Thursday, August 26, 2021

Taking Charge.

 Taking Charge.


When one is told that one will see a doctor for some particular reason, it seems to make sense that the originating office for a consultation would set up some sort of exchange of information and possibly even set up an appointment. Guess not. The doctor’s office had my information, but not any appointment at all. Of course, asking to make an appointment is not that difficult, but it seems it would have taken forever had the request not originated from me. The appointment is in TWO freaking months!! Good thing my pain is not unbearable. But at least taking my sister-in-law to have her cataracts removed won’t get in the way of this appointment. So, there’s that.


Today Patty told me that she is cleaning house one corner at a time. She seemed proud that she got Donny’s table cleaned off. Not sure which table she meant, but if it made her happy, that is all that matters. We discussed “widow’s brain” a little bit. The fog that comes with grief can make one do stupid things. Just ask me. Patty said the only thing she can say she remembers NOT to do is make any big decisions in the first six months. That length of time is not always possible, but perhaps it will work for her. Right now, she is concerned with keeping her place mowed and the rats at bay. Understand.


This morning a trip to the coops resulted in the sighting of one large mouse or small rat—whichever. Then standing on the deck, looked up to see a large rat headed across the electric wire to the rooftop! The dogs saw it, but it was not accessible to them, of course. Not sure how to stop such runs by critters, whether rats or squirrels. But at least the coops do not seem to be overrun by vermin at the moment. Maybe the poison, the pumpkin pie spice, the cinnamon spray, and the glue traps have influenced their traffic. Here’s hoping.


Have a head of cabbage that Lance picked up for me the other day. Think coleslaw sounds excellent for the next few days. An entire head of cabbage is a LOT of cabbage for one person. But it is also good for filling up one’s gut! Nothing like fresh veggies to satisfy the nibbles. Just need to pick up some carrots soon so the humus can be enjoyed. Miss the store that was on the corner of SW Pkwy and Kemp. It was so very handy. Now it is over a mile to Walmart or more to Market Street or United on Jacksboro Hwy. Oh well. Such is life.


Still have not started on the floors today. Yes, being lazy is one of my hobbies. Ahem. But at least no laundry needs to be done or dishes washed. The dogs are happy, and the hens are laying like clockwork. Need to call my friend Maggie and see if she needs some fresh eggs. Barbara wanted some flower seeds, also, so will call or message her as well. Just looked at my contacts on this new phone. Apparently not all of them transferred. Joy. Guess FB messages will have to do.


Dearly beloved, it is unbearably hot outside! Just went out to check for other eggs and found ONE. Can’t fault the hens for not filling up the nests in this weather. Even Thompson does not want to stay outside in the sun.


Got the coleslaw made and included the one apple. Probably would be prettier with one or two carrots grated up in it, but it is pretty good just as it is. Used the blender to grind up the cabbage and apple. Drained the water each time back into the blender so the good stuff was not wasted. Very tasty stuff! Was standing there thinking about salt and my mother-in-law. She once accidentally used salt instead of sugar in a cake she made. It was an embarrassment to her, but not nearly as disastrous as throwing the resultant cake out for her chickens. That was in the morning, and the hens who shared her cake were dead in an hour or so later. Chickens cannot have salt. Go figure. Mammals like horses, cows, goats, and deer can eat salt and even need it, but not fowl.


Sent my hoe—the dullest implement ever purchased—over to see if it could be sharpened. Hoping it makes it home soon. Each time the path to the water faucet is traversed, the khaki weed winks at me. Cruddy stuff! Filled two five-gallon buckets with the stuff recently, but there are probably six more buckets full out there waiting on me to assail it! A sharp hoe and a modicum of energy might do the trick!


Need to get out the zero-turn mower tomorrow and see if it still cuts. Hoping the blades are not ruined. Sterling told me how he lifts his to take the blades down to sharpen them. However, no overhead crane exists on this hill even if the knowledge and tools existed to remove the blades and sharpen them. Some people can make things sound SO simple. It must be nice.


Not especially energetic this afternoon—well, or this morning either. Therefore, not a lot will get done today or maybe even tomorrow. Laziness seems to be sprouting new shoots daily around here. Such is life.


Cari Guidry’s mom just left with a dozen eggs. She brought melons, spaghetti squash, and a good visit. She is a sweet, sweet lady!


You all probably know what the situation has become, not just here in the U.S., but in areas where our soldiers and citizens are in danger. Right now, our prayers need to be focused on escape, return, and safety for those who are trying to leave areas of extreme danger. The folks south of the border are being used as objects of political manipulation and profit for criminals. May they be released from such horrors. May God give us the common sense to turn to Him for answers.


Rest well and be at peace, my friends. You are loved.

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