Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mysteries of Mail.

 Mysteries of Mail!


So, Patty has no idea what the box number is for her mail box. Maybe 15. Or not. Guess who will try the key until the correct box lock fits the key. Umm. Such fun. If the people at the Post Office would ever answer the phone over on Bridge Creek, it might not be that big of a deal. Or if Mr. Couch came by so he could be asked—he is our mailman. But tomorrow will start out with getting her car inspected for her, then we will see if she wants the registration done at Market Street or if she just needs the car inspected. She may not have even thought about the rest of the things that need to be done since Donny always did those things and so much more.


The boys just left after mowing the grass for me. They were going to put the four sacks of feed in the bins, but it was not too difficult for me to slide one at a time in the little trailer and then dip out enough feed until it was easy to pick up the sack and dump it. Now there is enough feed in the bins to last more than a couple of weeks.


Cancelled the PT appointment this morning. Woke up snorting and hacking. Think something is in the air besides grass and the normal stuff. My eyes are burning enough that it might be tree stuff, but not sure what kind of pollen would be out there right now. Oh well. Maybe some more rain soon might clean the air again.


Put the Cuckoo Maran in the dog pool and will see if she ended up back in the little chicken coop before closing up the pens. The black Maran got her regular dunking in the pool, and she sat there again as if it felt good. Silly hen. Anyway, will be so glad when they stop being broody. They peck my hands when the eggs are checked. Tacky hens!


Got a package from Amazon the other day that was beat all to heck. One handle was broken on a bacon cooking tray, but it can be used anyway. It just irritates me to have the postman deliver something that is already broken in a box that obviously is beat all to heck. It is not like sending the package back is an option when the box is torn up. Not sure just how that is supposed to be done anyway. And it probably would not do any good to complain—if anyone might even find someone to listen. Oh well.


Just put the hens up and had to drag a broody hen from the little hen house and two from the metal coop. Honestly! Broody attitude apparently spreads.


Watched some more Murdoch Mysteries. It is a good series for binging. So much is interesting about the history of that time. Today’s episode included the investments of the government in dirigible travel and possibilities for warfare. It is sad that everything the government developed began as a type of weaponized discovery. Probably still true.


Made some patty pan squash with onions today for lunch. Excellent meal! Cari Guidry’s mom brought the veggies to me along with some empty egg cartons. The internet provided the ideas about how to prepare the squash. Seems like Mom did the same thing with patty pans as she did with yellow squash, but no flour used on these turned out just fine. In fact, liked them better without any flour.


Tired dogs over there on the couch tonight. Think it will be easy to go to bed and sleep all night until time to let the hens out again. This morning included doing laundry since the sheets and the spread on the bottom of the bed needed to be washed. The dogs don’t seem to be that dirty, but they certainly leave behind a certain amount of dirt and hair on that spread. Now if they would only STAY on the bottom of the bed instead of wallowing all over it or getting into a wrestling match after we lie down! Ever tried to relax in the middle of a play fight with two fifty-pound dogs? Such fun.


The weather may get warmer in the next few days, but it has been very comfortable and clear for the most part lately. The birds—including a huge hawk out on Patty’s light pole—have been very active and talkative. Think the doves on this hill are the best fed in the county! But they are also funny to watch. The mallard hen keeps coming back for corn, so is it any surprise that the doves are there waiting for a handout each morning?


Our world is a mess, and we are all aware of it. Not much can be done by individuals except to do our best to give love and kindnesses to those who we can help. Let us do our best to be what God intends us to be: His children. Rest and be happy, my friends. You are loved.

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