A Really Lazy Day.
Other than a trip to United to pick up a prescription, this
ol’ woman has done diddly squat today. Reading, gathering eggs, feeding the critters,
and thinking about a few things takes all the energy one cares to give in any
particular day. So, even the laundry that was finished today has not been put
away. Oh well.
Noticed that Kay Brough mentioned having an extra hour
tonight so that she could not sleep for one more hour. That does happen, doesn’t
it. If it were not for wanting to be on time for appointments—which are few and
far between—this business of changing the clocks could just fall in the nearest
mud puddle. Not that we have any of those right now. Hours and growing grass—what
a combination. Still need much more rain in our part of the country. The wheat
farmers are fairly happy that their wheat got some moisture, but it certainly
would not bother me to see a few more inches pretty soon. Sitting out on the
deck and watching the rain fall just makes me smile, and gives me a good way to
waste that hour.
Patty said she had to turn the AC back on last night. Yep,
turned my fan on, but not the AC. Threw a little blanket on Thompson since he
has less hair than Sylvia, but he whimpered this morning about four to let me
know his blanket had come off. Ah, night duty with critters. Patty says that
Roxie paws her when she gets cold to be let under the covers. Three or four
pounds of dog is a lot different than a sixty-pound fur ball. Just happy that
Sylvia is content to sleep on the bottom of the bed.
Need to start eating some eggs around here. Giving away
eggs works out pretty well, but only so many people need eggs. Have thought
about beating up six at a time and putting them in Ziplocks in the freezer.
Could make omelets or whatever out of them. Will have to ask Jennifer and Lance
if they would want me to save some for them that way. The pullets and older
hens are all doing well so far, but the turken only lays an egg every once in a
while. Not sure why they are considered good layers. Maybe this bird is just a
little less prolific as a layer.
Had to laugh at my hens doing the “dusting” thing out in
the backyard. They dig holes in the ground and throw the dirt on themselves.
Looks like a dirt bath to me! Guess it makes them happy because they certainly
seem to do quite a bit of it. Have DE around for them to use for dusting, but
they like the dirt instead.
Finished reading Daniel again today. Know that history has
many of the reflections of the prophecies, but they are still beyond my
understanding. Finally decided that God knows what He is doing, so the rest of
the book can sit there for someone else to find their mind boggled over. Just
like the mess in the “news” today about who wants Israel to do what—we can all
take our wishes and demands and part company quietly. Israel will do as it
pleases—much like what God has said. It will be what it will be.
Let us find reasons to be joyful in the Lord. Praise His
name and be grateful for all blessings.
Rest well, my friends. You are loved.
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