Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Doggies Smells.

 Doggie Smells.


Just returned from Patty’s house and had to let the dogs sniff me up one side and down the other! Her two dogs have to do that to me whenever they smell my dogs, as well. It is similar to calling cards, maybe. Or not. At least they aren’t like cats and have to spray someone to leave their scent! But her dogs bark enough every time someone comes to the door that no one could miss being aware of any strangers—or even neighbors.


Got two coops cleaned this morning early, but that was about all the energy that showed up for any work around here. Easy enough work, just taking the little cart inside and scraping the droppings off into it and then dumping it in the place where the sunflowers grew this spring. Turned the water hose on out front and forgot about it again. Sigh But then cleaned the two water bowls and one gravity water bowl out back. Wondering if these silly hens have any idea how spoiled they are. But then, BillyeRuth does the same kind of things for her hens. So, mine are not the only spoiled hens. And from the pictures, it seems that Michelle DeMers not only spoils hers, but has a Western themed village for them instead of plain chicken coops! Wonder if anyone else gets as exasperated with broody hens, however. Think Nikki Smith told her boys not to let any of her hens set eggs this year. It does tend to increase the size of the flock when baby chicks grow up! My silly hens just want to sit on the eggs—nevermind that they could never hatch! Oh well. That sitting business tends to reduce the number of eggs produced. Feed those hens and watch them squat in the nests! Argh!


Still watching Murdoch Mysteries. Not a bad series at all. Mysteries are nearly always good, but these are not the least bit scary and have an interesting take on how the science developed in detective work. Kinda neat!


Went down to Patty’s to see the flowers she received. Beautiful orchids in shades of pale vanilla and a sort of burgundy color were in the vase. It reminded me of the year that Jennifer sent her daddy flowers for Father’s Day. It was the first—and only—time he ever got flowers. And they were in a Ford pickup truck vase type thing. He was so happy with his flowers, the little blue truck, and his daughter for thinking of him. SO glad she did that for him. We never know what one thing we may do for someone that will make a difference.


Thinking about that, still have not contacted Rachelle Pollard to see if Jacob got the little package sent to him at the hospital. Will have to get that done so that Sharon and her friends can know about it. She also sent him a package to their new address on the new farm. Hope he got it.


Just talked to my oldest grandson. He likes his new job even if he does have to be there at 8 o’clock in the morning. Sounds no different than school to me. But it has been a while since my kids have had to make 8 a.m. classes. However, think Lance’s oldest has to go to evening classes this semester in Denton. Bleah. Would hate that drive. Say what you want to about online classes, but they beat driving—well, for the most part. If a professor is difficult to understand, it is an entirely different story.


My front flower bed desperately needs some attention. Crab grass! That is not nearly as bad as khaki weeds, but yours truly does not get down and pull weeds very well any longer. Will have to go over to Sutherlands and get another sack of sulfur to put on the entire bed and use my little kneeling thing with handles for getting up and down. No bending and no chiggers! Maybe the grass won’t be too hard to get out. If it is, guess leaving the water running will work as that seems to be my specialty!


If a person ever wanted their entire life revealed to the entire world, just let that person enter politics. And the more disgusting elements of one’s life will be paraded all over the “news.” Honestly! Girls/Ladies, don’t marry anyone with excessive amounts of money, fame, or political aspirations. Mud sticks and slime stinks. That should make the pig pen known as Capitol Hill the best place to gather fertilizer! Oh well.


My daughter discovered she had forgotten to put the towels in the dryer this morning and had to rewash the towels. So, Grayson put them in the dryer for her. Tuesdays are hard days of the week for her. Can’t imagine how she takes care of work, house, family, laundry, and whatever comes up in their lives. My life was simple by comparison. Each generation seems to gather more stressors as things become more “advanced.” Simplicity was economical in my life with children. Meals, play time, homework, baths, stories, and bedtimes. Those were the hard decisions. Even raising teenagers was simpler at one time. No multiple vehicles, no cell phones, not a lot of TV shows, not a lot of different foods except for what was cooked right here at home! Yep, life was definitely simpler.


Guess we can all be thankful that God doesn’t bother with the foolishness of our ideas and just loves His children. Eventually we will be able to understand more of what matters in His creation. Meanwhile, we have the job of being kind to others, loving to our critters and families, and helpful to those we are able to help. Let us be grateful for those abilities.


Rest and be happy, my friends. You are loved.

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