Monday, August 23, 2021

Another Day, Another Lesson.

 Another Day, Another Lesson.


Lance may regret trying to teach his mother to use an iPhone. It seems she managed to delete her entire contacts list early this morning. She also has not been able to find the phone numbers of those she wants to call—just knowing the phone numbers so they can be transferred to paper might help fill out forms when someone wants to know the person to call in case of emergencies. Not that she can’t CALL the person in question—but finding the silly number may not be all that easy for someone who knows nothing. Maybe saying, “Hey, Siri, what is Jennifer’s phone number?” might work. Or not. Siri has a tendency to tell me she does not know when asked about things. Sigh This, too, shall be an interesting lesson in patience.


Siri just told me that it is about 97 degrees outside right now. And yes, it shows up on the screen, but it was fun to ask and get an answer. Learning things can be serious fun.


Met Connie Cooke at Whataburger for lunch today for her birthday. She turned 64 today. She does not appreciate the fact that Whataburger has discontinued whole wheat buns, and she is not too convinced that the burger has real meat on it. But she liked the fries. She did not fuss about the Dr Pepper either. So there’s that. She reminds me so much of her mom. Can tell you that the salad was excellent with grilled chicken on it. Brought home what was more than a body could eat and added avocado to it. The apple slices were fresh, and the dried cranberries were good, too. Yep, good salad.


Hoping to get my hoe sharpened soon. My old hoe disappeared somewhere, and the new one is about as sharp as yours truly! Hoeing up khaki weeds is next to impossible with a limited amount of energy. Maybe a sharper hoe will help to get more done.


Brought one of the rat traps inside and put it in the little bathroom. Found mouse pills back there! Yuck and stuff! Will have to check it in the morning. Think its entrance is too small for those large rats anyway. May have to get some of the old-fashioned kind that snap and take fingers if one is not careful. We used to have some, but who knows where they went? Will just have to put them on top of the hen coops where the hens can’t get into them. My luck they will catch doves instead of rats. Of course, one of my professors used to say about pigeons that they were just feathered rats. Not a lot of difference between pigeons and doves in my estimation. They certainly eat an enormous amount of feed.


Jennifer had some stuff delivered from Sam’s today. These are protein drinks that include some caffeine. They are called Café Latte. Mighty tasty! About two cups of coffee is my limit, but one of them can be this drink. Yuban is good coffee, but this stuff has both the lift and something that is supposed to be good for the body. Anyway, it is enjoyable. And my girl is so sweet to do things like this for me.


Stopped by the mailboxes on the way back from Whataburger and found that Patty had two boxes, a bag of pills, and some pieces of mail. She seemed happy to get the stuff. One of the boxes was quite heavy. SO glad that the post office will deliver this stuff to the big package boxes! Once in a while when the box is too large for those boxes, the mailman will stop at our houses to drop it off. Mr. Couch is very kind about bringing all the mail at the same time. Not too sure about the other mailman who works the other days. But he does bring the big boxes.


Sylvia practiced her fox hole digging this morning, and then Thompson had to sit in it. They are about too funny for words! She had dirt all over her mouth and face, but they got into a tumble and the dirt went everywhere. Then the hens needed to check out the dirt and hole. Ever seen hens finish digging up a hole? Well, these hens are super-efficient at removing any remaining dirt in a hole. Ah, and now the yard has another hazard to negotiate.

Someone managed to hide the treat jar behind a curtain and had to go get the box of treats out of the office. Now Sylvia is letting me know to “hand” her one. This is called hand feeding, despite the fact that she could reach in there and get the “bones” herself. My dogs are not the least bit spoiled. Thompson just looks at me with that “where’s mine” look.


Did more laundry today. Now it is all folded and put away, too. It included the clothes Lance left in the bathroom after he took a shower after mowing the grass. Was reminded that my daughter-in-law was not impressed with my laundry skills. Not uncommon for my white socks to go in the tub with the jeans and blouses. Whites do better if they are only put in with other whites, of course. Or even if the socks are mixed with towels. Oh well. Jennifer swears that Gary had to teach her how to do laundry after they were married. Probably true.


Forgot to call Dr. Ohman’s office today. Maybe they will call me instead of me having to try to find out when an appointment has been made. That would probably be too much to ask. Will try to write myself a reminder—and then actually read the reminder. Ahem.


Don’t know much tonight. Other than looking at pictures of pretty flowers and things like that on FB, have not been online very much. Honestly don’t think anything happy is going on right now, and the sad stuff is just a bit much. Did see a picture of a woman who grew up with my kids. She really looks good, and she was wearing a nautical themed blouse to go with the decorations in her classroom—fish all over the room! Some of these teachers are such inventive people. They, and the students, need our prayers especially right now. Remember all personnel who deal with the children—including the bus drivers!


Rest and be happy tonight. Let us be grateful for all blessings. You are loved.

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