make myself interested in doing much. Found several plants of khaki weed that need to be dug up with my little digging tool, but we will see if that gets done tomorrow. At least the ground is not quite as hard as it was before the hail/rain storm. Maybe knowing the dogs can get stickers in their feet will persuade me to get this little job done. Sigh


Thinking about this house and how much of a blessing it has been for me and my family. The children grew up with elbow room even if they had to share one bathroom all that time. It makes me laugh to think about my grandparents out on the farm and the little pot under the bed. Know that they were thrilled to finally get indoor plumbing. And we gripe if we have only one bathroom!


Our prayers may be answered to some extent for those in the Ukraine. It seems that Russia has not all the strength of the battle field now. We just need to keep praying for them and hoping that the other countries who have pledged support will actually come through with help.


Let us remember those tonight who suffer from sorrow and pain. Let us be ready with prayer each day and night that we can, at the very least, ask for His help. Let us pray for peace.


You are loved.

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