Grass Again.
It is so terribly dry that any grass cut right now just
stays brown and crispy critter in this heat. Right this moment, it is only 92
on my front porch, but it feels plum warm out from under the AC. Think we can
safely say that summer is here despite the fact that it is only the 11th
of May. The twins and their dad came today and finished mowing the grass below
the carport and driveway. Think it was Ben who mowed between the chicken fence
and the front yard where Hanan put up a rope fence before the other land was
fenced off. It made it clear where our yard was outlined. One of these days,
that little rope fence may come down and make it easier to mow. Funny how
things come to mean something to a person. The fall asters that make such a
pretty background will still be there this fall. Donny Anderson always wanted
me to let him weed eat them! Silly man!
Sent a couple of cartons (18 to a carton) home with
Michelle Malay and Tim. Really am concerned with Michelle’s ability to get
around now. She hurts. Danged RA! So wish these stupid diseases could be
conquered and removed during our lifetimes. So many advances have been made,
but we still see folks all crippled up with this or that kind of problem. Helen
Shalders said that she believes the cornea transplant she has had may be just
fine. Things are a bit blurry, but that may change soon. If everything works
out, the doctor will soon do the other eye. Whatever the name of the condition
is that causes this kind of problem is not something an individual can control.
Some things in our lives can be controlled by diet or abstinence from carbs,
sugars, and that sort of thing. But genetics is not something we can normally
change after we are already born. God has given mankind some ingenious means to
improve life, but some things are just set in stone by whatever came before in
our family line. Thus, my poor daughter is only taller than Grandmother Pollard
was and not as tall as any of the rest of the family. Being short is not like
being blind, but it is still mighty unhandy.
An elderly man came this afternoon and mowed the grass down
by the highway on my side of the road. While he was doing that, “Santa Claus”
(what Hanan called the chunky man) was weed eating around the old Black’s
house. Mr. Black would have been horrified to see his house in such horrible
shape. The roof is slowly but surely peeling off. Some of us put things off
indefinitely, and some of us know better. Yours truly needs to use the clippers
and cut down some Western Soapberry trees that are well over knee high to a giraffe.
They come up in some of the strangest places, but the ones in the fence row do
not get mown down. Sigh
Scrambled some eggs for my dogs this morning and then got
busy and made some sweet potato and pork loin dog food. Have a feeling that
they will enjoy it. At least the smell is good.
Have been thinking about potato salad. That used to be one
of Lewis’ favorite foods. Making it without onions would allow me to share it
with the dogs. Not sure it is possible to make potato salad without cooking
several potatoes. Learning how to cook for two—and then for one—is not the
easiest thing to do. And some foods are just impossible to make by the handful.
Then there is asparagus—one of my favorite veggies. Just opened a can of Great
Value asparagus and went back to the trash can to see what brand it was. Good
grief! Tough! Oh well. Just one can.
Talked to the billing person for the Neurological Associates
of wherever the thunder they bill from. Very nice young woman told me to hang
on and wait until they collected from the insurance folks again. That was the
same thing that Dr. Desire’s billing person said. Such fun—not.
Sylvia just discovered that a bag of Cheetos is open on my
desk. Thompson does not care. Not his bag, ya see.
Patty has to go back to the dentist tomorrow to have a tooth
pulled. It abscessed. Had to go pick up the antibiotics and stuff for her the
other day so that she could take that before he pulls the tooth. Hope he is a good
dentist and knows what he is doing. Her friend Debbie took her to him and will
take her again tomorrow. My friend Connie has to go back to her dentist next
week to start the work for crowns. She also asked me questions about how
Medicare sent a packet or whatever to get that started. Had to remind her that
it has been nearly ten years since this old woman had to do anything about
that. And who knows if they have changed things since then. She did manage to
get her driver’s license renewed despite the fact that the computer program
would not let her do it online. She had to go TO the office and wait for an “appointment.”
Shaking my head here. The office was empty! Oh well. It is only semi-insane in
this world we live in.
Thinking about the folks in my prayers right now: Mariellen
Rose, Jacob the Lion Hearted, Helen Shalders, Michelle Malay, neighbor Patty,
friend Connie, and all those young adults trying to pass their exams this week
in college—including one of my grands. Then there is my brother. He has to go
see his doctor—who is out of town—to get his blood pressure regulated, an upper
respiratory infection cleared up, and a hernia repaired. Lord, please bless
them one and all. Then there are the horrors going on all over our country and
the world. Only God can give us peace. Let us ask Him.
May you all be blessed in these next few days with decent weather—rain
in due season is so terribly needed. May God bless the fire fighters.
Rest my friends, and rejoice in knowing that we are loved.
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