Saturday, August 21, 2021

A Happy Day!

 A Happy Day!


Lance came up today and spent the better part of the day with me. Such fun! Worked his little hind legs off, too! He mowed, he shopped, he taught me how to use a new phone, and he hauled stuff back down to his house and to work. Both dogs got a bunch of unexpected attention as well. They were so happy to see him that they carried on out back until they could greet him inside the house. They MIGHT think that they have had a back scratch or two, but it would not stop them from asking for more.


After cleaning out all three coops and hoeing up a bunch of khaki weeds, my back was telling me all about it. So, Lance cooked our scrambled eggs for breakfast. The bacon was already prepared—did that while he was shopping at Walmart. It seems my new microwave does a lovely job of getting bacon quite crispy. Quite enjoyable. Crisp bacon and freshly laid eggs scrambled in butter—can’t beat that with a stick!


It is going to take a bit to learn how to use the new phone. It is about opposite to the old phone—the difference between an iPhone and an Android. Anyway, will practice when my patience is not already about run out for the day—or my energy level is a little higher. It has really been a hot day—well, especially humid, anyway. Walk outside and feel as if a sponge surrounds one’s body.


Lance unloaded chicken feed and dog food so all the heavy stuff is pretty well done for the time being. He called me from WallyWorld to find out what size bag of frozen chicken to get—the 3, the 5, or the 10-pound bag. My list had said a large bag. How a really big bag looks might surprise you! Told him to get the 10 pounds. Won’t be running out of chicken for a L O N G time! Oh well. And then he peeled an orange for me! Probably should have let him peel the other two oranges as well. Sigh


Think another tiny nap may be called for here shortly. Had lain down earlier for less than 30 minutes, but it helped. Just can’t quite get my back to stop aching. Gripe, moan, groan, and carry on! The dogs won’t mind as long as they don’t have to get up to let me share their couch—not likely! They take up the entire couch all stretched out from end to end!


Lance found a snap rat trap that might help out in the hen house. The package has two traps. When the rat is caught, one throws the trap including the rat in the trash. Kinda makes me feel wasteful or something. But the idea of not having to touch the rat makes me feel better about that.


Had pickles on my grocery list, and somehow pickled okra got in the basket and came home with Lance. We had pickled okra with our breakfast, too. He would not take the rest of the jar home with him, but he DID get to take a bucket of cut up okra home to be fried up at his house. Good stuff, Maynard! [Doby Gillis would be proud of us!]


My son makes me happy. He reminds me so much of his daddy. He even had a Lewis Dickerson walleyed fit today when he hit a brick with the mower. If you have never seen a walleyed fit, remind me to ask him to show you. Giggling


Have dishes to wash and then need to go check to see if the hens have been working in this heat. Have the gates locked and everything put away out back, so only things inside the house will really need any attention this evening. The hens have clean water, clean coops, and lots of good feed. Can’t supply grasshoppers or other bugs, but tomorrow is another day. Now to see about the next load of laundry!!! [Things never cease to get dirty!]


Let us pray for the peace that only God can give. May He strengthen our faith. Rest well, and find time to be grateful. You are loved.

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