Friday, August 13, 2021

A COLD Front?

 A COLD Front?


Wow! According to my phone and the weather app on it, we are going to have several days of temperature UNDER 100 degrees! Is that great or what? And what’s more, there is even a possibility (40%) of some rain. Absolutely will NOT gripe about that! My trees are going to die if they don’t get some real rain pretty soon. It is just impossible to water enough to soak the ground around the smaller trees except for the fig and peach out front. The ones in the side lots are just too far away to haul water. Even getting a hundred foot of hose is not really a great idea since pulling that hose around would be more exercise than a silly old woman really needs right now. Guess the watering will be restricted to giving the hens water and spraying under the deck. Have some irrigation line out in the shed, but yours truly does not really know how to set it up. It was one of those strange things that Jerry brought by thinking it might be needed over here. Oh well.


Amazon got the rat traps here today. Between the pumpkin pie spice and the poison baits, maybe the rat population will be thinned down. At least there were no more signs of their droppings in the trays under the feeders this morning. Who knew that pumpkin pie spice was good for anything else! Patty put her little bags of mint around her carport trying to ward off the nasty critters. Then her door camera rang this morning at 2 a.m. to show her the newspaper person in his strange looking shorts. She truly woke up fully awake! But then she figured out what was going on. Try going back to sleep after that situation!


Patty had printed out some pictures of Donny including one of him holding a fawn that was on the side of the highway. Wonder if the doe might have been hit by a car or something. Have no idea what he did with the fawn, but it was a long time ago since he did not have a beard in the picture. He liked his scary beard. Once he took me and my lawn tractor to Berend Brothers out on Seymour Hwy. The man waiting on me saw him standing back from the counter and said in a rather hostile voice: “Did you need something?” It did not take me but a second to assure the man that Donny was my chauffeur and tractor hauler! But it is easy to see why the man thought that Donny was someone off the street. He wore his hair long and his beard down to his belly! Yep, might not want to meet someone like that on the street.


Looked around a while ago trying to find some bags to put egg cartons in. Have no idea where all the bags have gotten off to. The paper grocery bags are not a biggie, but no one is going to get anything in my Paris or Ketchikan cloth bags. Enjoyed both places and purposely bought enough stuff to collect the bags. Guess yours truly will have to go to Tractor Supply and get some more bags.


Saw online today that Alaska has three separate volcanoes bubbling over in the Aleutians. Not that any one thing is totally unusual, but isn’t it something that this year has been one for volcanoes, forest fires, storms, and assorted disasters! Well, and the creeping crud that seems to be taking folks out left and right. My oldest Dickerson grandchild brought me a book about the yellow fever that hit Philadelphia back in the 1700s. It was pretty frightening, but they have since discovered a cure for that one. Now if they could just help us avoid West Nile viruses. That is just another mosquito caused disease. Yet we need mosquitoes. Isn’t it strange that only the females bite? The males breed and pollinate things. And both male and female provide food for many birds and other insects. Eventually we will figure out how to live with them and avoid the diseases they carry.


Read just enough “news” on AOL to see that even a few high ups in the Biden administration realize that we are losing our southern border. Sooner or later, everyone will realize that it is not possible to allow unfettered entry into our country by the sick, criminal, and otherwise illegal people. It is easy to understand why those from the Central American countries want to come here for better opportunities. Their countries are overrun by mobs and corrupt governments. Where could they possibly go to improve their lives? Yet, we have obviously not improved the lives of those who are truly American citizens if we allow these people to flood our hospitals, use up available resources, and otherwise camp on our streets. We still are not feeding our own citizens—children and homeless especially. This situation is just so sad and seemingly unlikely to be resolved.


Told Connie this morning that we needed to find a way to get a good laugh every day. Google will tell jokes if you ask it to: How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it! Ok, that was just pretty silly. But you get the idea. Used to have a large joke book that was definitely non-PC now. It talked about the dumb blondes and such as that and made either the woman or the man in each joke sound pretty stupid. That is not even funny to me. Oh well. Will find something soon to amuse me. Will have to ask the grands if they know of anything funny—either a movie or a good book. Lance and Reece are always coming up with silly stuff that makes me laugh. Their specialty is funny pictures.


Speaking of funny pictures: my sister-in-law sent me a picture of her and her grandson Nanden. They were “cone heads.” They were each wearing half of a giant Easter egg, so Anne said that they were cone heads. Pretty cute. Her grands will be here a few days, and it is debatable whether it will be Anne or her dog Snoop who will mourn the most when they leave. Anne says that both she and the boys cry when they have to leave. Because she has Snoop, she can’t go visit them in CO. They don’t allow dogs in their condo. And she can’t leave Snoop by himself. He might not get along with my dogs now. If it were just Thompson, it might not be a problem, but Sylvia would probably eat him up. Anne could not feel good about taking a trip up there if Snoop were not happy, too.


We really are strange folks who love our critters so much. But they love us right back and sometimes much more than anyone else could love us. They are not judgmental the way people are. Anyway, while my dogs don’t always mind me, they know that they are loved.


Let’s all appreciate the weekend coming up—even if weekends are not your favorite time. Just looking forward to cloud cover makes me happy no matter which day of the week it might be. So, rest well and be happy with whatever you find to please you. You are loved.

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