Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Using MSWord.

 Using MSWord.


Seems like a person should not be getting more forgetful as age creeps up on us, but sometimes not using something very often makes it feel as if a program or whatever is just as new as the first time it was opened. That is about how it feels today. Thought about asking someone to send me a copy of some legal papers she had received so that it could be saved in a way that they could be edited. Then it dawned on me that my computer and the particular version of MSWord that is on this thing automatically asks if the document should be open to editing. Well, duh. Not everyone has the same up-to-date program. Have seen what happens when a person tries to use an older version of Word in a newer layout. Not so great. Oh well. What she had to do was print out the documents and go from there.


Talked to Sterling a bit ago and asked how things were going. He is still broken out all over so he has trouble wearing a shirt and then was dumb enough to go out and mow the danged Bermuda grass in his yard. He is VERY allergic to Bermuda grass. So, he had to get all the grass out of his hair and off his body. At least he was not wearing a shirt that would have to be thrown in the trash. That stuff is just like fiberglass—sticks to everything.


Hope you will say hey to my sister-in-law Jacqui. Will be sending her an invitation to read this mess after getting this typed up tonight. Sat outside to talk to Sterling and told him how wonderful it felt not to feel half-baked tonight. He reminded me that anyone seeing him outside without his shirt on would always know that he was “on the level” because the “bubble” was in the middle—Little Debbie cakes, ya know!


Let my phone get down to the red line last night before thinking to plug it into the charger. Duh. Honestly can’t remember shtuff worth a darned. Seems like my days start with all kinds of good intentions and just go south from there if the least little thing disrupts my routine. Today Patty called to tell me that she had changed the date for taking Rudy to the vet. Just told her she would have to call me that morning and remind me to come get him. It doesn’t take much for me to get time and dates messed up. Oh well.


Michelle Malay came for a nice visit today. Love that lady! She has a puppy named Henry that is going to be a BIG dog—Bloodhound. Sent home an entire basket of toys for him to chew on since mine have semi-outgrown them. Two of them make noise, too! In the background, when she called to let me know she got home ok, could hear the hounds fussing. Henry does NOT share his toys, thank you very much! Can’t imagine having a floor full of Bloodhounds! Stepping over these two dogs is about all a person can handle, but when the floor is totally COVERED in dogs! At least there are a couple of spaces between these two of mine.


Praying for rain tonight. Feel so sorry for the folks in Florida, but you can bet it will take another couple of hurricanes before our part of Texas will even get a good rain. Don’t know why these things work out that someone has to get hit bad before anyone else can take a deep breath and get a bit of rain. But at least a few clouds are back in the north of us tonight. May God bless those in the storm’s path in Florida and the East Coast, and may we get the rain we so desperately need.


Be grateful tonight for all the many blessings that God has given us. May we each be a blessing to others that God may look on His children and smile.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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