Saturday, August 19, 2023




Just a wee bit of headache and feeling rather bleah, so short and gripey tonight. No, Jo Ann, the old woman should have taken you up on your offer of help to put that mess together. Sitting on a cushion on the floor has not done wonders for an old, grumpy woman. Think two pieces of the furniture will be easy to assemble, but just not feeling like getting that up close and personal with the floor today. Maybe tomorrow.


Got another pullet egg today! Amazed that any would already be laying this soon. May have oceans of eggs within another month, but right now just grin every time one appears in the nest.


Gave Thompson a bath with the vet-approved oatmeal type shampoo. But he goes over to the trough and just climbs in and soaks rather often. Kinda hard to keep the dead grass out of the house at this point. Sigh. Gotta love ‘em.


Praying for rain for this dried up land out there. Sad to see everything so brown. Trees dying for lack of water or from grasshopper destruction. Wonder if folks would want to hire out these ravenous chickens for such work? If they would just mind and stay where the insects are, it might work out just fine. Towns hire goats out to eat down the brush, after all. Insect control via hen makes sense to me—naturally! HA!


May you all find happiness in the little things that are truly blessings from God. Jennifer found a couple of new birds in her tree out front and the delight was in her voice. Such things may be small, but life is made from such wonders!


Let your prayers be lifted up each day with gratitude. The best defense against depression is going outside, cleaning up something that looks messy, or cleaning up a drawer in a desk that might be a bit cluttered, accomplishing some small thing each day that makes it obvious that you care about life. God knows our hearts.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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