Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Misplace Naps.

 Misplaced Naps.


Waking up at 4 or 4:30 in the morning is not too conducive to energetic living unless one is an early morning riser for the sole purpose of chasing down earthworms or something of that sort. And personally, the early bird is very welcome to any of those worms. While watching the sun rise is somewhat inspiring occasionally, a regular attendance of that event can be pretty tiring in general. It would suit me immensely to just be able to go to bed at a fairly decent hour and then wake up at six or thereabouts. Earlier rising does not get any more done than later attempts to greet the day. At least, it does not in my estimation or in my experience. A logging camp cook might need to get up early to make forty pounds of biscuits and gravy, but this old woman only makes a couple of cups of coffee sometime after six in the morning. Sleep is such a wonderfully refreshing exercise!  Lying back down around nine in the morning is ok, but that hour or half hour would be so much better earlier in the day. Sigh


Years ago, my sleep patterns were set by my parents’ time schedules. Mom was always up and preparing breakfast by 5:30. She never deviated from that schedule all the years when we were at home. It was only after Dad retired that she started doing things a little bit differently. Then, when her mind began to fail, she went back to the routine she had kept all those years before. Unfortunately, Dad said that she would lie down for about 30 minutes and awake thinking it was time to get up and prepare breakfast. And she did that several times in the night. Not getting enough sleep was one of Dad’s major complaints as he grew older. Now it makes sense why he was so troubled not only by Mom’s rearranged sleeping schedule, but by his own broken patterns. Sleep definitely matters at any age. Our oldest son told me the other day that it feels as if he never gets enough sleep. Sitting here wondering if he might have sleep apnea.


Saw on FB that a friend’s new baby grandchild, her daughter, and her son-in-law all have Covid. It sounds as if she has had it as well. She had a horrible headache for about a week. More than one person has said that headaches may be part of the virus symptoms. Scary! Sitting here wondering how long this mess is going to last. Will just have to pray that we all survive this horrible stuff.


Got a call today from Dr. Kern’s office to tell me that an appointment is on my calendar for early in the morning. It was a surprise to me since they had not called, texted, or emailed this information to me already. Guess we might need classes in mind reading. Anyway, guess he will tell me what he thinks after seeing the results of the CT scan and x-rays. Can already say that PT is not a further possibility for me at this point. Too many people in that little space, not enough masks, and not enough cleaning of things where people handle equipment or chairs. No sense in taking undue risks.


Not sure how much rain we got today, but was pleasantly surprised by the quiet rain earlier. The weather has been pleasant and not even humid. The hens have been out running around the place clucking and cackling happily. Not that many eggs were out there, but at least they sounded happy. And the Copper Marans have stopped being broody! Hooray! They may not start laying right away, but at least they are not ready to fight me away from the nests.


These two spoiled dogs are funny. They KNOW treats are up there in the bucket. They paw the bottom of the bookcase to get my attention. And yes, they get some treats. Just had to tell them “No more treats.” They know what that means, too. Silly critters.


Patty called earlier and told me that she ordered camera lights for her front porch, two air horns (one was for me), rat traps, and a cattle prod. She sat there and laughed about her Amazon shopping history and wondered if anyone would notice. It made me smile and laugh with her. But was able to tell her that Susan’s dogs have not been barking in her back yard, so it may be that Animal Control picked them up at some point. Have not even heard a sound out of the little furry yapper that she keeps down there. Hope the critters are ok. But at least they are not down at Patty’s place scaring her.


Really don’t know much tonight except that part of my prayers this morning included the Christians who are being persecuted all over the world and the women and men who were friends of Americans in Afghanistan. Never have we seen the horrors that have been perpetrated by various nations as we have this year. May God let His son return to rule this earth very soon! And may we be found to have remained faithful.


Rest and ask for His peace. You are loved.



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