Sunday, August 15, 2021

Egg-cellent Weather!

 Egg-cellent Weather!


Some of us really appreciate cooler weather. Not all of us lay eggs, but some of us certainly enjoy gathering the fruits of fowl efforts. Today Cari Guidry’s mom came and took home a couple of dozen eggs. She left behind a couple of small watermelons, some okra, and a cucumber or two. If she brings empty egg cartons next time she comes, she will undoubtedly find more eggs waiting for her. Yours truly simply does not want to buy more egg cartons. It is silly to find their expense so irritating, but such is life.


Thompson just insisted that he needed a treat. Sylvia wholeheartedly agreed. But they are just a teensy bit picky. The dental chews are not their favorite at all. But the “kabobs” with jerky wrapped around them get classified right up there with eating something from my plate. But these things are much more expensive than cooked broccoli and cauliflower! Oh well. Guess some beef liver is going to have to be ordered from Bill Brown’s Beef. It just occurred to me that some sliced pork loin was in the top of the freezer. Hmm. It’s been there awhile, too. Sounds like a good treat for a dog to me!


Cleaned out the dog’s pool today. This time it watered the two apricot trees, but next time it will water the plum and the two cherry trees. Tomorrow it will have to have some “dunk” chips put in to keep the mosquitoes from breeding in the water. The little pieces won’t hurt the dogs or the hens either one. Do need to remember to put something in there for the toads, small birds, and any other small creature to use in order to keep from drowning. Love the toads! But the silly critters have a tendency to jump at flying things over the water!


Now that two Cuckoo Marans are gone, only one black (copper) Maran is cooped up away from nesting material. Cleaned out the little chicken house in order to have a place to protect her and still isolate her from the nests. Three or four hens would have been too many for that little coop if they are feeling broody. They get really grumpy with each other and anything else that comes between them and a nesting box. Maybe it won’t take long for this one hen to change her attitude.


Cleaned blanket/spreads today and still have not folded and put them away. Honestly prefer to put the spreads on the couch over the cover bought for it recently, but should probably just let the dogs enjoy the tan cover. Then there are the ones that cover my bed. Light blue has to be washed twice as often as the dark blue even though they both probably attract the same amount of dirt! Just dust mopping the floors tells me that doggie feet carry about twice as much dirt as my shoes!


Today Patty called me about two big dogs that were outside her back door. She is afraid of so many things, but has no idea what to do about stray dogs. Kinda think these dogs belong to Susan Priddy, but they get out fairly often anyway. Not really sure what is wrong with one of the dogs, but it has either lost hair from scratching or has the mange. Either way, the dogs need to be in their own yard. Patty was talking about getting a cattle prod. Personally, getting that close to something a person is afraid of sounds unreasonable. Maybe she will call the animal control office next time. They don’t work on Sunday. But then, Donny has a cousin across the lake that could come on a weekend to help her with something like this. Yours truly does not mess with stray dogs. Have no desire to confront something that might chew on me! Roger Thonton’s wife Susan got bitten recently while she was trying to mow grass. She ended up at the emergency room! Not funny at all!


It seemed to me that cooler weather would reduce the pollen count a bit, but such does not seem to be the case. My eyes are burning just as if the grass had been freshly cut. Argh! Connie said that she was having the same problems with allergies this morning. Wonder what life would be like without headaches and sneezes.


Downloaded some more books to my Kindle. A couple of them sounded as if they might be funny. Had started to read about Anne Frank, but just can’t make myself do that right now. It needs to be funny or interesting and not sad at the moment.


Was telling Connie this morning about the “shopper” at Market Street substituting baby bubble bath for baby shampoo. She said that such substitutions had happened to her as well. It would be funny, but have no idea why anyone would buy bubble bath instead of shampoo. Oh well.


Other than dog and hen news, not much is happening around here. Woke up at an unreasonable hour this morning and then lay back down about 8 and fell asleep so soundly that the pillow left marks on my face. And both dogs must have been just as sleepy because they did not wake me up. Only the hens stayed up. By the time we went back out there, they were griping about having not received any scratch. Poor mistreated hens!


Ah, just defrosted some frozen meat that turned out to be liver. The dogs are waiting impatiently for it to cool off. One would think labeling the Ziplock bags would be a priority for doofless old women who can’t remember what they put in the freezer. But NO! Ah, but surprises are such fun—sometimes. There is the time a bag of milk was mistaken for a bag of turnips. Great big smile.


May you all find time to enjoy whatever is outside of the houses and apartments or wherever you may live. Breathe this air of freedom and smile with gratitude for life itself. We are so very blessed.


Rest and be happy, my friends. You are loved.



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