Wednesday, August 23, 2023




My neighbor just left with his screw driver and a suggestion for my house. He thinks that insulation blown into the attic would make a huge difference in the heat and cooling departments. Hanan used to want me to let him rent some kind of machine and blow the stuff up there, but it always made me remember all that stuff in the air when the tornado hit back in ’79. Silly ol’ woman worries about fiberglass when the ceilings are between me and that stuff. Clint also said that a white roof would reflect the heat better than the dark colors. Well, that is pretty much already a fact since it is a new roof anyway. Not like that is going to be changed in the next ten or fifteen years! So, have any of you ever used one of those machines where you pour in the stuff and blow it into the attic? It may be that the guys who do the lawns around here will soon be insulation appliers for my house and Patty’s as well!


Patty was attempting to get the wild birds to stay away from her car and came up with two or three things that seem to have worked so far: a plastic owl whose head bobbles, some stiff twisted silver things that move in the wind, and some silver tape. She has plenty of tape left, so this is going to be the next experiment around here to keep the wild birds out of the feed bins. Doubt that will work on the water bowls, but it might. Poor birds are just not really getting any sympathy from the old woman!


Vacuumed the living room, hall, and office earlier and moved the dog bed to an area between my desk and the sewing table. Thompson is not thrilled with the idea of HALF of his bed being folded up. It really needs to be taken apart and washed and then restuffed. But so MANY things need to be done like that. Thought maybe the truck would get inspected today, but somehow that did not happen either. Sigh. Guess maybe a list that can be checked off might help—probably would end up checking off the list with a great big slash or tossing it instead! Attitude!


Made some instant mashed potatoes and some brown gravy, but was not paying attention and put the gravy mix into the larger bowl, so now my potatoes are brown. Still tastes good, so no loss there. Even so, it makes me realize why it is a good thing that no one depends on my cooking these days! Ditzy ol’ woman!


Do you know that if you are busy being grateful that it is really hard to be depressed? Even the tough things that happen to us can have a brighter outcome than we might think, so it never hurts to look for the possible good in a situation. Not many of us ever had the problems Job had, but he was smart enough and faithful enough to never blame God. My own problems are almost nearly always my own fault. Can’t do much about drought and extreme weather, but at least stuff like that makes me appreciate it when comparing it to the bad winter we had. Still would rather have this heat as opposed to being trapped inside with ice and extreme cold. And we always still must remember that God loves us no matter how doofless we might be.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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